With that being said, Kaito Kuroba wanted to take off his mask to reveal his identity.

And Su Qin's complexion also sank: "Mr. Suzuki, you should pay more attention to [Blue Miracle], Kidd is now walking towards the museum, as for the matter between me and Qingzi, don't worry about it." !"

Hearing this, Kaito Kuroba suddenly realized that the dummy doll he had arranged had been attracting everyone's attention for a while, and if he didn't take the opportunity to steal [Blue Miracle], he would have no chance!

The top priority should be to steal this azure gemstone, win this duel, slap the big detective in the face, and then tell Qingzi to 703 about Su Qin's incompetence, so that Qingzi won't be caught by this The man lied!

At this time, the staff quickly said: "Detective Kudo, boss, the monitoring screen of Helicopter No. [-] suddenly disappeared. According to the monitoring of other aircraft, Helicopter No. [-] has been entrenched directly above Kidd!"

'Suzuki Jikichiro' said: "It seems that Kidd and his accomplices are on this helicopter, order all the planes to keep an eye on this No. [-] aircraft!"

'Suzuki Jikichiro' turned around, and saw the scene that made him sad again. Qingzi's whole body was nestled in Su Qin's arms, and Su Qin's big arms were around his slender waist.

Qingzi whispered: "Xinyi, this old man is too strange, why bother so much!"

"Who knows! Maybe he's been single for too long, leave him alone, anyway, there won't be any intersection in the future!" After that, Su Qin deliberately pecked Qingzi's cheek, and said in a low voice: "Speaking of it, Qingzi, your skin feels amazing, I like it very much!"

When Qingzi heard this, his face turned red hot, and he couldn't help patting Su Qin with his little hand: "Ah! Xinyi, you are really necrotic, how can you say it, I ignore you!"

Although Su Qin and Aoko Nakamori lowered their volume, none of the staff in the car could hear them.

But Kaito Kuroba has been trained, and his five senses are stronger than ordinary people, so he heard these words verbatim.

In an instant, Hei Yu was so angry that he was trembling all over, his face under the mask was extremely livid, at this moment he only wanted to kill someone!

Unforgivable!Su Qin actually touched Qingzi!What else can I say?Simply unforgivable!

He looked at Su Qin with hatred, which was comparable to killing a father and an enemy.

But even in the face of such a situation, Kuroba Kaito couldn't reveal his identity.

He also had to keep calm and act according to the original plan, which was a great torment for this 17-year-old boy!

'Suzuki Jikichiro' almost gritted his molars and said: "Listen to me, this Kaitou Kidd has already infiltrated our team, and Helicopter No. [-] has been infiltrated by him. It is inevitable that my surveillance system will He will be hacked in to see."

"So now turn off all the lighting in the museum for me to prevent Kidd from seeing it, and also, take the [Blue Miracle] back to the museum!"

Hearing this order, the staff in the car began to operate one by one, and the [Blue Miracle] on the eaves turned upside down and entered the secret room, while the entire museum was plunged into darkness.

'Suzuki Jiyoshiro' then said: "Detective Kudo, I will temporarily give you the command in this car. I stayed up all night last night, but I came up with a brilliant idea. I will definitely win this duel!"

"As long as I keep [Blue Miracle] (abfa), this PK will naturally be considered my victory, and then the news headlines will be mine, wow ha ha ha!"

I have to say that Kidd's acting skills are still good.

With such a shock in my heart, I can still act so well,

Su Qin couldn't help feeling: Kidd is really a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, so tolerant.

Or is Kidd's affection for Qingzi just that?

Of course, Su Qin will not stop Kidd from continuing to act, after all, catch the thief and get the stolen goods!

Besides, when he steals the gems and then suddenly appears, under the great joy and sorrow, his expression will definitely be wonderful at that time.

Su Qin laughed softly: "Mr. Suzuki, don't worry!"

'Suzuki Jikichiro' glanced back at Aoko again, and hurried out of the signal car!

And in Shiodome Park in front of the Suzuki Building, beside the shabby-looking jeep, an old man in a khaki army coat and a soft felt hat is smoking a cigarette, his horse face is full of excitement .

As soon as Qian Xingxing read the information on the phone, he threw down the cigarette in his hand and stomped it out.

"Lupine, let me see where you are going to escape this time, and I will definitely catch you."

After saying that, he walked out of Shiodome Park and walked towards the Suzuki Building surrounded by crowds.

Among the crowd, Ginzo Nakamori looked at the helicopter in the sky with a binoculars, but heard his subordinate report: "Police, all the lights in the museum have been cut off, what should we do?"

Nakamori Ginzo frowned immediately, turned his head to look at the figure of Kaitou Kidd who was still walking in the air, and quickly ordered: "Take a few people inside to check the situation, and report any abnormalities through the walkie-talkie immediately!"

His subordinates nodded quickly, and not long after, five police officers entered the Suzuki Building.

Conan, who ran down from the Yanggu Building, also guessed Kidd's intention of walking in the air. He saw five police officers entering the Suzuki Building, and followed them quickly after staring at him.

In the OB van, Qingzi turned his head to pretend to be angry, while Su Qin put his arms around Qingzi's soft waist and coaxed the thin-skinned girl in a low voice.

"Qingzi, don't be angry, I was wrong, I shouldn't have done such an excessive thing to you just now!"

"But Qingzi, you look so cute and dress so beautifully, I can't control it all of a sudden, please forgive me!"

Hearing these words, the corners of Qingzi's mouth slightly curled up, feeling very proud, she turned around arrogantly: "What else?"

"Also, you shouldn't directly praise your hand feeling, I won't talk about it in the future!"

"You still said!!!"

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything, Qingzi, I'll take you to arrest Kidd, and apologize as an apology, how about it?"

Hearing this, Qingzi's eyes lit up...

Chapter 610

"Xinyi, do you know where Kidd is?"

"Great, as long as he is caught, no one will laugh at my dad."

Qingzi's eyes were bright, and he actively pulled Su Qin outside.

And in the museum above the Suzuki Building,

The gloomy 'Suzuki Jikichiro' walked slowly, and met the police officers sent by Nakamori Ginzo on the way.

"Mr. Suzuki, why are you in the museum? Officer Nakamori is still asking why all the lights in the museum are off!"

'Suzuki Jikichiro' said: "This is my order. The helicopters have been infiltrated by Kidd. I suspect that my monitoring system has also been hacked by Kidd. If you turn off the lights, Kidd will never see inside. the scene!"

"You guys came at the right time. I thought about it all night last night before I came up with this good idea. You guys will cooperate with me later. This time, I will definitely make Kidd lose a lot!"

After all, 'Suzuki Jikichiro' led the five police officers to the secret room!

When everyone came to the secret room, 'Suzuki Jikichiro' said again: "You guys will go out from the gate with blank boxes later, to cover up people's eyes and ears. As for the real [Blue Miracle], I will pretend to be a cleaner and use garbage bags Pack it and take it away through the back door."

"As long as I don't get it by Kidd, I will win this competition!"

The five policemen nodded when they heard it, and the leader of them called Ginzo Nakamori to tell him the situation here, and Ginzo Nakamori heaved a sigh of relief.

He began to use the walkie-talkie to command the planes entrenched in the sky: "Surround the No. [-] plane for me, don't let it leave!"

But just after Nakamori Ginzo gave the order, Terai Konosuke on the No. [-] plane pressed the button.

A ball of pink gas exploded from the place where the air-walking dummy Kidd was, and the dummy continued to shrink like a leak, and disappeared in an instant!

Seeing this scene, Ginzo Nakamori stared wide-eyed, and shouted into the walkie-talkie: "The helicopters on the left and right surround me and force-land this No. [-] aircraft, and we must not let them escape!"

Kidd's assistant, Konosuke Terai, pressed another button, and immediately fired several smoke bombs from the helicopter, covering the left and right helicopters, and then he drove the helicopter to change his personality. Direction, mixed with all aircraft.

Ginzo Nakamori quickly shouted: "Leave all the planes where they are. As soon as the smoke clears, immediately report the position of No. [-] plane!"

Not long after, he heard the driver's report from the intercom.

"Report, this is Unit 23, Unit [-] is on my left, please show me!"

"Report, this is Unit No.14, Unit No. [-] was found in Shiodome Park, please give instructions!"

"Report, this is the No. [-] machine, and two No. [-] machines are found directly above the museum, please instruct!"

Hearing the endless reports, Nakamori Ginzo's whole face became embarrassing, WTF, how come there are so many No. [-] machines?

In fact, the shape of each helicopter is the same, but there is a number sticker on the tail, which is the number...

Kidd put the No. [-] aircraft under many of the aircraft tail stickers, and the stickers were blown by the wind and fell naturally, which caused this situation.

Su Qin brought Qingzi to the museum. The museum was pitch-black, and the two of them were leaning on the field car and kissing indulgently in this hall.

There are countless collections of Suzuki Jikichiro in the hall, including the manpower plane that won him honor, the grassland field vehicle...all these large objects were moved into this museum by him.

"Xinyi, you are so bad, didn't you say you brought me to catch Kidd? What are we doing now?"

Aoko Nakamori's face was flushed, and his eyes were full of mist.

And Su Qin put his arms around Qingzi's thin waist, "Kidd will appear from the corridor later, we can catch them by guarding here!"

"You lied! Uh~~~"

Su Qin kissed her again,

Qingzi couldn't resist again and again, and gradually began to respond.

At this moment, a figure appeared in the corridor leading from the secret room to the hall,

It is Kaito Kidd's 'Suzuki Jijiro' who is Yi Rongcheng.

He has excellent eyesight, and his trained eyes can also have night vision. When he saw the two kissing beside the field car, 'Suzuki Jikichiro' was stunned, his mouth was wide open, and his pupils kept shrinking.

This is not true!This is not true!How could Qingzi be kissing Su Qin!

0 · Flowers · · · · · 0

Hearing someone's voice, Su Qin let go of Qingzi's mouth, turned around and greeted 'Suzuki Jikichiro': "You are so slow, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

As soon as the words fell, the headlights of the field car turned on, illuminating the entire hall.

Qingzi's face was flushed, and he was a little dazed by the kiss: "Xinyi, are you waiting for this old man?"

Su Qin laughed softly, and stroked Qingzi's messy hair with his big hand: "Qingzi, don't you understand? This guy is Kaitou Kidd, and what he holds in his hand is the [Blue Miracle] that he wants to steal!"

Hearing this, Qingzi exclaimed: "Ah! It means that Kidd disguised himself as this old man. Let me just say, how can ordinary old people meddle in their own business!"

Hearing these words, Kaito Kuroba almost burst into tears. At this moment, footsteps were heard from behind, and a police officer followed.

'Suzuki Jikichiro' immediately lashed out: "Officer, Phantom Thief Kidd has disguised himself as Detective Kudo, and now he stops me to grab [Blue Miracle], officer, help me!"

I have to say that the anxious look on the face of 'Suzuki Jikichiro' is indeed extremely deceptive, the policeman quickly believed it, with excitement in his eyes: "Mr. Suzuki, don't worry, look at me This Kaitou Kidd!"

After finishing speaking, he took out the pistol from his arms and approached Su Qin.

Qingzi panicked when he saw the pistol: "What! Officer, you have been deceived. The old man next to you is Kaitou Kidd, and the one next to me is the real Detective Kudo!"

But the policeman was unmoved at all, and instead pointed his gun at Su Qin, with a smirk in his mouth: "Kidd, the monster thief, let's catch him without a fight, Mr. Suzuki, you go first!"

Seeing this, Qingzi stood directly in front of Su Qin, and stretched out his hands to protect Su Qin: "No, you can't shoot. If you shoot, you will hurt a good person by mistake!"

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