Kudo Shinichi finally confirmed that her retreat just now was caused by him,

He joked immediately: "But Mingmei, you are right, I am a scumbag, if I don't send you abroad, how can I have the opportunity to find other beauties to play with?"

Miyano Akemi just snorted softly, didn't say much, and didn't intend to let go of the hands that were holding each other.

Happy hours, soon to an end,

At around five o'clock in the afternoon, Miyano Akemi's cell phone rang. It was Kogoro Mori calling, saying that she had found her 'missing father'.

"Well, okay, I'll go right away."

Miyano Akemi hung up the phone, but did not leave immediately.

Kudo Shinichi sat beside her quietly, interlocking his fingers.

Suddenly, Miyano Akemi raised her head and kissed him deeply, then let go of her hand, turned and left without saying a word.


Looking at the back of her resolutely leaving, Kudo Shinichi deeply felt the powerlessness brought about by lack of strength,

For him at this moment, the winery is an insurmountable mountain. He doesn't even have the capital to climb it now. If he is not careful, he will fall to pieces.

The only thing he could do was to accompany Miyano Akemi through the last stretch of the road.

From the conversation coming from the listener,


Kudo Shinichi learned that Mingmei returned to hotel 801 to change her appearance, and then took a taxi to the Maori office.This move caught the attention of the monitoring winery minions, who also followed behind.


Kudo Shinichi watched all this from a distance, watching Mori Kogoro, Xiaolan, and Conan bring "Masami Hirota" to the place where her "father" is now renting, as in the comics, "Father and Daughter" reunion.


Kogoro Mori was about to ask for the commission fee, but was dragged away by Xiaolan,


"` . Dad, don't spoil the beautiful scene of the reunion of father and daughter, just treat it as a good deed."


Kogoro: "Good deeds can't be done in vain, I've traveled a lot in the past few days..."


Xiaolan: "The problem is that I found the most important clue. If I hadn't found out that Mr. Hirota likes horse racing, I don't know when I would find him."

"And Dad, when you were at the racetrack, don't think I don't know about the fact that you were lazy and didn't go to find someone, but instead won a sum of money by betting!"

Under Xiaolan's "persuasion" and "threat", both hard and soft, Kogoro had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​collecting money.

Conan next to him looked smug. In fact, he found the key information from Masami Hirota's description of Mr. Hirota. After recombining, he came up with the fact that Mr. Hirota likes horse racing, but he didn't believe it would be so simple. , so Xiaolan picked it up.

"But sister Xiaolan, don't you think Miss Hirota is a little different from before?"

Conan pointed to Qiaoying over there, "Not only is the style of clothing more mature, but it also seems to have put on makeup..."

Xiaolan doesn't care about such details, "I must be able to see my father and want to show my best side, so I dressed up specially."

This is barely plausible,

It's just that Conan always felt that when Mr. Hirota saw his daughter, the surprise and shock on his face were far more than joy...

Watching 'Masami Hirota' dragging Mr. Hirota into the apartment, Kogoro Mori and the others left immediately,

Just after they left, a burly man also entered Mr. Hirota's room,

Kudo Shinichi knew that the burly man was the criminal partner who robbed Miyano Akemi of 10 billion yuan in cash that day. He lived in room 802 next to Miyano Akemi for the past few days.

Like Miyano Akemi, the burly man was also a low-level member of the organization. Gin arranged for him to act together with Miyano Akemi, and promised that as long as he successfully delivered one billion in cash, he would be given the title of wine and become a full-fledged member of the organization.

Not long after, Miyano Akemi and the burly man came out of the room with three large suitcases in their hands. The two moved the suitcases to the car they had prepared earlier, and left the apartment in a hurry.

As for that Mr. Hirota, as the price of absconding with money, he was hanged on the ceiling of the room by an angry burly man, pretending to commit suicide.

Afterwards, Miyano Akemi and the burly man transported the three suitcases back to the hotel room for storage.

And the distillery boss who followed and monitored the two people's actions also reported the situation to their superiors.

On the sofa in Room 701,

Kudo Shinichi heard the latest order from Gin from the monitor:

"Keep watching, especially those three boxes of money,"

"Also, give her the prepared drink and ask her to drink it for 'partner',"

"Another stinky rat trying to sneak in..."

According to the evaluation of gin,

The burly man should be a member of a secret service agency, and he wanted to sneak into the winery as an undercover agent.

It's just that Gin Jiu saw through and made a false promise, and now he wants to get rid of it with the help of Miyano Akemi.

Based on this speculation, the burly man probably also obeyed Qin Jiu's order and asked him to show his loyalty before he hanged Mr. Hirota.

And Akemi Miyano witnessed the murder of a burly man with her own eyes. Even if the material drink may be poisonous, the burden on her heart will be much smaller.

At that time, if Qin Jiu reveals the undercover identity of the burly man when they meet, it will definitely have a blow to Akemi Miyano...

False promises made Miyano Akemi and the others rob money and commit a felony,

And secretly ordered to urge them to kill each other,

The last meeting, after receiving the money, silence, the one billion robbery will become an unsolved unsolved case,

Not only to kill, but also to punish the heart,

Kudo Shinju really felt the viciousness and cunning of Gin,

Firstly, he has no strength, secondly, no power, and thirdly, he doesn't know enough about the inside of the brewery in Kexue World.

At present, we can only keep a low profile.


Although he can't show up,

But try to make trouble,

With any luck,

Might be able to save Mingmei......

Chapter 59 Killer gift pack, natal skill improvement

Night came,

Kudo Shinichi walked to the balcony, and with his excellent jumping ability, he easily came to the balcony of Room 801 above.

Tomorrow is the day when Mingmei will hand over one billion cash to Gin,

It is possible to successfully rescue Miyano Shiho, the sisters are free,

More likely, died at the gin gun,

Therefore, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for Mingmei.

Kudo Shinichi wanted to accompany her.

But when he came to the balcony, he found that the floor-to-ceiling windows were closed, and he could not enter the room.

As if she knew he would come, Miyano Akemi was sitting on the sofa in the living room, shaking her head slightly at him through the window,

Then, Kudo Shinichi received a text message:

Miyano Akemi: It would be better if we don't meet for a while until the deal is over.

Then, Mingmei even drew the curtains to block his view.

Miyano Akemi walked into the bedroom, hid in the quilt and wept silently, muttering softly, "I'm sorry, Shinichi...you have already made me hesitate, if I get closer to you..."

on the balcony,

Kudo Shinichi let out a long sigh,

Sitting on the ground, quietly watching the bustling night below.

The cell phone rang suddenly,

It's Xiaolan calling.

"Xinyi, you didn't come for the monthly exam this time, did you encounter another case?"

"Well, I really can't find time."

"What about tomorrow?"

"Sorry, I have something important to do tomorrow."

"Okay... By the way, Shinichi, I was also a detective today. I was the one who commissioned a search at the office last time..."

Listening to Xiaolan's energetic voice on the other end of the phone,

The loneliness and loneliness in Kudo Shinichi's heart have also been diluted a bit,

Finally, at the end of the call,

Xiaolan even brought 860 interesting news,

Xiaolan, "Also, didn't it rain a little this afternoon, and at that time there was still a subject to be tested in school, so I called Conan... Now that the test results have been recorded, how can I read them? arrive?"

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