It's just that neither of the two people who traded knew it.

This scene has been witnessed by Kudo Shinichi, who followed behind,

And surprisingly,

Kudo Shinichi, known as the "Savior of the Sakura Country Police", is actually holding a portable film camera at this moment, snapping the transaction scene with a 'click click',

As long as this famous detective is more cautious, he should remember that the man in black who once rode the roller coaster had another accomplice,

Another more dangerous accomplice.......

Chapter 2 Gin is cautious, Conan is in great pain

Dressed in a black shadow, quietly appeared behind Kudo Shinichi,

"Little detective, the game ends here!"

The cold voice is like a haunted ghost,

at the same time,

A thick wooden stick slammed heavily on the back of Kudo Shinichi's head, making a dull beating sound.

and the sound of cracking bones,

Kudo Shinichi was hit hard, his whole body stiffened visible to the naked eye, and he fell straight, with blood flowing from the back of his head.

"When will this kid..."

Vodka was startled, he didn't notice being followed at all.

Gin didn't blame him, "I don't blame you, I just found out about this little mouse when I heard the noise..."

"It's a bit of a skill to be able to sneak in under my nose."

Immediately, Gin grabbed the back of Kudo Shinichi's neck, checked the carotid artery,

The powerful beating pulse made Gin look surprised,

"Good boy, after taking a blow from me, he is still alive... so lucky."

"Brother, let me do it." Vodka said and took out his pistol.

Gin shook his head, "Shooting will attract unnecessary attention."

Saying that, he took out an unknown capsule from his bosom, and forced Shinichi Kudo, who had no power to resist, to swallow it.

"The poison newly developed by the organization can make the dead body undetectable in toxicity,"

"That way the 'police dogs' will think it's a hooligan fight to death."

Gin sneered.

In mid-air, Su Qin secretly applauded in his heart,

Although Kudo Shinichi is the protagonist of the manga,

Gin is a member of the villain winery,

You can see this scene,

I can't say I'm heartbroken, I can only say I'm in a good mood,

Gin's cautious character, assiduous and loyal attitude of working as a worker, is more pleasing than Kudo Shinichi who often dies,

In particular, the more you read the manga, the more Su Qin felt that if Kudo Shinichi hadn't had the halo of the protagonist, those holy mother's death behaviors would be enough to die thousands of times.

"Brother, let's go."

Seeing that Kudo Shinichi had swallowed the poison, Vodka packed up the camera and prepared to leave the scene.

"Not urgent,"

Gin still looked at Kudo Shinichi who was suffering under the influence of the poison,

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "I happened to bring a human experiment report to Shirley."

The implication seems to be to witness the complete death of Kudo Shinichi,

ah this...

Su Qin was taken aback when he heard the words,

How is it different from what he saw in the comics?

The gin here seems to be a million points more cautious.

After being forced to take the unknown poison, Kudo Shinichi's limbs kept shaking, his face full of pain,

Gin observed all this calmly, and asked Vodka to record his words:

"Human experimenter, Kudo Shinichi, male, about 17 years old, visually measuring 1.7 meters five,"

"Taking the medicine for 20 seconds, looking in pain, shaking limbs violently..."

"The body surface temperature keeps rising, roughly perceived...about 43 degrees Celsius..."

After a while, surprise appeared in Gin's tone,

"After taking the medicine for 2 minutes, the body of the test subject... began to shrink, showing a tendency to degenerate..."

"In 3 minutes and 40 seconds, the body degenerated to the level of a 13-year-old, and the height shrank to 1.5 meters...still degrading..."

"In 4 minutes and 14 seconds, the body degenerated to the level of a 11-year-old, and the height shrank to 1.5 meters...still degrading..."

Qin Jiu was observing the incredible scene in front of him, but suddenly heard a shout from nearby:

"Xinyi! Where are you, Xinyi?!"

Su Qin recognized it was Mao Lilan's voice,

It must be that Xiaolan has a tacit understanding or a mysterious sixth sense attack, so I can't rest assured, so I fumbled and followed.

Su Qin suddenly felt that the current situation was getting more and more outrageous,

If Xiaolan broke in at this moment, she would be killed in all likelihood,

Could it be that the hero and heroine are going to die in this grove today?

"Brother, it seems that this kid's companion is here, do you want me..."

Vodka said, and was about to draw his gun again.

Qin Jiu shook his head, "This kid has a bit of a reputation, and his cry will definitely attract other idlers...he can't finish killing him."

Saying that, Gin put on black gloves, put his hands on both sides of Kudo Shinichi's head which was still degrading,

Swirl gently, crisply,

With a soft 'click', Kudo Shinichi broke his cervical spine,

Breathing again, he died of exasperation.

Vodka bent down, ready to pick up the corpse,

The mutated experimental body is a precious research material,

"You don't need to take it back," Gin stopped drinking. "Just send someone to recover the body to Xueli later."

After all, the two quickly left the scene.


Just now, Su Qin saw a stream of light flying out of Kudo Shinichi's head and headed for the northwest.

Although only the soul remains,

But this rather mysterious scene still made Su Qin stunned for a moment,

When he recovered, the gin and vodka had disappeared.

Looking at the uncooled corpse on the grass,

A gleam of hope filled Su Qin's heart,

Since the living are protected by barriers and cannot approach, the dead...

Though dead swiftly,

But it's better than moving your head,

It feels like it can be saved.

Su Qin is also on the verge of disappearing at this moment, and has no time to pick and choose.

Only a dead horse is a living horse doctor!

directly attached to the corpse,

Su Qin suddenly felt that he had a body again,

It was a success!

The fragility of being a spirit body, like a candle that is extinguished at any time in a storm, has completely disappeared.

“So good...”

But before I had time to rejoice, severe pain flooded in like a tide, and my whole body was burning like being thrown into a fire.

Obviously the poison effect has not dissipated!

This body with a broken cervical spine also made Su Qin feel that death was coming,

The boundless darkness is beckoning to him,

At this moment when life is worse than death,

An electronic mechanical sound that could not be ignored sounded from Su Qin's mind,

[The recovery of the host's brain wave was detected, and the system failed to escape...]

[Host information update...]

[It is detected that the host's life is about to dissipate. Do you want to consume all the existing skills in exchange for the opportunity to reshape the body? 】

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