"If you can break free in ten seconds, I'll stay."

"You, what are you! It's not fair!" Sato Miwako protested, if she could break free, she wouldn't be hugged by Kudo Shinichi all the way.

Kudo Shinichi smiled and said, "It's unfair because you didn't seize the opportunity. The reality has always been unfair...Okay, ten seconds is up, you stay."

It's just that Miwako Sato didn't reply immediately, she seemed to be thinking about something,

Obviously not ready to submit obediently,

Kudo Shinichi had to use the last trick,

With the sound of fabric breaking, Sato Miwako's eyes widened suddenly,

Kudo Shinichi, on the other hand, had fled into the secret passage with her torn cylindrical skirt.

"Big bastard!"

Miwako Sato, who was only wearing underwear on her lower body, blushed suddenly, cursed in a low voice, and immediately took off the masked man's jacket, tied it around her waist to hide her shame,

Just at this time,

A series of slight gunshots came from the depths of the secret passage,

Then there were panic screams, roars and counterattacks, injured wailing...

"Oops, that guy actually dared to shoot!"

Miwako Sato hurried down the stairs of the secret passage, and rushed towards the direction where the gunfire sounded with bare feet.

There is only one passage in the secret passage. After a while, Miwako Sato came to the place where the gun battle took place.

It is the private small port secretly built by the Heiyan family,

It was just the picture in front of her that made Miwako Sato stunned.

On the rocky ground in front of the port, there were more than 30 masked men lying here and there on the right side, each of them was shot in the calf, wailing all over the place.

On the left side of the ground, there are submachine guns with uniform shapes.

The masked people on the right looked eagerly at the gun on the left, but as soon as their eyes touched the only young man standing in the middle, there was a look of fear like a ghost in their eyes.

"Yo, you're still down."

Kudo Shinichi turned his head and greeted Miwako Sato.

Miwako Sato came back to her senses, still a little unbelievable, "Don't tell me, you solved these guys by yourself..."

Kudo Shinichi smiled and said: "I picked up two smoke bombs on the road, so I used them a little bit."

High-speed movement + thick smoke + eyes of reality, Kudo Shinichi played a good role as a ghost in the smoke, and took away the guns of these masked men one by one,

Without guns, the group basically lost their combat effectiveness. In order to prevent them from acting as demons, they wounded their legs one by one.

"That's how it is..."

With the bonus of smoke bombs, although Miwako Sato still felt that the result was exaggerated, it was not so unacceptable.

"This time our luck is very good," Kudo Shinichi added: "These guys wanted to escape a long time ago, but all three yachts were malfunctioning, so it was delayed until now... In other words, a drug gangster can Didn’t run away, Miwako, let’s go and have a look in the cabin, there should be quite a few ‘good things’.”

Hearing this, Miwako Sato boarded the ship quickly, checked the three yachts in a short while, and found that there was tightly packed white powder in each yacht, which added up to a thousand catties at least!

Thousands of catties!This is a proper drug suppression case!

And in terms of color, it is not a defective product mixed with other things on the market.

"Kudou, congratulations on your great achievement!" Sato Miwako's eyes lit up, and she patted Kudo Shin's shoulder happily, as if she had forgotten the offense she just received.

"I am not a police officer, so there is no such thing as credit."

Kudo Shinichi smiled indifferently. In this operation, he not only harvested one billion in cash, but also bullets, guns, grenades, etc., but these things are all in his portable space, and no one can see them.

"It should be me who congratulates you, Miwako. With this contribution, it seems that you will be promoted to the rank of the police department in a short time."

Saying that, Kudo Shinichi held Sato Miwako in his arms again.

"What can I do this time, I didn't do anything at all... Kudo, what do you want to do this time?" Miwako Sato, who knew she couldn't resist, has now learned to lie flat.

"It's nothing, it's just that 913 wants to help you treat the wound." Kudo Shinichi put Sato Miwako on the chair in the yacht, used the first aid kit he found to help her disinfect the wound on the sole of her foot, and took out the gravel embedded in it.

When Miwako Sato walked on the yacht just now, he noticed blood stains where he passed by, and immediately guessed that it was because of his bare feet, which caused the soles of his feet to be injured by gravel in the dark passage of rocks.

He happened to be the culprit who caused Meihezi to have no shoes, and he did an offensive move just now, so now he should apologize.

It's just that when helping Miwako Sato deal with the wounds on her feet, she didn't know whether it was because she was afraid of pain or itchiness. Her feet always retracted. move.

After treating the wounds on both feet, Kudo Shinichi looked up and found that Miwako Sato had a shy and reddish face.

"You, what are you looking at!"

Sensing his gaze, Miwako Sato said coquettishly, but turned her head away,

It's just that the blushing on her face became more and more obvious,

The movement of turning his head seemed to attract him to continue to approach.

Kudo Shinichi smiled lightly, "I've kissed and hugged me before, why can't I take a second look?"

Miwako Sato hurriedly defended, "Who, who kissed you... last time it was, it was just a bump, it doesn't count!"

Seeing Miwako Sato turn into a shy little girl at this moment, Shin Kudo became playful together,

Just about to tease her a little more,

There was an arrogant laugh from outside the ship:

"Brat, get your woman out of the boat immediately!"

"Otherwise we will beat you into a sieve immediately!"

heard the shouting,

Miwako Sato's expression changed immediately, "No, they must have crawled over to get the gun!"

Kudo Shinichi was still calm, "It's okay, I saved a hand, even if they get the gun, they won't be able to use it.".

Chapter 88

"Save a hand?"

Miwako Sato was a little puzzled.

"Magazines." Kudo Shinichi explained: "I threw all the magazines into the water, including the spare magazines they carried with them."

In fact, Kudo Shinichi hid the magazines in the portable space, but the group of masked people only saw him throw the found magazines into the water, but did not notice that the bullets on the guns were in the smoke. The folder was also taken away by him.

The yelling outside the ship quickly died down, presumably he had already discovered the fact that even if he got a gun, it was useless.

Shinichi Kudo walked out of the yacht with Miwako Sato in his arms,

I saw that group of masked people shrank obediently in the corner on the right at this moment, not even daring to cry out.

"Who called me 'brat' just now?"

Kudo Shinichi glanced back and forth with 'nuclear good' eyes.

No one dared to say anything, as if the clamor just now was an illusion.

"Don't tell me, right? Very good, then I will step on your other foot one by one, and see if you can still climb over to get the gun!"

As soon as this word comes out,

Thirty or so masked men immediately pointed out the leader with their hands.

"You, you... ahhhhhh!!!"

Amidst the screams of the leader of the trouble, the injured masked man once again realized the cruelty and scheming of the young man in front of him.

Miwako Sato has no compassion for this, these guys are vicious desperadoes, if Kudo Shinichi hadn't been prepared earlier, I'm afraid it would be the two of them who are under the control of others now.

Afterwards, Kudo Shinichi returned to the entrance of the secret passage, brought the two masked men who were knocked out to the port, and handed Sato Miwako a submachine gun with live ammunition, and asked her to stay here and watch the masked men. He returned to the office to inform Mu Mushisan and others.

Seeing Kudo Shinichi leave and replaced by a beautiful beauty, the masked people gradually became a little restless, and the two masked people who were knocked out but not injured also woke up under the push of their accomplices, their eyes were not friendly He stared intently at the beautiful woman who was guarding them with a gun and her feet were still bandaged.

After a while, the two masked men suddenly attacked, one left and one right rushed towards Miwako Sato,

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They didn't want to save any accomplices, but if they killed this beauty, all the good things on the three yachts would be theirs!

It's just that these beautiful fantasies were completely shattered after the gunshots sounded,

Bang bang bang bang!

Miwako Sato seemed to have been prepared for a long time. She took the submachine gun and fired left and right skillfully. The bursts of bullets produced continuous moderate recoil.

The two masked men were shot in both legs in an instant, and fell to the ground wailing.

"Who else wants to eat more bullets?~‖!"

Miwako Sato glanced coldly.

The masked people shook their heads repeatedly: they thought the beauty in front of them was a kitten who dared not shoot, but they didn't expect it to be a ferocious tiger.

After a while, Kudo Shinichi came again, picked up Miwako Sato skillfully, took her to the cabin, and handed her the things in his hand,

A tube skirt and a pair of shoes,

He got the tube skirt from Narumi Asai's clinic, and the shoes Miwako Sato lost just now.

"The Megure Police Department is coming soon... don't you need me to help you wear it?"

Kudo Shin half jokingly said something, and was soon driven out of the cabin by Sato Miwako.

Immediately, Megushisan arrived, and seeing that the scene was exactly as Kudo Shinichi said, he immediately asked his subordinates to tie up the masked people first, and then stopped the bleeding and treated the gunshot wounds one by one.

And the thousands of catties of drugs seized in the three yachts made Mu Mu Shisan applaud,

"You took a big risk this time and made a great contribution! Sato, when I get back to Mihua, I will immediately ask for credit for you."

"Xinyi, I used to think it was a little early, but now it seems that I can apply for a gun license for you. If you encounter danger again in the future, you can also act cheaply!"

One is his subordinate, and the other is the son of a good friend who grew up watching him grow up. Now that they have made great contributions, Mu Mu Shisan is so happy in his heart, he is happier than his own contribution.

Miwako Sato said hesitantly, "The police department, actually..."

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