Su Qin came forward, Qian Xingxing glanced at him: "I just don't understand, how can Detective Kudo know Lu Bang's real goal!"

Su Qin naturally didn't answer him, and Qian Xingxing asked police officer Mu Mu in a low voice: "Mu Mu, can I recruit some people from your subordinates to help?"

"Of course no problem, I just don't know if they can do it!"

Hearing this, Miwako Sato turned around immediately: "Police, may I also join the ranks of arresting Lupine."

Miwako's eyes are burning with fighting spirit, Lupine dared to shoot my man with a gun, it is absolutely unforgivable!

Mei Hezi wanted to avenge Su Qin wholeheartedly, so Su Qin's forehead was sweating while watching,

Although Miwako also has a system, none of Lupine and others is normal.

Hearing what Miwako said, Takagi on the side quickly turned around and said, "Police, I also want to join this operation."

Qian Xingxing nodded: "Okay, then you guys can come and help."

Su Qin frowned: "Shouldn't the task of arresting robbers belong to the second investigation department? Where's Officer Zhongsen?"

Police officer Meguro explained: "Last night's action was coordinated by Nakamori. It had such a bad impact, and the people above held him accountable. He has been shutting himself at home for the past few days to reflect, so this case has been cooperated by our first department. "

"I see!" Su Qin felt a little sympathetic to the unlucky Nakamori Ginzo.

At the end of the meeting, Mei Hezi dragged Su Qin into her office.

"You guy, it's too worrying. You didn't tell me when you went abroad, and you made such a big deal when you came back!"

Seeing that Miwako seemed a little angry,

Su Qin gently hugged her from behind: "I don't want you to worry, besides, didn't something happen?"

"Why did you join Koichi Sengata's action team, the old fellow Qiangata is unreliable,"

"I've grabbed Lupine once before, and he can't stand it, or you will act with me later." And.

Chapter 616 Good news for Miwako

Miwako shook her head, "No, I promised Officer Megure in front of him, and I can't leave my post without authorization. "

Su Qin remembered that in the original plot, Mei Hezi was extremely embarrassed by Lu Bang's electric shock, so he said, "Okay, I will also go to the Dongdu Bank's operation in the afternoon, and I will protect you when the time comes."

"Don't look down on people, I'm going to be a member of the police department too, I don't need you to protect me."

"Yes, yes, my Miwako is the most powerful."

Miwako was wearing a small light blue suit, a white round skirt, and her elastic beautiful legs were wrapped in flesh-colored stockings, exuding the playfulness and cuteness of a little woman.

After being with Su Qin, she also began to pay attention to dressing up, becoming more and more beautiful, and the title of the Flower of the Metropolitan Police Department is well-deserved.

Su Qin couldn't help but feel restless holding Miwako's hand,

Miwako's face soon turned red from "[-]", and her pair of small hands kept resisting: "Xinyi, stop making trouble, I'm going to arrest Lu Bang this afternoon!"

"That's what happened in the afternoon too..." Su Qin said with a smirk.

However, Mei Hezi struggled hard, broke away from Su Qin, and said, "Da Se Pi, I wanted to tell you some good news, but now I don't want to tell you."

Su Qin smiled lightly: "Okay, I won't do anything. What good news do you have?"

He turned his head, and his eyes lit up immediately: "Could it be that you succeeded in lobbying?!"

Immediately a look of surprise appeared on Meihezi's face.

Seeing this expression, Su Qin knew that he had guessed right, and was secretly happy in his heart. He hugged Mihezi excitedly, kissed her, and said with a smile: "Meihezi, you are really capable!"

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore, you go to Dongdu Bank to be careful, and don't get too close to Takagi!"

"Understood, big vinegar jar!"

In my memory, Lu Bang was disguised as Takagi. Su Qin naturally wanted to remind Miwako, but obviously she misunderstood.

After saying goodbye to Meihezi, Su Qin walked out of the police station. As soon as he came outside, he saw two beautiful figures.

Wearing a blue traffic police uniform and hat, Miyamoto Yumi and another female traffic policeman were standing next to a broken jeep. The jeep was directly towed away by a crane. Yumi wrote on the floor with chalk.

The girl standing with Yumi has a pair of beautiful cat eyes and twin ponytails, very playful and cute.

With such obvious double ponytail features, Su Qin recognized it at a glance, it should be Naoko Miike.

Miike Naoko said: "Senior, this is so ridiculous, why would someone park the car here."

Yumi threw away the chalk, clapped her hands, with a sneer on her face: "I'll let him know the fate of provoking the Transportation Agency."

"However, senior, why can't we find this license plate?"

"Ghost knows, maybe some illegal organization used the car, eh?! Shinichi!"

Suddenly, Yumei's face was full of surprise, and she threw herself into Su Qin's arms with small steps.

Another hit with the ball.

Miike Naeko on the side looked at the two in surprise, and she recognized that the man who was embracing Yumi was none other than the well-known Kudo detective in Toto.

This is really amazing. Detective Kudo is actually in a relationship with his predecessors, which is completely big news.

"Yumi, you are on patrol right now!"

"Yeah, just now I asked someone to tow away an illegal unlicensed car!"

Yumei rubbed her small head against Su Qin attached, but soon she realized that there were juniors by her side, and it was necessary to show some image, so she got up reluctantly.

Su Qin looked at the broken jeep going away, and mourned for Qian Xing in his heart. The car was clearly the bus of the Interpol, so naturally it belonged to Qian Xing, but he didn't say anything.

Yumi pulled Su Qin to Miike Naeko's side: "Shinichi, let me introduce you. This is Miike Naeko who was transferred from the Kubado Police Station to the headquarters. He is my junior."

Su Qin nodded to Sanike Miaozi, and Sanike Miaozi's face flushed. This female traffic policeman seemed to be particularly prone to blush.

Yumi became vigilant, and quickly introduced: "Miaozi, this is my boyfriend, you should know him, he is known as the savior of the Eastern Capital, our super detective."

Su Qin said modestly: "It's all nonsense in the news, it's not that powerful."

At this moment, Yumi's walkie-talkie rang.

"There was a traffic accident on Banshan Avenue, please ask the nearby police officers to deal with it."

"Repeat, there is a car accident on Banshan Avenue, please ask the nearby police officers to deal with it."

Hearing this voice, Yumi pursed her mouth: "Why is this so, after finally meeting Shinichi, another accident happened 0."

Su Qin chuckled and said, "If there is an accident, just deal with it. It's not easy to meet me."

He pulled Yumi's body, and said in a low voice: "And next time we meet on vacation, don't we have many opportunities to talk, what are you anxious about?"

Yumi's face turned red immediately: "Shinichi, you are too bad, I ignore you, Miaozi, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, she walked to the patrol car, Naeko Miike quickly followed, and the patrol car drove away after a while.

Su Qin chuckled and drove his car to the parking lot and left. He thought of the girl on the plane under the moonlight last night.

As soon as the steering wheel was turned, he went to Nakamori's house. It seemed that it was time to take care of that old hapless guy who was always being teased by Kidd.

Su Qin came to Nakamori's house. It was a single-family house with a total height of three floors and a small yard.

He rang the doorbell, and Qingzi opened the door not long after.

Seeing Su Qin appearing, Qingzi's face was full of surprise, but he couldn't help whispering: "Xinyi, why are you here? My father is still at home!"

Nakamori Ginzo's voice came from the back room: "Qingzi, who is it?"

Su Qin went straight into Nakamori's house and changed his shoes at the entrance.

Qingzi quickly closed the door and replied, "It's Xinyi!"

As soon as Su Qin entered the living room, he saw Ginzo Nakamori lying on the floor with a dejected face, looking at Yard 5.0 in a daze.

Nakamori Ginzo turned his head, with a look of surprise on his face: "Detective Kudo, why are you here?"

"I heard that Officer Nakamori was ordered to reflect at home, so he came here to see you. Don't you welcome me? Didn't you ask me to have a drink last night?"

Nakamori Ginzo shook his head: "What's the matter, I just feel that I have been very unlucky recently. It is obvious that Lu Bang appeared in the sky last night. This can also be blamed on me. The people above are really hard to describe."

Su Qin sat cross-legged on the floor: "Look at it, it's all the same, every job has uncomfortable situations!"

Ginzo Nakamori sighed: "Speaking of which, I really admire you. It's easy to deal with Kidd, unlike me, who has been caught for 18 years and still hasn't caught Kidd.".

Chapter 617 Introducing the Wolf

Seeing Aoko by his side, Nakamori Ginzo didn't say any more frustrating words, he got up and said, "Detective Kudo, you haven't had your lunch yet, but mine just happened to be ready, you can eat here at noon, let's have a drink .”

"You have beaten Kidd twice, today you have to teach me the secret of recognizing Kidd."

Speaking of this, Nakamori Ginzo excitedly pulled Su Qin to the low table beside him.

Nakamori Ginzo's wife died early, and there were only father and daughter in the family, so it was more casual where to eat, and it was normal to eat on this low table.

Qingzi obediently brought out the dishes from the kitchen, as well as two jugs of sake.

As soon as Su Qin sat on the futon, Nakamori Ginzo, who was beside him, immediately poured sake with an enthusiastic look on his face.

The two clinked glasses, Nakamori Ginzo drank a cup of sake in the shape of a teacup, and immediately yelled.

"Wow! Hiss is enough!!!"

This appearance attracted Su Qin's attention. It is possible that the wine is very strong, but this is not right, sake is usually only a few degrees.

He also drank this glass of sake, tasteless, not much different from plain water.

Su Qin turned his head and saw Ginzo Nakamori, whose face was already flushed, and he put it on his face with a small cup, and couldn't help being speechless. This guy's drinking capacity is too bad!

And Qingzi quickly said from the side: "Father, drink less!"

Qingzi really has enough to worry about drinking less after only one cup.

But Nakamori Ginzo is the kind of person who obviously likes to drink, but can't drink a few cups.

After three cups, Nakamori Ginzo started to feel drunk.

"Come, eat vegetables, Detective Kudo, don't be shy, treat yourself like your own home!"

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