When Hu Liena moved her eyes from Bibi Dong to the distant mountains, her exquisite and delicate body trembled.



For a moment, the soul masters who had not yet entered the portal of the secret realm looked in shock at the shadow of the dragon flickering in the distant mountains.

Amidst the turbulent situation, a giant blue dragon stirred up the boundless situation and came towards the secret realm at high speed.At first it was a small cyan shadow, and in a short while it was a huge cyan dragon. On the back of the cyan dragon, there were two figures standing. Because they were too far away, everyone could not clearly see the two figures on the dragon's back. appearance.

When they got closer, everyone could see clearly the appearance of the two people on the dragon's back.

He has a handsome face, whether it is a slender and straight body or a handsome face, he is so perfect. He is carrying a huge sword, and his ice blue and red pupils are intertwined with a faint golden light. The young man who walked out of it was like a god, with a restrained and startled aura, and an endless brilliance.

As soon as he appeared, he filled everyone's pupils, making people infinitely dreamy.

And behind the boy, there is a woman wearing a simple black mask. Because of her complexion, everyone can't see her real appearance, but everyone is absolutely sure that it is a woman of outstanding beauty. Cool and cold, under the strong black outfit is a nearly perfect hot body, and the thick black hair is scattered behind, moving with the wind.

The appearance of the two completely shocked everyone in place.

"It turned out to be a martial spirit?!"

Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes were full of shock, her first reaction was that the blue dragon was an extremely rare top-level dragon-type soul beast, but she didn't expect it to be a soul beast!

"Who is he?"

Hu Liena whispered at the corner of her mouth, she always felt that the girl behind the boy looked a bit like Zhu Zhuqing, but as for the boy, she only felt a little familiar.

Shui Bing'er, Huo Wu, and the others in front of the Dragon Nest secret realm portal also froze in place, completely forgetting that they were going to enter the secret realm portal next. They also felt that the two figures were somewhat familiar, but they couldn't tell which two person's true identity.

Yun Feiyang, who was standing on the back of Sky Dragon, looked at Bibi Dong and Hu Liena behind her indifferently, not at all afraid of being discovered by the other party.The experience in Sunset Forest had changed his appearance and body a lot, even Zhu Qing who was with him day and night didn't recognize him, let alone people like Bibi Dong.

As for the sword behind him, it was one of his rewards for completing the super task of Sunset Forest. According to the introduction of the system, this sword is called Da Luo Sword, and its power is unparalleled. It is a product of ancient times, and its true origin is mysterious. It is said that the Great Luo Sword has witnessed countless prosperity and defeat, and now it has come into his hands because of the system.

The Great Luo Sword is a thick and long epee. The epee has no front. There are only a few strange lines on the sword from the hilt to the tip, and there is a mysterious halo faintly exuding.

In addition to the big Luo sword rewarded by the system, since he completed the task of the two dragon kings among the nine sons of the Dragon God, the system also rewarded him with a colorful dragon scale and a chance to simulate a martial soul. According to the system prompt, It is also a dragon scale that has existed for endless years, with many weirdness and mystery. The system once reminded that the dragon scale with colorful halos is the ancestor dragon's reverse scale, which can exert great power under certain conditions.This can be regarded as a life-saving trump card for him now.

He doesn't know exactly how terrifying the ancestral dragon Nilin is, but as the ancestor of the dragon clan, Nilin must be amazing!Think about the former Dragon God, and then think about the Silver Dragon King sleeping under the Star Dou Forest, you will know.The peak strength of the Silver Dragon King is comparable to the existence of a god king. Even if he is injured now, he is at least above the demigod level, which is extremely terrifying.

Chapter 215 Big Huyou Bibidong 【Subscription】

He doesn't know exactly how terrifying the ancestral dragon Nilin is, but as the ancestor of the dragon clan, Nilin must be amazing!Think about the former Dragon God, and then think about the Silver Dragon King sleeping under the Star Dou Forest, you will know.

The peak strength of the Silver Dragon King is comparable to the existence of a god king. Even if he is injured now, his strength is at least above the demigod level!Although this is just a piece of the Dragon Clan's reverse scale, it should be possible to block the Super Douluo's several attacks.

Yun Feiyang put away the Sky Dragon Martial Soul, leaned over and held Zhu Zhuqing's jade finger and slowly landed, the wind fluttered the girl's hair, her clothes fluttered like a fairy, the young man's calm and composed aura was terrifying, the two seemed like Facing the dust like a god, proudly surpassing the world.

"I don't know who is coming?"

These words came from the cliff, and the clear female voice was like raindrops falling on the green lotus leaves. It was melodious and soothing, and there was a taste of trial or temptation in the words, and the slight indifference gave people a sense of detachment.

It could be heard that this was Pope Bibi Dong of the Spirit Hall asking.

Yun Feiyang slowly raised his head, his eyes shifted from Hu Liena to Bibi Dong, the red and ice blue intertwined light golden pupils of the stars shone brightly,

"We come from the boundless ocean, and we are here to explore the secret realm of the Dragon Nest at the order of the island owner. We must be crowned as the current Pope of the Wuhun Palace, Bibidong, right?"

Long before he came, he had already figured out the words. The sea is vast, and the mainlanders have no idea how many powerful forces exist in the ocean. So far, only a few people know that there is a superpower like Sea God Island in the ocean. As for the rest of the ocean forces, the mainland People are almost unheard of.

Therefore, he invented a sea force, and he was not afraid of anyone to investigate. After he absorbed the soul bone and soul ring of the Water Dragon King, he had a certain perception of the water element and ice element, and he didn't need to be afraid of being exposed.

Bibi Dong frowned, the other party actually came from the boundless ocean force?

She naturally knows the vastness of the ocean. Qian Daoliu, the founder of the Wuhun Temple, once went overseas with Tang Chen of the Haotian School. Both were defeated in Sea God Island, and finally returned with injuries.But the ocean is boundless, who can say how many top forces exist in the ocean?

"I have heard that there is Sea God Island in the depths of the ocean, but I don't know that there are other island forces. Could you tell me the name of the island owner?"

Bibi Dong asked suspiciously, the forces in the depths of the ocean are unfathomable, she should be more cautious.She was just a little puzzled, what kind of secret was buried in this Dragon's Nest Secret Realm, even the forces from the depths of the sea came!

"Sea God Island is located in the deep-sea restricted zone in the east. Its owner Bo Saixi claims to be invincible in the sea. Even His Majesty Qian Daoliu, the founder of the noble palace, and Tang Chen of Haotianzong were defeated by him. His strength is directly under the starry sky. First, but in the restricted area of ​​the endless sea area, there is an unrivaled powerhouse who can rival him, and that is the ancient island master of Sky Island who is in the restricted area of ​​the extreme south deep sea!"

Yun Feiyang is talking nonsense and pulling tiger skins. Anyway, the mainlanders don't know the authenticity of what he said. As for Sky Island, it means Sky Dragon. Under the surname of Gu Yuena.

Hearing this, everyone present froze in place, especially those soul masters who didn't know about Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen's trip to Sea God Island, they froze in place for a while.In the restricted area of ​​the eastern sea, there actually exists such a super power as Sea God Island, and the strength of its island owner is even the number one under the starry sky!

Even the legendary two people on the mainland are not rivals!

But now, this boy said that he came from the restricted area of ​​the extreme south deep sea, and that he was from Sky Island. This is simply unheard of!

Bibi Dong's beautiful pupils shrank, and she stared at Yun Feiyang firmly, trying to get some clues from him.

Seeing that Bibi Dong didn't ask any more questions, Yun Feiyang knew that he was bluffing her. Only a very few people knew the name of Poseidon on Sea God Island. Can't make out anything either.

"The ancient island master once arrived at Sea God Island, had a good relationship with senior Bo Saixi, and also traveled to the mainland. It was once said that Bibi Dong, the current master of the Wuhun Palace, is extremely talented, and in the future he can ascend to the legendary realm!"

Yun Feiyang held Zhu Zhuqing's hand and moved forward slowly, his whole person's aura was incomparably majestic, as if there was a dragon's chant vibrating in a trance, and there was a sound of Zheng,

"Now the island owner feels that the supreme secret realm is about to open in the northern part of the mainland, and he specially ordered the juniors to come here, but he doesn't want to have the honor to pay his respects here..."

He had already practiced these words several times in his heart, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was familiar with them, but at the moment when he said them, his face did not blush and his heart beat, and it even gave people a feeling of no doubt.

Bibi Dong's tender body trembled, and her mind couldn't help being shaken. There was an unrivaled powerhouse who once observed her, but she didn't know it!

"I once intersected with Poseidon, the sea god island, and felt the supreme secret place in the north of the mainland..."


Bibi Dong murmured softly, she naturally couldn't believe this side of the story, she could only listen to six points of these words, as for the other four points, it needs to be verified.It may be true that he once had acquaintance with Poseidon on the Sea God Island, but it is a bit mysterious that he feels something when the secret realm of the Dragon Nest in the north is opened.

Even so, she couldn't tell if the words were false.

Yun Feiyang's gaze seemed to be fixed on Bibi Dong's face, but in fact it traveled all over her body, and he was amazed by it.

A goddess-level pope who possesses extraordinary means and strength, it is hard for people not to pay attention to her.

After a while, Yun Feiyang looked away, and led the somewhat dazed Zhu Zhuqing towards the door of the Dragon Nest Secret Realm.

There is no way, in order to cover up his and Zhuqing's identities, he can only fool these people like this. Now that they are almost fooled, they should go in. Relatively speaking, the Dragon Nest Secret Realm is safer for them now.

After hearing Yun Feiyang's words, many teams that have not yet entered the secret realm's portal were overwhelmed with emotion. They even sent people from the supreme powerhouse. There must be many precious treasures in the dragon's nest secret realm. It seems that they must gain something from this trip !

"Nana, you should go in too..."

Bibi Dong turned her body and said softly.

Looking at the two figures who entered the portal of the secret realm, Bibi Dong always felt a little familiar, especially the girl with the mask, that figure was really like the girl following that boy...

"How come it looks like this?"

Bibi Dong murmured, the more she looked at Zhu Zhuqing, the more she felt like him, but when she set her eyes on the young man, there was a trace of doubt in her eyes.

Hu Liena and the others also began to prepare to enter the portal of the secret realm and did not stay any longer.

Immediately afterwards, all the soul masters who wanted to enter the secret realm filed in, for fear that the treasure inside would be picked up by someone.

The portal of the secret realm seems to be a random portal. After Yun Feiyang and Zhu Zhuqing stepped into the portal, they were randomly teleported to a seemingly barren area, where the mountains are undulating, the jungle is dense and lush, and the sky is as blue as it has been scrubbed. Hanging high in the sky, everything in this world feels unreal.

Chapter 216 Strange Immortal Medicine 【Subscription】

The portal of the secret realm seems to be a random portal. After Yun Feiyang and Zhu Zhuqing stepped into the portal, they were randomly teleported to a seemingly barren area, where the mountains are undulating, the jungle is dense and lush, and the sky is as blue as it has been scrubbed. Hanging high in the sky, everything in this world feels unreal.

"Could it be that this is a small world that has been opened up? Or did something unknown happen here and it became like this?"

The origin of the Slaughter City is because of God Shura. Could it be that this Dragon Nest Secret Realm is because of the most powerful dragon clan?

After a simple guess, Yun Feiyang took Zhu Zhuqing to swim around.

Of course, they will not wander around aimlessly, but find a peak to confirm the nearby terrain, and casually determine the direction of the next move.This place is extremely desolate, and it looks like the edge of the secret realm, and the good things must be in the central area of ​​the secret realm.

"Wait, there seems to be a soul beast there!"

Zhu Zhuqing tugged at the corner of Yun Feiyang's clothes, pointed at the distant jungle with his pale fingers, and said worriedly.

The soul masters who can enter the secret realm can only be soul masters below the seventieth level, while the soul beasts that can enter the secret realm are less than 10 years old. Regardless of the age limit, some rare soul beasts that are 10 years old can rival 10-year-old soul beasts. Ordinary [-]-year-old soul beasts are even scarier than ordinary [-]-year-old soul beasts!

Now that the Dragon Nest Secret Realm is open, many forces from the mainland have arrived, and there must be many soul beasts coming from the Soul Beast Realm, especially the extreme northern lands close to the secret realm and the 10-year-old soul beasts in the ice sea. .

Although Yun Feiyang has 24 million-year soul skills, he does not have enough soul power to support him, and he thinks that he does not have the confidence to challenge those soul beasts whose strength is comparable to 10-year soul beasts.Of course, it is still safe to escape from these 10-year-old soul beasts.

Therefore, they also have to be careful when encountering soul beasts. If they encounter a top-level soul beast that is more than 5 years old, they will be playing big.

Yun Feiyang looked in the direction Zhu Zhuqing was pointing at, and just saw an ice bear two or three meters tall looking towards them. Its hair was white, thick and flowing, and its two claws stretched out into the air to grab at random. Time actually looks a little...cute?

Judging from its characteristics, it should be from the Ice Bear Clan, one of the three great royal families in the Far North, who was randomly sent here by the portal just like them.

Yun Feiyang and Zhu Zhuqing didn't pay much attention to the nearly 4-year-old ice bear, but continued to check the terrain, looking for a way to the center of the secret realm.

A series of mountain ranges continued to extend from the sky from high to low, and soul beasts and soul master teams could be seen from time to time between the mountains and the flat bottom.

"Let's go, head towards the root of the mountain range. It is estimated that the real treasure of the secret realm is there. Whoever arrives there first may be the first to obtain the natural treasures there."

Although Yun Feiyang who opened the pupil of the throne did not release his soul skills, he could still see the mountains in the sky clearly.According to his estimate, the real good things are probably at the source of countless mountains. As for these mountains, there may not be many good opportunities.

Yun Feiyang's melting golden pupils slowly faded away, and turned into red and ice blue intertwined starry golden eyes again. He released the two-spear martial soul and transformed into the form of a phoenix bird sniper rifle.

His purpose is not to fight bloody battles without bloody battles, just sniping from afar and pretending to be the sixth sniper.

He didn't use the double-gun sniper rifle much before, but now it's very useful in this secret realm.

Thus, Yun Feiyang and Zhu Zhuqing set off towards the mountains.

The mountains are rolling and undulating, there are spirit beasts appearing in the jungle from time to time, the green forest is densely covered, and the waterfall is surging.

As Yun Feiyang and Zhu Zhuqing advanced, they encountered many soul masters and soul beasts along the way. Because they were very careful, they hardly had any conflicts with those soul masters and soul beasts.

Until one day, when Yun Feiyang and Zhu Zhuqing jumped across the towering mountains, they suddenly heard the sound of fighting in the abyss valley, the roar of beasts came and went, and the sound of the soul master shouting soul skills was also the same.

"Go down and have a look."

Intuition told Yun Feiyang that the movement was so loud, maybe some kind of treasure was discovered.

Like ghosts, the two disappeared from the mountains into the dense forest, and slowly approached the valley.

in the valley.

The mountains on both sides are frighteningly high, and there are seven or eight soul masters flashing in the empty valley, with yellow, purple, and black soul rings constantly emerging, and the gorgeous attacking methods are overwhelming.Visually, the strength of these seven or eight soul masters is between the soul king and the soul emperor. Overall, they are good, but the tacit understanding with each other is not good. They should be casual soul masters formed temporarily.

At this moment, this team of soul masters is fighting a bloody battle with a 6-year-old dark-winged devil tiger. Although there are many soul masters at the soul emperor level in this team of soul masters, they are still unable to kill those soul masters in a short period of time. Respect the 6-year-old Dark Winged Demon Tiger to win.

"This turned out to be a Dark Winged Demon Tiger!"

Zhu Zhuqing frowned, and couldn't help whispering.

The Dark Winged Demon Tiger is mutated from the Demon Tiger, and its bloodline is more noble and scarce than that of the white tiger. It is named the Dark Winged Demon Tiger because of its black wings on its back and its preference for killing!Tiger-type soul beasts are in the middle and upper reaches of the soul-beast world, especially the ten thousand-year-old tiger-type soul beasts are even more terrifying. It can be imagined how terrifying a demon tiger with the ability to fly will be.

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