The man in sunglasses chuckled, "That's right."

Kudo Shinichi: "But I still have something to say to my girlfriend." Although he is not afraid of these people, he is worried that Kobayashi Chengzi will panic and make dangerous moves.

After hearing his request, the man in sunglasses narrowed his eyes slightly,

They are all standing on the street at the moment. If someone notices that something is wrong, it will cause a lot of trouble. Fortunately, because of the night, there are very few people coming and going in this old residential area.

If they don't agree to this request, they might drive the young man in front of him into a hurry. If the other party yells, they still can't afford to go around, and it will also affect the follow-up search for gold coins...

Chapter 40 Taste the aroma!

After thinking it over and over again, the man in sunglasses finally nodded, but only allowed a moment, "I'll give you 30 seconds."

Immediately he gestured to his companions,

The blond man pushed Kobayashi Chengko in the direction of Kudo Shinichi,

Catching the stumbling Xiaolin Chengzi,

Kudo Shinichi gently hugged her in his arms, and said in a low voice: "Sorry, Miss Xiaolin, I said you are a girlfriend, not to take advantage, but..."

"Mr. Kudo, you don't need to apologize," Xiaolin Chengzi leaned into his arms, lowered her head and said in a soft voice: "If these bad guys know that we are not boyfriend and girlfriend, then I will lose the value of using it and will be dealt with immediately Lose......"

Since Kobayashi Chengko can understand,

It saved Kudo Shinichi the time to explain, he comforted: "Miss Xiaolin, don't worry, I will come back to rescue you soon."

"Don't worry about me," Xiaolin Chengzi said quickly: "If I'm alone, I can still deal with it. Mr. Kudo, you have to be careful. If you find an opportunity, you must run away as soon as possible."

Unexpectedly, Kobayashi Chengzi was going to deal with the gun-wielding blond man guarding her alone.

Just rely on the self-defense technique she said?

Kudo Shinichi feels a little overwhelmed,

Moreover, although he said that he didn't have to worry about her,

But the two are leaning together at this moment, he can clearly feel Xiaolin Chengzi's body trembling slightly, obviously he is still afraid in his heart,

So Shinichi Kudo emphasized again, "Really, Miss Kobayashi, I will be back soon, you must not do stupid things."

It only takes 30 seconds for him to come back.


Xiaolin Chengzi replied in a low voice, but he didn't know if he believed it or not.

The voice of the man in sunglasses sounded at this moment, "It's time, let's go."

The blond man also approached again, wanting to take Kobayashi Chengzi away,

Until then, Kobayashi Chengko, who had been bowing her head in Kudo Shinichi's arms, suddenly raised her head, stood on tiptoe,

Kudo Shinichi tasted the soft and fragrant taste,

Although only two seconds,

But he still clearly saw the reluctance, worry, and fear in Xiaolin Chengzi's eyes,

It's like parting from life to death.

Now Kudo Shinichi also understood Kobayashi Chengko's intentions,

Sure enough, the ultimate goal of a fanatic is to overthrow an idol.

"Tch, it's really crooked." The man in sunglasses said something unhappily, and immediately left with the bearded man, holding Kudo Shinichi away,


Xiaolin Chengzi was also dragged by the collar by the blond man, urging him to leave.

Seeing the blond man gradually disappearing from sight,

Kudo Shinichi also led the man in sunglasses and the bearded man to the corner,


stop suddenly,

There are few pedestrians on the street, and the street lights on the top are in disrepair for a long time, flickering and extinguishing.


Behind him, the man in sunglasses secretly held a gun on his back, urging him, "Hurry up and lead the way, don't dawdle, or your girlfriend..."


"Okay," Kudo Shinichi sneered, "I'll... take you on the road!"

After finishing speaking, the left and right hands grabbed the gun-holding wrists of the man in sunglasses and the bearded man respectively,


Just twist it,

There were two cracking sounds of bones breaking, and the pistol fell to the ground.

Before the two of them could cry out in pain,

Kudo Shinichi quickly grabbed their necks, and then moved his left and right hands together. The heads of the man in sunglasses and the man with beard hit each other directly, and the violent impact instantly made them both faint.

Kudo Shinichi didn't resist just now, not because he couldn't beat the three robbers, but because he was worried that Kobayashi Chengko would be accidentally injured by another blond man,

Now that I have no scruples, naturally I don't have to pretend to be cowardly anymore.

Picking up the two pistols on the ground, Shin Kudo flashed a cold light in his eyes,

If Xiaolin Chengzi hadn't appeared suddenly, he would have killed the three of them by now.

"Good luck to you."

With a cold snort, Kudo Shinichi quickly returned to the position he left just now,

Activate the Eye of Reality, observe the traces of dust on the ground, and follow the direction in which the blond man left.

In less than five seconds, he found the blond man and Chengzi Xiaolin in a small park in the residential area.

Under the threat of the blond man holding a gun, Kobayashi Chengko was sitting on a park bench.

Seeing that Kobayashi Chengko was fine, Kudo Shinichi felt at ease,

But at this moment, the blond man opened his trousers and stretched out his hand towards Chengzi Xiaolin,

Clearly ready to do something nasty!

Kudo Shin's eyes flashed killing intent instantly,

Sure enough, this group of robbers were all vicious people, and they could never be the kind of people who kept their promises.

If he came back later, I'm afraid Xiaolin Chengzi would be tarnished.

Just when Kudo Shinichi was about to make a move,

sudden change,

Xiaolin Chengzi, who was sitting on the bench, suddenly jumped up, and with lightning speed, he pinched the blond man's neck violently.

The blond man collapsed like ooze before he even had time to snort.

Witnessing this sudden change, Kudo Shinichi was a little unexpected,

In addition to being surprised by the speed and strength of Kobayashi Chengzi,

more importantly,

He faintly heard the sound of bones breaking,

I'm afraid the blond man has already...

Chapter 41 Killing by mistake?No, it is punishing rape and eliminating evil!

The small park at night is unusually quiet,

Let Kudo Shinichi faintly hear the sound of bones breaking,

Suddenly feel a little bad,

Kobayashi Chengko also seemed to realize that the attack was too heavy, and sniffed the blond man's breath in a panic,

Then, like a lightning strike, he couldn't stand upright, and he slumped on the ground.

"Miss Xiaolin, are you okay?"

Kudo Shinichi hurriedly appeared,

"Mr. Kudo!!!"

Xiao Lin Chengzi cried and threw herself into his arms.

However, Kudo Shinichi knows that now is definitely not the time to cry,

Quickly sniffed the blond man's breath, and sure enough, he was out of breath.

The corpse must be disposed of as soon as possible!

But to kill this kind of person, is it really necessary to cover it up?

Fortunately in misfortune,

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