Under such circumstances, if she is put into the lake, let alone the evolution of her martial spirit, it is clearly a natural water burial...

In desperation, Du Cheng could only stand on a higher ground, supporting Meng Yiran with both hands, trying to keep her from being submerged by the lake.

However, it was such an action that made Du Cheng's difficult state a little bit more.

The effect of the lake of life was extremely powerful. As soon as he entered the lake, Meng Yiran's aura gradually calmed down, and the spirit ring on his body became stable again.

But the trick is, I don't know what kind of material the clothes on this girl are made of, let alone the places where the branches are scratched, the other places actually become transparent after entering the water...

Not only that, but as the situation stabilized, maybe it was because the lake was too cold, Meng Yiran's legs and hands wrapped around Du Cheng tightly, as if he wanted to forcefully melt himself into Du Cheng's body.

"I'm guilty, I can accept punishment, but please don't test the cadres in this way!"

As a Cao thief, Du Cheng didn't think he was a person with high moral level.

But now Meng is still at a critical juncture, Du Cheng can only try his best to keep his breath calm.

After finally holding on until the soul ring was completely absorbed, before Du Cheng could heave a sigh of relief, Meng Yiran's body suddenly started to feel hot.


A giant snake appeared from behind, and Meng Yiran groaned and groaned like a puppy as he leaned towards Du Cheng's face and licked it.


When he felt a limp little hand reaching into his pants, Du Cheng finally couldn't help it:

"That cadre can stand this kind of test?"

After the words came out, Du Cheng directly lowered his head and greeted Meng Yiran's small mouth.

As the old saying goes -- dry firewood, fire, doesn't it make smoke?

Facing Du Cheng's flattery, the snake-shaped phantom behind Meng Yiran let out a long howl indistinctly, and at the same time, she also gave Du Cheng a more violent response.

'Thorn it! '


With the sound of the cloth being torn, Du Cheng couldn't help taking a breath:

Even though I have experienced it twice, but the third time, I still feel very comfortable.

More importantly, compared to Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, what Meng Zhan still can bring is another kind of experience.

"Slow, it hurts~"

Opening his eyes slightly, Meng Yiran's voice was a bit cat-like.

However, the more this happened, the more the flame in Du Cheng's heart became stronger:

What, now is not the time for you to test me?


The waist was exerted, and a wave of Du Cheng was aroused with Du Cheng's movements:

"That's absolutely impossible!"

"Ah, it hurts..."

As the waves became more and more volatile, a tinge of red spread from the lake, and Meng Yiran's voice changed from a cry of pain to a moan of joy...

1 minute, 2 minutes...

Half an hour later, Du Cheng was still as fierce as a tiger and wolf, but Meng Yiran was completely hanging on Du Cheng's body softly.

If it wasn't for Du Cheng's hands supporting her thighs, she would have sunk to the bottom of the lake without any resistance.



As Du Cheng's movements reached the final stage, Meng Yiran suddenly uttered a weeping growl.

At the same time, the long snake behind her let out a dragon roar, and then unexpectedly grew limbs and a pair of small dragon horns—— Wuhun, advanced!

Feeling the fluctuation of soul power emanating from Meng Yiran's body, Du Cheng couldn't help but let out a wry smile even though he had already entered the state of a sage:

Why do I feel like I have been harvested?

When Du Cheng complained, Meng Yiran, who was lying on top of him, finally opened his eyes:

"This is……"

Chapter 90 Xiao Wu's vinegar jar is overturned!

"It was you who took the initiative just now, don't say that I, Du, took advantage of others' danger!"


Hearing Du Cheng's words, Meng still couldn't help but blushed:

"I know."

Although she has entered a state of confusion and obsession due to the evolution of her martial soul, she still retains some memory.

Thinking of his frantic demands just now, and feeling the scorching heat from Du Cheng's chest, Meng still wished he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in there.

She really wanted to leave Du Cheng's body, but there was still a tearing pain in her lower body, and her limbs looked limp...

"Thank you for saving me."

After struggling a few times in Du Cheng's arms, Meng Yiran continued:

"But since something like this happened, you must be responsible for me... right?"

After the words were over, Meng still raised his head and cast an expectant look at Du Cheng.

As the granddaughter of the Dragon Lord and Snake Woman, Meng still has a deep admiration for strength since she was a child.

At least in her opinion, her future man should not only be good-looking, but also have great strength and talent:

If not, how could he conquer her?

Undoubtedly, although they didn't get along for a long time, Du Cheng perfectly met Meng Yiran's request:

No matter in terms of strength or physical strength...

"Of course."

Hearing Meng Yiran's words, the corners of Du Cheng's mouth couldn't help but twitch:

"After such a thing happened, do you still want to have a relationship with other people?"

After the words came out, Du Cheng stretched out his hand and patted Meng Yiran's ass heavily:

Although he Du is a Cao thief, he definitely did not sacrifice himself to satisfy the great virtues of other Cao thieves...


Having just gone through a big battle, Meng Yiran is obviously still in a sensitive state at this time.

Being attacked suddenly, she couldn't help letting out a coquettish cry, and even the eyes that looked at Du Cheng became wet.

[Congratulations to the host and Meng Yiran for reaching 60, 80 for the top lottery draw. 】

[Congratulations to the host for winning the elementary lottery*1, intermediate lottery*1, and advanced lottery*1! 】

[It is detected that the host has opened the fourth fetter, and rewards a high-level lucky draw opportunity. 】


Although it was a brief glance, Du Cheng couldn't help but shiver:

If it wasn't for worrying that Meng Yiran's body would not be able to bear it, he would have a return battle no matter what!


Another slap on Meng Yiran's body, Du Cheng took out a set of his own clothes from the 'South Wind':

"Put on your clothes first, we have other things to do."


Hearing Du Cheng's words, Meng Yiran blushed and nodded.

Although he is a few years older, Meng still looks a little loose when wearing Du Cheng's clothes.

After getting dressed, Meng Yiran didn't have the slightest "wildness" before, and instead shrank behind Du Cheng like a little quail.

Looking around, Du Cheng discovered that Da Ming Er Ming and Xiao Wu had disappeared, only a string of words were left on the land not far from him:

After the end, disperse the soul power into the lake, and we will come back.

Although he was a little sloppy, he penetrated into the soil quite a bit. With just one glance, Du Cheng guessed that it must be from Xiao Wu's hand.

Considering that girl's appearance as a petty jealousy in the past, Du Cheng couldn't help showing a wry smile:

Well, it is estimated that it will take a long time to coax again!

Worry is trouble, but Xiao Wu will definitely call her back. After all, at this time, the longer it drags on, the thicker the little vinegar jar will be.

Regardless of wasting time, Du Cheng went directly to the lakeside, bent over, and output soul power...


The soul power carrying Du Cheng's breath melted into the lake and gradually spread out. In just a few minutes, after a cow mooed, a huge bull's head emerged from the water.

On top of the bull's head, there was a huge air bubble, and Xiao Wu with a black face and Er Ming who was scratching his head were sitting in it.


After the bull's head completely rushed out of the water, the bubbles burst, and at the same time Xiao Wu's cold snort sounded just right.

"Xiao Wu, just now..."


Another cold snort, Xiao Wu turned her head with a cold face:

Obviously, this girl didn't want to talk to Du Cheng anymore.


Turning his head to look at Daming, Du Cheng's eyes showed some resentment:

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