Less than ten seconds after the start of the match, Shinichi Kudo's left fist was pushed back tens of centimeters.

The left fist that was originally in front of him has almost retreated to the shoulder at this moment.

Facing this defenseless opponent, the muscular man laughed loudly, "Shinichi Kudo, you are doomed!"

Kudo Shinichi smiled slightly, "Mr. Wakamatsu, have you forgotten the rules of the game? The condition for winning is..."

The muscular man answered, "Push your opponent, right? I haven't forgotten!"

Kudo Shinichi smiled even more, "Then try it... but the fists cannot be separated, otherwise it will be considered a foul, Mr. Wakamatsu probably hasn't forgotten it?"

"You don't need to talk!" The muscular man shouted loudly, and immediately the veins in his left hand popped out, obviously ready to get serious.


The muscular man soon realized something was wrong,

Xiaolan's originally worried eyes also became brighter, "As expected of Shinichi, he can think of such a way to draw."

Sonoko made a tsk-tsk sound, "He deliberately let the opponent's arm fully stretched to achieve the effect of limiting force... No wonder there is that rule."

As Sonoko said, what everyone sees at this moment is that Kudo Shinichi's left fist is retreated to the shoulder, while the muscular man's left arm is fully stretched,

Under the rule that his feet cannot move and his fists cannot leave, the muscular man at this moment can't exert his full strength at all.

Kudo Shinichi smiled and said, "Mr. Wakamatsu, do you think you can still win now?"

The muscular man gritted his teeth, "Cunning guy! I will never accept a draw, I must compete with you today!"

"Don't worry," Kudo Shinichi said softly, "I will make you feel convinced."

Saying that, Kudo Shinichi no longer hides his strength,

With a thrust of the left fist, a domineering force was immediately transmitted to the muscular man's left fist,

The sudden burst of strength caused the muscular man's left fist to be pushed back more than ten centimeters.

The straight left arm didn't even have time to bend, so it moved back more than ten centimeters together with the shoulder and body.

The muscular man's body balance was instantly broken, and he fell directly to the floor.

This looks like a scene where the muscular man accidentally fell down, and the crowd around the audience couldn't figure it out, so,

"Mr. Wakamatsu, are you okay?"

Kudo Shinichi stretched out his hand, ready to pull the muscular man up,

The muscular man snorted coldly and waved his hand, obviously wanting to slap his hand away.

The smile on Kudo Shinichi's face remained unchanged, he clasped the five fingers of his right hand, and directly grasped the muscular man's left hand,

Immediately pulled, the whole body of the muscular man was thrown to the ceiling,

Then he pressed his left hand on the shoulder of the muscular man, forcibly suppressing his tendency to fly into the sky,

"Mr. Wakamatsu, are you convinced now?"

Kudo Shinichi's tone was flat.

I saw the muscular man who came back to his senses,

The feet suddenly softened,

Kneeling directly on the ground...

Chapter 26

The muscular man came back to his senses, remembering the terrifying force that pulled him to weightlessness just now,

The feet suddenly softened,

He actually knelt down on the ground, "Submit, subdue, subdue, thank you, Mr. Kudo, for not killing me."

Kudo Shinichi sneered in his heart, the most people in Sakura Country are muscular men, who are fearful of power but not virtuous, if he doesn't show some strength, I'm afraid he won't let it go.

But rashly showing force is a bit too eye-catching, and it will also arouse Conan's vigilance, so he shows his methods secretly.

It's just that, the onlookers couldn't figure it out.

From their point of view, they only saw the muscular man fall back suddenly during the competition, and after being pulled up by Kudo Shinichi, he knelt down and surrendered,

Could it be that he was overwhelmed by Kudo Shinichi's wisdom?

Conan noticed that the muscular man's arm was pushed back more than ten centimeters during the competition, so he judged that Kudo Shinichi won the victory by virtue of his strength advantage.

At the same time, Minagawa Chiyoko came out of the kitchen with a cake, and pulled out a low table out of nowhere, inviting everyone to sit down and eat dessert.

So the crowd sat in a circle again,

Only this time, the muscular man kept a clear distance from Xiao Lan, not even daring to look around.

The handsome president looked at the muscular man with contempt, as if he had won.

Long-haired girls and short-haired girls also pay attention to the handsome president,

The man with glasses stared fiercely at the handsome president,

Everyone has their own concerns,

Those two girls are the only ones who are really happy for Kudo Shinichi's victory.

"To be honest, just now I thought Shinichi would lose for you,"

Xiaolan rejoiced, "I didn't expect you, Xinyi, to come up with such an ingenious method."

Under the low table, Kudo Shinichi lightly held Xiaolan's hand, "It's also thanks to Xiaolan for delaying the time, otherwise I wouldn't have thought of such a solution in a while."

Hearing this, Xiaolan lowered her head in embarrassment,

It's just that the smile she couldn't hide from the corner of her mouth couldn't escape Kudo Shinichi's eyes.


Yuanzi imitated his tone, and said affectionately: "Xiao Lan, I won the game for you, so there is no reward?"


It provoked a blush on Xiaolan's cheeks, she stretched out her hand, walked around Kudo Shinichi, pinched her best friend, and Sonoko settled down.

Yuanzi, who is full of dog food, is about to eat cake,

As a result, Shinichi Kudo took the plate in front of her away,

"Hey! I was helping you just now!"

Sonoko glared at Kudo Shinichi dissatisfied.

Kudo Shinichi was not intentionally retaliating because of what happened just now, he explained: "Oh, I was just thinking, it seems that Conan didn't eat lunch, so I'm going to let Conan eat a few more dollars."

Eight 56⒈0⒐78⒉ novel group

With that said, he got up and brought the cakes in front of Yuanzi and Xiaolan to Conan,

Xiaolan also helped: "It's okay, Yuanzi, anyway, we ate sushi just now, and the cake is very calorie..."

Yuanzi was both envious and jealous, "Xiaolan is really biased, she always speaks for Xinyi, she hasn't married yet, so... umm..."

It's just that Xiaolan covered her mouth before she finished speaking.

But don't know,

Kudo Shinichi remembered the modus operandi in the comics,

Chiyoko Minagawa gave everyone a piece of cake and a cup of coffee,

The poison is in the coffee, and the antidote is in the cake,

It's just that he can't believe how ordinary people can control the amount of poison,

What if there is too much poison and less antidote, and it cannot be completely neutralized?

Although Kudo Shinichi has just discovered that the murderer may be someone else,

But he didn't want Xiaolan and Yuanzi to take the risk of eating poisonous food, so he used a 'kind' excuse to let Conan eat the cake and coffee,

Anyway, Conan has the protagonist's halo body protection, so he shouldn't be able to die.

Conan looked really hungry, and one piece of cake was not much, so he wiped out all four cakes in a short while, and drank two cups of coffee to relieve his boredom.

And at one end of the low table,

The cake in front of the handsome president didn't move at all. It turned out that he didn't like sweets, so he just drank the coffee and was about to smoke.

The long-haired girl dissuaded, "Keyan, you should smoke less."

In fact, among the men in the living room, only the handsome president smokes in public from time to time, even during dinner just now, causing everyone to inhale a lot of second-hand smoke, which can be said to be very rude.

And it's not the first time that the long-haired girl has been persuaded,

The handsome president suddenly showed a very impatient face, "Since just now, I've been chattering, I'm so annoying!"

The long-haired girl choked on these words,

Everyone also turned their heads and looked at the handsome president whose image was getting worse and worse.

The living room was quiet for a few seconds,

"I...seem to be a little drunk..."

The handsome president once again found the steps by himself, and was about to go to the backyard to have a shower. He just touched the cigarette case, but found that it was empty.

At this time, the man with glasses who had been hostile to the handsome president since the beginning of the party handed over a pack of cigarettes, "Then just smoke mine, you're welcome."

The handsome president was also really rude, without even saying thank you, he just took the pack of cigarettes away, and then walked to the backyard and started puffing.

Although the long-haired girl was yelled at, she didn't seem to care much. Instead, she took out an exquisitely packaged gift box from her bag, walked to the backyard, and handed it to the handsome president.

Today is Valentine's Day, it is already obvious what to give,

The handsome president also took the chocolate, even opened it on the spot, and ate it in front of the long-haired girl.

"As expected, Mina really likes Katsuhiko..."

Seeing this scene, the muscular man couldn't help muttering, "Tch, I really don't know what's so good about this kind of man."

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