Now if Xiaolan goes to ask for a colleague, Kudo Shinichi will 100% agree, so she is equivalent to selling a favor to Kudo Shinichi, and he will naturally have to reciprocate by giving her the cute kitten at home to take care of during the trip ,

Hey hey, little kitty, cute - little kitty...

the other side,

Feeling anxious, Xiaolan arrived near Kudo's house in a short while.

Then I saw a taxi parked in front of Kudo's house,

A fresh and beautiful beauty stepped out of the car,

It's none other than Conan's homeroom teacher: Kobayashi Chengko!

I saw Xiaolin Chengzi holding a bag of things in his hand, with a joyful smile on his face,

Especially after she rang the doorbell of Kudo's house, she was still carefully arranging her clothes, as if she cared about her image very much.

Soon, Kudo Shinichi came out to open the door, and the two entered the room talking and laughing.

This scene was seen by Xiao Lan, and many guesses popped up in her mind.

Coupled with Yuanzi's 'reminder' just now...

Could it be that Shinichi really has another woman...

Could it be that those photos in the cafe before are real...

Xiaolan clenched her fists subconsciously, then took a deep breath to adjust her mood,

It is useless to think too much, it is best to see is believing!

Seeing that there was no one around, Xiaolan jumped over the fence of Kudo's house with a backflip, slipped quietly into the yard, and then came to the French window outside the living room, peeking at the situation of the two inside.

in the living room,

Kudo Shinichi was calling Kobayashi Chengko to sit down,

"Sorry, Miss Xiaolin, it's rare to have a weekend off, so I'll trouble you to make a trip."

Kobayashi Chengko waved her hands again and again, "It's okay, anyway, I'm free on weekends, and I'm very happy to help Mr. Kudo."

Although he knew that the relationship between the two could not last long, but when he suddenly heard that his address had changed, Xiaolin Chengzi couldn't help but feel a little disappointed in his heart.

Seeing Kobayashi Chengko's forced smile, Kudo Shinichi explained: "Actually, I don't want Ms. Kobayashi to make a special trip. I just drank so much black tea from Ms. Kobayashi. I should entertain it at my own home."

"Besides, when I went out to do errands a few days ago, I had to leave the tutoring work behind, so I should concentrate on studying today."

It is already the beginning of March, and the end of the month is the final exam. If he does not take the exam this time or his grades are too poor, he may have to repeat the grade, so it is necessary to make up the course as soon as possible.

Drinking black tea with Xiaolin Chengzi is good, but we have to finish our business first.

Hearing that he didn't intend to make a clean break, Kobayashi Chengzi suddenly smiled again, and took out a textbook from the bag she brought, which was the one that Shinichi Kudo had brought to her house before.

"Hey, is this your cat, Mr. Kudo? It looks so cute."

Kobayashi Chengko also noticed the white kitten next to Kudo Shinichi.

Kudo Shinichi smiled lightly and said, "Yes, her name is Xiaomei, and she is the love cat of my dreams." Then, he kissed Mingmei's forehead,

Mingmei yelled 'meow meow', and patted his face with two little claws, as if she was not used to being so close to him in front of outsiders.

Kudo Shinichi laughed, and then put Minmei in his arms, stroking her fur from time to time.

Seeing the friendly interaction between Kudo Shinichi and the kitten, Kobayashi Chengzi couldn't help showing a smile,

"By the way, after finishing the extra lessons, I want to ask Mr. Kudo about reasoning, is that okay?"

Kobayashi Chengko looked expectant,

Kudo Shinichi scratched his head, "I'm not very good at reasoning..." To be precise, I don't like it.

Kobayashi Chengko didn't mind, "As long as Mr. Kudo is willing to chat with me, that's fine."

0 ·For flowers··········

Afterwards, the two began to complete the unfinished tutoring process,

There are eight subjects for the examination in the first year of high school. I made up two subjects at Chengzi Xiaolin's house before, so there are still six subjects to make up.

Kudo Shinichi felt that if he worked harder today, he should be able to supplement the three subjects.

And by the floor-to-ceiling windows outside the living room,

Looking at the two people who have entered the learning state and teaching state,

Xiaolan couldn't help but feel a little ashamed when she thought of her wild speculation just now, but noticing Xiaobayashi Chengzi's attitude towards Shinichi also made Xiaolan sound the alarm in her heart.

Miss Kobayashi is obviously interested in Xinyi, not only offered to chat with him, she even sits so close to Xinyi during tutoring!If this goes on, I'm afraid...

Seeing that it was past ten o'clock in the morning, Xiaolan pondered for a moment, then called the Maoli office,

"What?! You don't come back to cook at noon?"


Kogoro Moori was shocked when he received the call. Before he could say anything more, his daughter hung up the phone.

Well, now he has to pay for Conan's food problem again out of his own pocket.

Kogoro was watching TV and drinking beer in the office. The time passed quickly, and it was twelve noon in the blink of an eye. The drinks could not satisfy his appetite, and his stomach began to growl.

"Really, that boy Conan hasn't woken up until now."

While muttering, Kogoro knocked on the door of the utility room, "Hey, I got up and went to eat."

He just knocked for a while, but there was no response from inside. Kogoro simply took out the key and opened the door directly. He suddenly found that Conan was sleeping soundly wrapped in a quilt.

"Still sleeping, the sun is drying my butt."

Kogoro confronted Conan directly, but found that Conan's face was also red, and when he touched his forehead, it was hot, so he hurriedly called Xiaolan.

"Xiao Lan, come back quickly, Conan has a high fever."


At this time, Xiaolan had already seen Conan's true face, and she was in a panic. How could she want to take care of Conan, and said back: "Father, you are really, if Conan is sick, you can send him to the hospital, can't it be that there is someone at home now?" Guests coming?"

Kogoro: "Uh..."

Xiaolan: "Dad, you asked me to go back, you don't think you want to save money for the doctor's treatment? Isn't the 1000 yuan of care expenses all paid to Dad? So, if you want me to take care of Conan, you must pay [-] million yuan first. Give me......"

Kogoro: "Okay, okay, let me send Conan to the head office of the hospital, it's really..."

As Kogoro said that, he hung up the phone.

Chapter 66

"Father, how old is he, and he is still so unreliable."

Xiaolan sighed.

At this time,

Kudo Shinichi walked into the kitchen, "What's wrong?"

Just now when Xiao Lin Chengzi and Xiao Lin Chengzi were taking tuition, Xiao Lan suddenly came to the door with ingredients and offered to help make lunch. Considering Xiao Lan's kindness and delicious food, there was no reason for him to refuse.

Now that the rice is cooked and the dishes are ready, I was preparing the bowls and chopsticks when I heard Xiaolan answering the phone and seemed a little angry, so I came over to ask.

"It's nothing, it's just that Dad always does some unreliable things..."

While stirring the vegetables in the pot, Xiaolan changed the subject, "By the way, Yuanzi said that you are going to travel far away in a few days. Is it true?"

Unexpectedly, Yuanzi turned around and told Xiaolan about this,

Kudo Shin nodded, "Yes, I received a letter of entrustment a while ago, which included a commission fee of 5 "0" million. I feel something is wrong, so I have to go there."

When he saw the content of the letter, he remembered that this was the plot of Moon Shadow Island, and he could earn skill points, so there was no reason not to go, but it was a bit dangerous, and it was not safe to take Mingmei with him, so he asked Yuanzi to take care of it for a while. for a while.

As for Sonoko's allergy to cats,

Kudo Shinichi has seen it with the eyes of truth,

It is found that Mingmei's hair is not like ordinary cats, it will not fall off at will, and it will not be contaminated with bacteria, as if it has an automatic cleaning function, so it will not cause garden allergies.

"It turned out that there was an entrustment..."

Xiaolan paused for a moment, and then said in a relaxed tone: "Xinyi, can I go with you?...I just want to see the scenery and not disturb your case. How about it?"

Upon hearing this request,

Kudo Shinichi frowned slightly, "Well..."

Xiaolan's eyes became sharper, "Xinyi, is there any reason why I can't follow?"

Hearing Xiaolan's questioning tone, Kudo Shinichi smiled, "Xiaolan, if you want to go, I am of course happy, but... Uncle may not agree, after all, with the distance, at least you have to go out three, Four days."

"Don't worry, I'll come back after I finish the case."

"The dishes seem to be almost cooked, let's eat."


With that said, Kudo Shinichi set the table and chopsticks, and called Kobayashi Chengko and Akemi in the living room to come over for lunch.

Coming to the dining table, Kobayashi Chengko sat directly on the left side of Kudo Shinichi,

Seeing this scene, Xiaolan was not to be outdone, and sat on the right side of Kudo Shinichi,


However, Kudo Shinichi didn't pay much attention to it. Instead, he hugged Mingmei and fed her with food first.


This made Xiaolin Chengzi and Xiaolan faintly feel that they were being compared with a cat. Fortunately, the cat's appetite was relatively small, and it was full after a while, so they went to lie down in the living room.


See Kudo Shinichi started to pick up vegetables for dinner,

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