"Bastard, Shuichi Akai, don't let me find you, or you will die!" Teiji Moritani roared angrily.

He had never been wronged, humiliated like this before.

It was the first time that he was stepped on and played with under his feet since he was superior to others since he was a child, and he will definitely take revenge for this hatred.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be Moriya Teiji.

"Just wait and see, I will use the gunpowder I bought from you to make a powerful bomb and blow you up."

In the darkness, Moriya Teiji showed a piercing smile.

at the same time.

Kitahara Kazuki and the rest of the men in black have already changed vehicles and are rushing to the Qingshan Institute of Biology.

At the same time, Kitahara Kazuki also removed the disguise on his face, and used his own voice: "Immediately send someone to follow Moriya Teiji 24 hours a day."

"No matter what he does, someone will watch him."

Hearing Kitahara Kazuki's words, the man in black in the driver's seat nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. Tequila, I'll send someone to follow Moriya Teiji immediately."



The car entered the research institute, and Kitahara Kazuki immediately took two black suitcases to report to Gin.

After arriving at the gin office, Kitahara Kazuki put the suitcase on his desk: "Order some."

At the trading site, Kitahara Kazuki just took a rough look and did not count.

"Vodka, take it down and let someone count it." Gin said lightly.


Vodka left the office with two boxes of money.

Kitahara Kazuki took out the film from his pocket and threw it on Gin's desk: "This is Teiji Moritani's film. I have asked him to collect [-] million within three days."

"Very good!" Gin Jiu raised a smile at the corner of his mouth: "After this mission, you don't need to perform missions for a while, and you can be your detective properly."

Hearing this, Kitahara Kazuki pouted.

Time in this world has long since become chaotic.

It might be February today, and it might be July or August tomorrow.

This month's tasks are done, and there are still tasks to be done next month.

So just listen to what Gin said, don't take it seriously.

"If it's okay, I'll go find Shirley." Kitahara Kazuki left specially, but when he reached the door, he turned his head and looked over.

"Is there anything else?" Qin Jiu asked.

Kitahara Kazuki said: "If you have nothing to do tomorrow, don't call me and disturb people's dreams."

After a few seconds of silence, Qin Jiu said, "Understood."

Afterwards, Kitahara Kazuki left Gin's office in 1.6 and came to Shirley's room.

When Kitahara Kazuki came to the room, Shirley happened to be talking to Miyano Akemi.

But after seeing Kitahara Kazuki coming in, Shirley hung up the phone after a few pleasantries, because she had more important things to do tonight.

"Why did you hang up the phone?" Kitahara Kazuki sat next to Shirley and asked.

Hearing this, Xue Li curled her lips and said, "Don't think I don't know you're planning on my sister."

When Shirley went to meet Miyano Akemi before, Kitahara Kazuki was in charge of security.

So Shirley knew that Kitahara Kazuki was secretly sizing up the figures of their sisters, and secretly commenting on them.

She just didn't say anything.

"I didn't think so!"

Kitahara Kazuki spread his hands, expressing his innocence.


Shirley snorted coldly, and then took out two sets of clothes from the quilt, one red and one gray.

"We're going to play the game of Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood today!"

Although Shirley didn't believe Kitahara Kazuki's words, some games still had to be played.

Looking at the clothes in Shirley's hands, Kitahara Kazuki showed a meaningful smile, and reached for the gray clothes: "No problem, I'll be the big bad wolf!"

But Shirley deftly dodged it.

"Today you will be Little Red Riding Hood, and I will be the Big Bad Wolf!"

There was a sly look in Shirley's eyes.

Immediately, Kitahara Ikki's body froze, and he forced a smile and said, "I'm Little Red Riding Hood?"

"Isn't this going to be bad!"

Shirley grabbed Kitahara Kazuki's arm, pouted and said coquettishly, "Just once, just once."

"Can you do it!"

Facing Shirley's coquetry, Kitahara Kazuki hung up and lost.

It's just women's clothing!

Not without women's clothing.

But this is the first time this role has been reversed.

Chapter 62. I have a flexible moral bottom line! (seeking first order)

In the end, Little Red Riding Hood skinned and cramped the wolf.

The next day.

Kitahara Kazuki woke up from his sleep with dull eyes, looked at his white arms, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Hmph! The big bad wolf is not so easy to be."

Shirley belongs to the typical kind of food and loves to play.

Kitahara Kazuki looked at the ceiling for a while, then picked up his phone and looked at it.

It was found that it was already past twelve o'clock at noon.

Afterwards, Kitahara Kazuki got up, shook Shirley beside him, and said, "Little lazy pig, get up, the sun is drying your ass!"

Maybe it was woken up by Kitahara Ikki's shaking, and he couldn't help muttering in his mouth: "I can't get up, anyway, there is no important experiment to do."

"I'm so tired, I'm going to sleep."

After finishing speaking, Shirley turned around and continued to sleep soundly.

Kitahara Kazuki shook his head, instead of waking Shirley up again, he went to the bathroom to take a bath by himself.

After a while, Kitahara Kazuki came out of the bathroom, and he was fully dressed and his hair was blown.

Walking to Shirley's side, he whispered again: "I'm leaving first, you should have a good rest!"

Shirley, who was half asleep and half awake, nodded, waved her hand, and continued to sleep soundly.

Afterwards, Kitahara Kazuki left the Aoyama Institute of Biology and went straight to his own office.

He hasn't shown up in the office for two days, probably a lot of commissions have been snatched away by Mori Kogoro!

But it doesn't matter, he got 500 million US dollars from Gin this time, and a lot of gunpowder, it's blood money.

Ten minutes later, Kitahara Kazuki drove downstairs to the office, pulled out the car key and prepared to go upstairs.

Just as he was about to go up, Mori Kogoro next door poked his head out of the window and shouted, "Kid Kitahara!"

Hearing this, Kitahara Kazuki looked over and said hello, "Mr. Mori."

"It really is you! Why haven't you opened the door these two days?"

"It's not because I think detective skills are inferior to mine, so I'm going to close the door!"

Saying that, Mori Kogoro covered the back of his head, stuck out his tongue and laughed.

Recently, the nickname of sleeping Kogoro has spread like wildfire.

Became the new darling of the media.

But it doesn't matter, Teiji Moritani is about to make trouble, Kita 30 Hara Ikki will let others know who is the most powerful detective in Tokyo.

"No, I just had some business and took a break for two days." Kitahara Kazuki shrugged and said, "I don't know why Mr. Mori stopped me?"

At this time, Mori Kogoro's laughter stopped abruptly, and he coughed twice: "That's right."

"When you were away for the past two days, a tomboy came to look for you, as if he wanted to work here with you."

"I come here every day. I gave her your phone number, but she doesn't seem to call you. She looks very busy every day!" Mori Kogoro explained.

"Tomboy?" Kitahara Kazuki was taken aback, "Want to come to work with me?"

"By the way, I did post a recruitment notice some time ago, but it's been so long since no one came to apply for me that I forgot that there was such a thing!"

Because he was the only one in the firm, and because he often went out, he was not in the firm when many clients came.

So Kitahara Kazuki wrote a recruitment notice and posted it nearby, but no one came to apply for the job for so long that he forgot about it.

"That's right! Although she is a girl, she is dressed like a boy, but she is quite pretty, with short hair and a normal figure!"

Mentioning this, Mori Kogoro showed a wretched smile on his face,

In middle age, Mori Kogoro became more and more lustful.

At this time, Kitahara Kazuki pointed to a girl in front of him wearing sunglasses, short hair, denim shorts, and long sleeves, and said, "Mr. Mori, is this the lady you're talking about?"

Listening to Kitahara Kazuki's words, Mori Kogoro looked over subconsciously, and the expression on his face gradually lost control: "Well... when did you come here?"

Hearing this, Yue Shui Nanatsuki said: "I have been here since you said that I am pretty, but I have an average figure."

Immediately, cold sweat flowed down Mori Kogoro's forehead, he knew very well that some girls are very dangerous in certain things.

That is to mention the girl's name and figure, which is taboo.

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