"At the door, I also heard two gunshots coming from the study, so it is completely impossible for me to kill someone."

Officer Megure turned his head to look at Kozo Doi, Kozo Doi said, "I've been working in the garden." Then he fell silent.

You Xizi said, "By the way, Mr. Doi's figure appeared on the surveillance screen at the time of the incident."

Hearing this, Police Officer Mu Mu quickly sent his men to confirm.

You Xizi turned her head quite proudly, only to see that Concubine Yingli had already started asking the maid who hated Teng Zhiqian the most in the family.

You Xizi pursed her lips and turned to look for Su Qin, only to find that he was no longer in the living room.

At this moment, Su Qin entered the room of the suspects alone and began to search.

He already knew who the murderer was, but some people's reactions were not right, which made him feel that there seemed to be something hidden in this case, so he wanted to find some more evidence.

The rooms of these people were all locked, but Su Qin couldn't be bothered. With the perspective effect of the real eye and a small wire, he opened the door easily.

The first thing he entered was the room of Teng Zhi Qianxiong and Teng Zhi Suhua. The bedroom decoration showed a luxurious style.

These two lucky people were originally low-class people from poor backgrounds. They changed their destiny through marriage and forcibly lived the lives of rich people.

One was a little hooligan who went to the eldest lady of Tengzhi's family, and the other was a table girl from Kabuki Town who went to this little hooligan, so these two people have a very low style.

The Eye of Reality scanned around, but found no valuable clues.

Except for a picture book found in the safe at the end.

When you open it, it's so eye-catching!

This is a masterpiece by Teng Zhi Su Hua, which depicts Teng Zhi Fan's unobstructed figure.

What kind of trouble is this imitating Rousi and Jack?

Su Qin shook his head helplessly, and covered the drawing book.

The two really had an adulterous relationship, thinking about it, a 26-year-old young wife marrying a 58-year-old bad old man must be dissatisfied with desire.

And there are other men in the family, Teng Zhifan is only in his 40s, and he is in his prime, so it is completely understandable for the two to hook up.

Understanding the relationship between the two, the allusion of Wu Dalang and Pan Jinlian instantly appeared in Su Qin's mind.

It is also possible that the two of them partnered to kill Tengzhi Mikuo.

But Su Qin thought about it again, comparing Tengzhi Suhua to Pan Jinlian is too high of her.

Teng Zhi Suhua, a gold worshiper, is right in saying that if she really wanted to kill Teng Zhi Qianxiong, it would be impossible for her to invite herself here to investigate.

But it is possible that Teng Zhifan could become Ximen Qing.

Su Qin put the painting book back to its original place, restored everything, then calmly walked out of the master bedroom and walked to Teng Zhifan's room.

Teng Zhifan's room is not big, rather simple, the most conspicuous thing is the computer beside the bed, presumably it is his tool for writing mystery novels.

As expected of a writer of mystery novels, he knows a lot about criminal investigation.

It is indeed a wise choice not to keep anything that is not good for you around you.

After looking at Teng Zhifan's computer, Su Qin frowned slightly. After clearing his operation traces, he walked out of his room and walked towards the room of the remaining old housekeepers and the room of the gardener.

He already had a conclusion in his heart, and went to the room of the remaining two people, but he was just looking for evidence.

Everything in the end was not as he expected.

As soon as Su Qin walked out of the room, he saw Yuxizi coming up to him.

As soon as she put her arms around Su Qin's arm, she began to talk about her gains: "Xinyi, do you know? That Mr. Doi, he is from the Tosa area. I just talked to him in the Tosa dialect, and he told me something. Very interesting information."

"what's the message?"

"He said that he heard the sound of glass breaking first, and then heard the gunshot. Shouldn't these two sounds be together? Isn't it strange?"

You Xizi leaned against Su Qin's arm tightly with her soft embrace, and began to act coquettishly: "Xinyi, I have already told you the information, did you find any useful information? Tell me quickly!"

Su Qin chuckled suddenly: "You Xizi, are you trying to cheat? That's not okay 0."

"How can it be said to be cheating? You are my man, so what if we share information?"

"Besides, this guy Eri is too hateful."

"Xinyi, just help me, I will give you a big surprise when I get home."

You Xizi's starry eyes blinked at Su Qin, full of playfulness.

His woman is so coquettish, even Su Qin can't be proud of himself, and said in a low voice: "Actually, this case is very simple, the murderer just set a wrong road sign."

You Xizi looked at Su Qin in a daze, then pinched his fingers, twisted his waist, and shouted: "Speak human words!"

"Okay, okay, you've been misled!"

Only then did Su Qin whisper to Yuxiko the whole story of the case.

Yukiko's eyes lit up, and then the two walked towards the living room.

Fei Yingli in the living room is still collecting the information provided by the maid.

Yukiko walked to her side and smiled proudly: "Eri, it seems that I won this time!"

Hearing this, Fei Yingli subconsciously glanced at Su Qin who was beside him, and seemed to silently ask him whether he had provided help to Yukiko.

Su Qin immediately looked up at the ceiling, pretending to admire the interior decoration.

You5.0 Xizi clapped her hands, attracting everyone's attention, and then she said, "As for the murderer of this incident, I already know who it is."

"The murderer just set a wrong road sign for us, but all of this can't be hidden from my eyes."

He really imitated the example, and even copied the words, the corners of Su Qin's eyes twitched.

Mu Mu Shisan and others hurriedly asked: "Who is the murderer?"

Yukiko pointed to the old butler with a mustache beside him: "The murderer who killed Mitsuo Tengzhi is you, Mr. Ueki Sohachi."

Mu Mu Shisan immediately questioned: "But when the deceased was killed, didn't the housekeeper stay with you in the monitoring room?"

Yukiko shook her head: "No, at that time, Mr. Mikio Fujieda was not killed at all, he just fell into a coma.".

Chapter 647

"We always thought that he stood up and raised his hands high when he was pointed at with a gun, but how could a person who was pointed at with a gun bother to cover his books and put The bookmarks are neatly arranged."

"Actually, he was just tired of reading, so he got up and stretched."

"Then how to explain his fainting?"

You Xizi laughed softly: "There is a drug that can specifically take effect when people get up and when the blood supply is insufficient, and produce a coma effect. It is isopropyl ketone."

"I think Mr. Housekeeper should have poured isopropanone into the coffee first, and then watched the deceased get up and stretch with us in the monitoring room, and deliberately said, 'Master stood up, why did he raise his hands.' So as to guide We thought he was being threatened with a gun."

"After that, when we ran to the study, he came to the yard outside with a gun and fired three shots at Teng Zhizhixiong."

"According to Mr. Doi's testimony, he heard the sound of glass breaking first, and then he heard the gunshot."

"Obviously you want us to think that the first shot happened while we were watching the surveillance, so that 01 can create his own alibi. So for the first shot, Mr. Butler, you should use the silencer!"

"So the first shot only had the sound of glass breaking, which is why Mr. Doi heard the sound of glass breaking first, and then heard the gunshot behind him."

"Afterwards, Mr. Housekeeper, you trot over with the key and open the door with us."

"In order not to be seen through by others, the silencer must not be found by the police. If it is not found in the courtyard, it must be on your body."

"Mr. Ueki, am I right?"

The old butler Ueki Kusohachi lowered his head and was silent for a moment, then said calmly: "Yes, I killed the person."

Saying that, Ueki Sohachi took out the silencer from his arms,

Everyone couldn't help being in an uproar, they didn't expect that this old man who was nearly seventy years old would do such a thing as killing his master.

Yukiko immediately glanced at Fei Eri proudly, as if declaring that she had won.

The old butler said, "Officer, take me away. This lady is right. I shot and killed the master."

Police officer Mu Mu looked puzzled: "Why are you doing this?"

Ueki Kusohachi shook his head, and smiled wryly, the old man who had already had gray hair looked older.

"If I don't do this, next month, my wife's favorite home will be destroyed by the master."

"The master has already planned to tear down the whole house and rebuild it, and also turn the outside courtyard into a swimming pool."

"In order to protect my wife's favorite homeland, I have no choice!"

Hearing this, Doi Gengzao pointed at Tengzhi Suhua and cursed: "It's all caused by you, a bad woman. Why did you encourage the master to destroy our home?"

The old butler shouted: "Fat!"

Doi Kozo was stunned for a moment, then sat back heavily on the sofa, and let out a long sigh.

Officer Takagi was holding handcuffs and was about to handcuff the old housekeeper.

At this moment, Su Qin said: "Mr. Ueki, although you are loyal, you are willing to bear this crime alone."

"But it's still wrong to do so. You are just an assigned perpetrator. The real mastermind is someone else, right?"

Hearing this, everyone's expression changed immediately.

The old butler immediately waved his hand and denied it.

You Xizi pursed her lips: "Why is this? Xinyi, it's too disgusting that he still has a hand."

Fei Yingli looked at Yukiko gloatingly, and smiled triumphantly.

Su Qin blinked at You Xizi, although Yu Xizi's coquettish offensive was very useful, but as smart as Fei Yingli, it is impossible not to see that he provided assistance,

At that time, the pair of girlfriends may finally throw the blame on him, and then the two will be unhappy.

It's better to stand up and tell the truth now, so that Fei Yingli won't be secretly jealous.

"Steward Ueki, although loyalty is a good thing, but it's not so beautiful to be a tiger's minion."

Tengzhi Suhua quickly asked: "Detective Kudo, what do you mean by that? Is the housekeeper ordered by someone? Who is behind the scenes?"

The old butler trembled and said, he didn't dare to look Su Qin directly: "No, there is no mastermind behind the scenes, I did it all by myself?"

Su Qin laughed lightly: "Oh, so you bought this May Fourth pistol? Did you also get the isopropanone? Old butler, you have a very strong network. You can get these things through channels, so tell me , Who did you buy it from?"

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