Yamagishi yelled helplessly, never expecting that he was just explaining for Yoko Okino and was regarded as an accomplice.

Seeing that his goddess Okino Yoko was about to be taken away, Kogoro said in relief, "Don't worry, Miss Yoko, I, Kogoro, will do my best to investigate and prove your innocence..."

It's just that Kogoro Mori's reputation can't make Okino Yoko feel at ease.

At this moment, this beautiful idol is staring at Shinichi Kudo with her beautiful eyes,

She didn't understand why the young detective who had the ability to prove her innocence didn't say a word from the beginning to the end,

Could it be that he thought the commission fee was too little, and now that he was involved in a murder case, he wanted to take this opportunity to ask for more...

Yoko Okino knew that now she was not only involved in the murder case, but also became the most suspected suspect in the case. If it appeared in the newspaper tomorrow, the overwhelming public opinion would forcibly interrupt her idol career.

The program is suspended, the schedule is postponed, the movie is replaced, the concert is suspended...

If the case drags on longer, it will even end her idol career,

The only chance is to finish the case before tomorrow!

So when she was about to be taken away, Okino Yoko made a request to Meguro Shisan-she wanted to have a few words with Kudo Shinichi alone.

Having known each other for many years, Megushisan knew that with Kudo Shinichi's personality, he would never do such a thing of covering up a prisoner, so in order to make Okino Yoko feel more secure, she granted her request.

Okino Yoko walked up to Kudo Shinichi,

whispered pleading,

"Mr. Kudo..."

"As long as you prove my innocence within today, no matter what request you ask afterwards, you can agree..."

Okino Yoko's humble gesture of request,

Instead, Kudo Shin was taken aback.

Ah this...

He never took the opportunity to blackmail this beautiful idol,

Just understand the character of a little guy,

Even if he keeps silent, someone will come to 'help' him solve the case.

In order to reassure the beauty idol in front of me,

Kudo Shin replied in a low voice, "Don't worry, Miss Yoko, within today, this case will be closed and you will regain your innocence."

Finally got the guarantee, but Yoko Okino didn't feel relieved,

Because she couldn't see the nostalgia for her in the eyes of the famous detective in front of her,

It was almost as if he was perfunctory her.

"Mr. Kudo,"

As if afraid that Kudo Shinichi would not know what she meant, Okino Yoko emphasized again in a low voice, "No matter what... I will never go back on my word... between me and Fujie Akiyoshi, there is also innocence ..."

"Ah...well, I see." Kudo Shinichi's attitude was still perfunctory, as if he didn't take it seriously at all.

After all, in his mind at the moment, skill points and money are more useful.

So Yoko Okino, who can easily fascinate the opposite sex since her debut, encountered the charm of Waterloo for the first time, and it was the kind that fell to the bottom.

Therefore, even with Kudo Shinichi's guarantee, Okino Yoko still had no hope, and when she was taken away by the police, her expression was gloomy.

Chapter 11 Conan the Dead, Yoko's Favor

"I didn't expect this case to go so smoothly today. It's really rare."

The prisoner was taken away, Mumu Shisan showed a smile on his face, just before noon, he planned to invite Kudo Shinichi and Mori Kogoro to lunch,

As for the team members under him, they must continue to collect suspicious items and abnormal conditions at the scene of the crime. Although Mu Mushisan has identified the criminal, the criminal has not yet pleaded guilty.

Therefore, the collection of evidence should still not be sloppy, maybe in court later, those evidence can be used to deal with the criminal's sophistry.

"Hey, who is this kid?"

At the dinner table, Police Officer Meguro finally noticed Conan.

Mori Kogoro wanted to be a hero to save the beauty, and was still thinking hard about the case. He explained very simply, "His name is Conan, and he is a little ghost who lives in my house."

Conan held the cutlery tightly with both hands, and there was an inexplicable indignation on his small face, as if he was dissatisfied with Kogoro's rough introduction.

Kudo Shinichi ate with peace of mind, enjoyed the food, and didn't mention anything about the case.

After the meal was over, he greeted Mu Mu Shisan, turned around and prepared to leave.

until this time,

A certain little guy finally couldn't bear it anymore,

"Brother Kudo, didn't you realize that there are many suspicious points in the murder case just now?"

The one who said this was naturally Conan.

Kudo Shinichi secretly smiled, he knew that Conan would not be able to sit still sooner or later,

But on the surface it was still as calm as water, turned around, and asked lightly, "Is there?"

Kogoro also had a look of disdain, "What can you find out, don't talk nonsense here!"

Conan said to himself, "The murder scene is Ms. Yoko's residence. Isn't it normal that the kitchen knife used as the murder weapon has her fingerprints on it?"

"Although the living room is chaotic, the chair next to the deceased is the only one that is upright. This is also very strange,"

"There is also the problem of heating in the room, but if you want to mess with the time of death and affect your reasoning, the effect is not as effective as soaking in water."

"Brother Kudo, you didn't even notice such an obvious suspicious situation, is it really that famous detective?"

In the last sentence, Conan figured out his dagger and directly questioned Kudo Shinichi's identity.

Whether it was Megushisan or Mori Kogoro, they were taken aback when they heard Conan's doubts.

Kudo Shinichi looked normal on the surface,

I was sneering in my heart,

He hadn't shown any hostility towards Conan yet, but the brat questioned his identity instead,

Did Conan think that he was the kind of crappy guy who would mess up when his identity was suspected?

"Little friend, did you discover these doubts by yourself?"

The corner of Kudo Shinichi's mouth hung with a smile that was not a smile, which made Conan's heart shudder,

While talking, Kudo Shinichi walked slowly behind Conan, "You have such a strong observation ability at a young age, it seems that Conan, your background is not simple."

You, Conan, dared to take the initiative to attract attention when you thought he was a member of the winery. You, Conan, are as bold as ever.

While speaking, Kudo Shinichi activated the Eye of Reality, and soon noticed that Conan's thin body began to tremble slightly, obviously realizing that if he couldn't explain the speech that was obviously beyond his age, his identity would be suspected.

"I, I, I, I..." Conan quickly found an excuse, "I also saw Uncle Maori paying attention to the murder weapon, chairs and heating in the room, so I thought of these..."

"Soaking in water will affect the judgment of the time of death, and I also know from your report on solving the case, Brother Kudo,"

"Maori, you must have thought of this a long time ago, right?"

It has to be said that Conan has a good grasp of Mori Kogoro's face-saving character,

"Cough, of course," Kogoro admitted cheekily, "I thought of these doubts just now, and I just wanted to tell Officer Megure after brother Kudo left..."

Afterwards, Kogoro begged Mu Mushisan to let him return to the scene later to continue the investigation. He wanted to prove Miss Yoko's innocence!

At this moment, Mu Mu Shisan also noticed that his reasoning just now was not so perfect,

But since Kudo Shinichi did not raise any objections, it means that the result of the reasoning is not wrong, and he is not worried about what Mori Kogoro can find out at the moment. In order to convince his old friend, he agreed to the request.

He was just worried that Mori Kogoro would say some strange reasoning that sounded convincing later, and Mumu Shisan was afraid that he would be confused by false information, so he asked Kudo Shinichi to follow along.

Having just eaten the lunch Meme Shisan invited, Kudo Shinichi naturally would not refuse such a small request, and agreed immediately,

So a group of four returned to the scene of the crime after lunch.

It's just that Kudo Shinichi glanced at Conan from time to time on the way,

Every time he meets his strange gaze, Conan always thinks of the horrible memory of being killed by a man in black in the woods, his neck was twisted off on the spot. Walk, scared like a quail.

Little did they know, Kudo Shin had seen through his identity early on,

The frequent casting of eyes is to scare Conan deliberately, so that this guy who is dying all day pays attention to his words and deeds.

When he returned to the scene of the crime, Kudo Shinichi turned his eyes away from Conan, who was almost scared to pee, but he did not enter the room, but leaned against the door, and used his mobile phone to chat with Xiaolan.

in the room,

At this moment, the victim's body has been transferred, and a judicial autopsy is underway to determine the exact time of death.

On the floor of the living room, only the body posture of the victim at the time of death marked by white lines remained.

Back at the scene, Megushisan and Mori Kogoro noticed that the situation in the living room was exactly as Conan said, the tables and chairs were in a mess, except for a chair standing upright next to the corpse.

Subsequently, the police officers of the forensics department also reported the new findings:

"Report to the police department. During the autopsy, the forensic doctor found a mass of hair in the hands of the corpse. After preliminary comparison, it was found that it belonged to Yoko Okino."

Hearing this report, Mumu Shisan's face became more confident, those hairs were enough to prove that Yoko Okino had a dispute with the deceased.

And Kogoro's complexion turned bad in an instant, because more and more evidence pointed out that the murderer was Okino Yoko.

The police continued to report,

"Also, we found a single earring in the corner of the sofa,"

"Finally, at the site where the body fell, some water stains were found..."

Kogoro hurriedly asked, "Has the owner of the earring confirmed?!"

The constable shook his head.

Kogoro seemed to have seized the last chance, "Officer Megure, I have seen all the collections of Miss Yoko's outfits, and I can assure you that that earring is definitely not Miss Yoko's!"

As a senior brain fan, Kogoro finally straightened up at this moment.

Perhaps intimidated by Kogoro's overflowing self-confidence, Mu Mushisan asked someone to take a photo of the earrings, and sent them to the police station for Okino Yoko to identify.

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