Leave this residential building in an instant.

Not long after he left, a group of people appeared downstairs, and immediately came to the floor where the maple leaf gold coins were originally hidden.

But the empty bag on the steel beam made the leader roar angrily:

"Which bastard stole my gold coins!!!".

Chapter 42 Fei Yingli: I Don't Care About You Brat

Returning to the park restroom at super speed,

The time of rushing back and forth is less than 1 minute in total.

But Kudo Shinichi already felt a little tired,

After all, moving at a speed of 216km per hour puts a very heavy load on the body. If there is no physical strengthening, I am afraid that I am already sweating profusely at this moment.

And Xiaolin Chengzi was still waiting at the door, unaware that he had left.


Kudo Shinichi smiled.

Xiao Lin Chengzi's face had just returned to normal, and a blush suddenly flashed, "Well, can you stay here and wait for me."

Kudo Shinichi was a little curious, "What's wrong?"

"That's right..." Xiaolin Chengzi pointed to the bathroom,

Kudo Shinichi understood immediately.

One minute later, Xiaolin Chengzi came out of the bathroom, the tension on her face had been greatly relieved,

There was even a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, for some unknown reason.

Then, the two returned to the park bench,

Kudo Shin looked at the phone's address book, and found that there was no contact information of the top lawyer in Sakura Country, so he had to call Xiaolan.

The phone was picked up quickly,

"Xinyi, how are you doing today?"

The girl's voice sounded in her ears with a hint of expectation,

Kudo Shinichi smiled bitterly and said, "Well, it was a wonderful life... Or rather, it was a bit too wonderful."

"Too exciting?" Xiaolan seemed to have guessed something, "Xinyi, did you encounter another case?"

"Smart as you," Kudo Shin said, "unfortunately, one of my friends got involved in the case and got into some trouble, and needed Auntie Eri's help... sorry for bothering her so late .”

That's right, the "very powerful lawyer" Kudo Shinichi told Kobayashi Chengko was Xiaolan's mother, Fei Yingli,

Fei Yingli has never lost a lawsuit since she became a lawyer, and has won more than [-] times in a row. She is known as "the undefeated queen of the legal profession", and she is not one of the most powerful lawyers in Sakura Country.

Xiaolan was not angry either, "It's okay, if it wasn't an emergency, Xinyi, you wouldn't call at this time... It seems that Mom's winning streak will continue to be broken again."

When Kudo Shinichi and Xiaolan were talking on the phone, the reddish cheeks of Kobayashi Chengko who was sitting next to her cooled down quickly.

After finishing the call with Xiaolan,

Kudo Shinichi got Fei Yingli Law Firm and its private mobile phone number,

Considering that the time is already past seven o'clock in the evening, it may be off work,

He dialed Fei Yingli's cell phone number,

Maybe it was taken as a harassing phone call,

Fei Yingli refused to answer the first two times.

It was not picked up until the third time.

"Which one?"

A female voice with a touch of indifference and a touch of majesty came out of the receiver.

"Hello, lawyer concubine, I'm Xiaolan's friend, Kudo Shinichi..."

Kudo Shinichi tried his best to be as polite as possible.


However, Feiyingli suddenly became irritable and interrupted directly, "It's you brat! I haven't seen you for so many years, and now I pick this time to call...Did you do something to Xiaolan! Tell me Invite!!!"

Good guy, the undefeated queen who was originally indifferent, majestic and dignified changed her face when she talked about her daughter.

But Xiaolan is almost the same, once she sees Feiyingli getting close to the opposite sex, she will instantly go into a critical state...

"Cough, Concubine, please calm down, Xiaolan and I just held hands...I called to disturb you tonight because of legal matters..."

Bringing the topic back to work, Feiyingli on the other end of the phone quickly calmed down. After learning about the case and asking some basic information about Chengzi Kobayashi, Feiyingli accepted the defense commission.

Then, Fei Yingli asked the two of them where they are now, and she wanted to come over.

Kudo Shinichi: "Lawyer Concubine, I don't bother you to run over so late, just go directly to the police tomorrow to get the case information."

Fei Yingli: "Then you have to remind Ms. Xiao Lin that you need to be careful with your words in front of the police later... Don't think that everything will be fine after I accept the commission. I will arrange time tomorrow to check the details of the case."

Kudo Shinichi: "Attorney concubine, please rest assured that the police's attitude towards Ms. Kobayashi will be very... friendly, and there will be no problems with the details of the case. See you tomorrow."

If it is said that other suspects will be suspected or questioned by the police, Kobayashi Chengzi will not worry about this at all.

Especially in Mihua City.

Just when Kudo Shinichi was about to end the call,

Fei Yingli suddenly added, "By the way, there was a news report just now that a riot broke out in a prison, and more than a dozen prisoners took the opportunity to escape. Among them was the leader of the bandit, Kabane. Now you have arrested his subordinates. Be careful what you do, especially..."

Hearing that Cabanne had escaped from prison,


Kudo Shinichi's eyes lit up,

Now he doesn't have to run to the prison to find that guy!

Facing the concern of his future mother-in-law, Kudo Shinichi said with a relaxed tone, "Don't worry, lawyer concubine, I'll be fine."


As a result, Fei Yingli became irritable again, "Who cares about you troublesome brat, listen to me, before the police catch Kabane, don't take a step closer to Xiaolan!!!"

After finishing speaking, Fei Yingli hung up the call.


Shinichi Kudo:  …



It's him who is self-indulgent.


After all, there is not even a phone number in the phone, so the relationship between Fei Yingli and "him" is not much better,

And being involved in this robbery case, it is indeed easy to bring harm to those around her. Fei Yingli's worry is not unreasonable.

Therefore, whether it is for the task reward or for Xiaolan, he will bring Kabane to justice as soon as possible.

Turning to look at Kobayashi Chengzi,

Kudo Shinichi smiled and said:

"Miss Xiaolin, lawyer Fei Yingli, who is known as the 'Queen of Law', has agreed to defend you in court, so you can rest assured now."

"As for the defense fee, I will also pay for it."

Xiaolin Chengzi was obviously flattered, and waved his hands again and again, "This, how is this possible, Mr. Kudo can hire Dongfei's lawyer, which is already a great help, how can I let you spend more money."

Kudo Shinichi said softly: "Actually, Miss Xiaolin, you also helped me a lot today..."

"Besides, if it wasn't for Ms. Xiaolin, you sacrificed your life to lure one away, no matter how powerful I am, I would never be able to deal with three armed robbers at the same time."

It was also thanks to Kobayashi Chengko who gave him the Masked Superman figure, and then passed it on to Ayumi, that he got the treasure map,

When encountering danger, Xiaolin Chengzi also immediately helped him resist,

Although there is a factor of fanatical fans, you can't take other people's goodness for granted.

Repaying kindness with kindness and repaying grievances with straightness are Kudo Shinichi's standard of conduct.

Furthermore, if he hadn't hesitated just now, perhaps the blond man would not have died unexpectedly.

In any case, Kudo Shinichi finally persuaded Kobayashi Chengko to accept his help.

Then, he asked Xiaolin Chengzi the reason for appearing on the street, and he realized that Xiaolin Chengzi had left in such a hurry that he forgot to ask for his autograph, and he was worried that Didan Sansha would recognize him, so he waited at the gate of Dongdu Tower .

As a result, Didan Sansha finally left, and Xiaolin Chengzi found that the three suspicious-looking people were following him, so he followed him all the way. Seeing that there were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the road, it was getting dark, and worried that something might happen, he finally couldn't help showing up and dragging him escape.

After listening to her,

Kudo Shinichi thanked: "Miss Kobayashi, it is my honor to have such a kind, brave and beautiful fan like you."

Hearing his praise, Xiaolin Chengzi's cheeks warmed up again, and immediately remembered what she did to her idol on impulse, her pretty face flushed at a speed visible to the naked eye,

The air between the two also began to become a little different...

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