"Well, I'm so smart!"

Recently, Fu Hua feels that he has become more proficient in using the ability of the First Herrscher. Could this be the power of knowledge?

After breakfast, Jiu Xiao and Fu Hua were supposed to go to the company to check in.

However, today is the day when the White Knight savior appears.

So check in or something, dove!

Jiu Xiao put on his combat uniform, and the Second God's Key on his waist gleamed.

Fu Hua turned on the computer in the office, hacked the surveillance cameras of the entire city A, searching for possible criminals.

"Justice starts with small things. First of all, there is an old woman 200 meters ahead who is about to cross the road. Go and help her!"

Help the old lady cross the road?

Jiu Xiao doesn't understand Fu Hua's approach very well. Shouldn't he meet the bandits who robbed the bank, and then he can easily solve the bandits at a critical moment and become famous all over the world?

"Don't do evil when it's small, don't do good when it's small, so..."

"Stop, stop, stop! I'll do it! Can't I do it!"

As soon as Jiu Xiao heard Fu Huabiao's ancient prose, his head became dizzy. If he really kept listening, today's heroic action might be completely put on hold.

Obediently following Fu Hua's instructions, Jiu Xiao quickly found the old lady who was at a loss at the intersection.

"Grandma, are you going to cross the road?"

In order to avoid helping the wrong person, Jiu Xiao still used his brains.

"Huh? Little sister, I leave the matter of crossing the road to you!"

Seeing that Jiuxiao was going to help, the grandmother was very happy, and her kind smile healed Jiuxiao's heart.

Just when Jiu Xiao was about to hold the old grandma's hand, the old grandma smiled slyly.

Under Jiu Xiao's puzzled gaze, he fell to the ground.

"Ouch! Ouch! I'm going! Why are young people nowadays so frizzy!!!"

The cry is miserable, and the expression is true.

Jiu Xiao didn't know, she was tricked.

——Is this the test you gave me!Fu Hua!

Passers-by around surrounded him and pointed at Jiu Xiao, which made Jiu Xiao flustered.

Jiu Xiao touched his tactical eyepiece silently, thinking that what the old woman did had probably been recorded.

Jiu Xiao silently took out the phone, and a shriveled hand grabbed Jiu Xiao's wrist.

"What... do you want to do to me... Do you mean you want to kill me!"

The slightly trembling hand of the old grandma was unexpectedly strong, and an ordinary person would never be able to break free.

But Jiuxiao broke free from the old grandma's hand lightly, and then turned on the phone.

Sure enough, Fu Hua sent a video, which was the whole process of the grandma's crime recorded on the Jiuxiao tactical eyepiece.

Click play, and the action of the grandma diving is played in a loop in front of her.

"Do you have anything to explain?"

Jiu Xiao was in a very bad mood, no matter who encountered this kind of thing, it would be like this. Jiu Xiao had a good temper if he didn't beat the other party violently in public.


The old grandma was about to violently snatch the phone away, but was dodged by the vigilant Jiu Xiao.

"I will post your face on the Internet, so that no one will fall for your tricks. Since the law is not easy to punish you, let the masses punish you!"

Jiuxiao tweeted a tweet in twos and twos, and it was retweeted tens of thousands of times in an instant.

Jiuxiao shows the old lady his Twitter interface

"Actually, I am very confident in my popularity~"

The grandmother who thought that Jiu Xiao had nothing to do with her suddenly became desperate.

Jiu Xiao looked at the old grandma triumphantly, but the other party just lowered his head and remained silent.

There were bursts of sirens in the distance, and the police called by Jiu Xiao followed.

Pulled up, handcuffed, all in one go, caught on the spot.

Just as the grandma with her head down was about to be escorted into the police car, the grandma spoke.

"Hey—young man, I discovered one thing from my long criminal career, I, I found that the more human beings play tricks, the more they will fail due to various accidents..."

The familiar lines and the familiar scene gave Jiu Xiao a bad feeling.

"Everyone, get away from this old lady!"

"I'm no longer a human!!!!!!"

Sure enough, it was this line again.

Suddenly, violent fluctuations of Houkai energy appeared in the old granny's body, and the old granny's body expanded rapidly, turning into a muscular old granny.

"It's you! It's you! It's you! It's you! It's you! It's you! It's you who destroyed the old plan!"

The old lady who suddenly changed into a style of Hong Kong comics broke free from the handcuffs in her hands and stared at Jiu Xiao fiercely.

The murderous aura overflowed, the old woman clenched her fists tightly, her muscles tensed, her veins bulged, her red eyes stared at Jiu Xiao and said: "I will tear you to pieces!"

Chapter 152 No.144 The Opening of the Age of Heroes

The muscular grandma, the strangeness of things like weirdo is really incomprehensible.

The old grandma rushed over while showing her strong muscles, and the powerful aura of brotherhood rushed towards her face, which made Jiu Xiao a little dazed.

"Jiu Xiao, don't kill the opponent in an instant, I will record this battle and post it on the Internet."

This is a very good signal to start the era of heroes, and at the same time, it may also allow Jiuxiao to get the title of ancestor of heroes.

"Ah? Oh..."

Jiu Xiao escaped the attack of his elder brother and grandma with a very small distance, and a spider pattern with a diameter of two meters appeared on the asphalt ground due to the impact of the grandma.

"It's all you!"

Without a pause, the grandmother's fist as big as a sandbag rushed from bottom to top.

The huge fist wind blew over Jiu Xiao's dumb hair, and a mocking expression appeared on Jiu Xiao's face.

"Poor and weak~"

If it was an ordinary person, he would definitely be smashed into a meatloaf by the elder brother, but Jiu Xiao said that the other party was really too weak.

I think it was exciting when a large group of mosquito-shaped Honkai beasts besieged me back then.

It's just that the grandma's boxing art is still good, and she feels like a street fighter.

The old lady used nearly ten moves, but Jiu Xiao dodged all of them with a slight distance.

"Come on! Aren't you very happy to expose me just now! Aren't you trying to be a hero! You're fighting back!"

The old grandma's fists became more and more chaotic, but also more and more crazy.

The sanity of the granny who turned into a weirdo was gradually eroded, and the dark side continued to expand.

If you leave it alone, maybe you can grow into a ghost-level monster in "Wolf, Tiger, Ghost, Dragon, God" in the future.

But it's a pity that the old grandma met Jiuxiao, even if she was a god, it wouldn't work.

Seeing that the old grandma had almost lost her mind, Jiu Xiao felt that it was almost the same.

No longer dodging, one hand directly caught a fist, and both of the old grandma's hands were controlled by Jiu Xiao.

Jiu Xiao's huge strength comparable to that of the Houkai Beast controlled the old lady tightly, looking at the puzzled weirdo, Jiu Xiao smiled.

"Sa~ the conditions for victory have been collected, are you ready to count your crimes?"

"Aw... aww?"

Hearing the weird man's call with unknown meaning, Jiu Xiao sighed regretfully.

As soon as he moved his hands, the strange man's hands broke off like disposable chopsticks.

"Tsk tsk tsk, your muscles are not beautiful at all."

Facing the weird man who lost his hands, Jiu Xiao was more casual.


The screams almost emptied the air in the strange man's lungs, leaving only the strange man kneeling on the ground screaming.

"Heh~ it's time to end."

Facing the strange man who was motionless due to loss of strength, Jiu Xiao used the Houkai Neng.

There is a portal that can just pass through the arm, and the other side of the portal is the heart of the weirdo.

The strange man's heart was easily taken out, and the strange man fell to the ground.

Seeing the strange man die, the police also surrounded him. Obviously, this level of strange man cannot be dealt with with the batons in the hands of the police.

The strange man's heart was casually thrown aside, as if he had done a trivial matter, but the strange man's body did not have any obvious trauma except for the broken hands.

However, in the live broadcast room that Fu Hua opened for Jiu Xiao, the barrage is full of 6.

"Shouldn't you carry forward the tradition that heroes never go to the police station to take notes!"

When Fu Hua reminded him so, Jiu Xiao also reacted.

Jiu Xiao saw that the policemen's eyes were a little wrong, and ran away.

"Ahahaha! Please remember the savior of the monster hunter Bai, Penglai Temple Jiuxiao!"

Leaping up to a height of ten meters easily, Jiu Xiao jumped out of the crowd, leaving behind a bewildered crowd of onlookers.

I don't know which passer-by said in the noisy crowd: "Under that skirt, I can't see anything!" (Profound meaning: the realm of seeing and not seeing)

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