[Groove! ] 6 Ah! Isn’t that already invincible? By next year, no, even if I go to the basilisk now to single it out, I can ignore its venom? 】

Joshua Mei fantasizes about himself bathed in venom mixed with basilisk saliva in the future, and that must be exciting!

[Oh, that’s not possible. The system only gives you the ability to ignore the virus in this cat, and other animals, even Hagrid’s dog bite you, have to honestly roll to the hospital to get a needle. 】

So this dog system is still egg-free.

【Hey, hey! I know everything you think! If you insult this system like this, you will be punished by heaven! 】

[Then tell me what egg you have?!] Now I really can’t do anything against this cat! 】

Just now, Joshua’s stretching hand not only did not gain the trust of Lady Loris, but even made the cat in front of him more vigilant, and the thin and long cat’s tail was blown up by it with all its strength, looking like a furry stick… The cat tail is the same.

[Then let me say another method, cats are cold creatures, and when they are not familiar with it, it is undoubtedly an act of death to get close to them…].

Joshua suddenly felt like he wanted to hit someone, but he still had to listen patiently to the system Jun continue.

[So you can use a little toy first, such as a cat stick or something, to get closer to it…].

I don’t have a cat stick at all… In addition to the student’s file, this office only has torture tools, and it doesn’t look like something that cats can like.

So Joshua had to take out his wand, tear a little of the lining material from his robe, and wrap it around it as a rough made cat stick.

“Come on, come on~kitten~This is a funny cat stick~”

Joshua spent his life learning and danced this little simple cat stick into various strange poses.

or raise the tease cat stick and shake it above Lady Loris’s head; or lower the funny cat stick and wave it at Lady Loris’s paw; In the end, Joshua simply put his own cat stick in Lady Loris’s face.


However, Lady Lores did not like Joshua’s disrespectful behavior, and with a sharp slap, she pressed the rod that scratched her own distraction to the ground.

Then make a threatening sound through his throat, letting this stupid little wizard in front of him know that Lady Loris is not a cat to mess with!

If it weren’t for the relatively small strength of this cat, it could be taken away with a little strength, otherwise Joshua would really lose his wife and break the army….

[! System, you pit Lao Tzu again! This cat it doesn’t play with cat sticks! 】

[This… I’m weird, too… Generally speaking, most of the cat’s waking time will be used to play, that is, to practice their hunting skills… Could it be that all cats in the wizarding world are so spiritual? 】

In the end, the system came to the following conclusion: “It seems that this is a topic worth pondering…].

Joshua didn’t want to investigate the ecology of cats in the wizarding world, he just wanted to get the cat’s favorability as soon as possible, and then when Filch came, show him what is called the intimacy of human-cat unity, maybe he will consider himself a good student.

[But since this cat is so oily and salty, then I have to use the ultimate means…].

Where Lady Loris is now in oil, she is simply looking at Joshua with a thief’s contemptuous look, as if he were a non-threatening lump on the side of the road. Excrement the same…

[Don’t you still have a piece of bread in your arms?] Take it out…].

Joshua suddenly became alert.

[What are you going to do?!] This is my dinner! 】

Little wizards in the growth period need to supplement nutrition in time, otherwise they will not grow tall!

[Eh, look what scares you… Just let you contribute a little bit of bread, and use food to bring you closer to it. 】

[If that’s the case!] Then I hope you can tell it sooner! 】

This made Joshua feel even more incompetent about this system, think about what other people’s systems are?

The golden finger of the Eight Classics of Zheng’er is a variety of welfare broadcasts as soon as it crosses over; And what about their own tattered systems? Wait until Hogwarts starts to slowly show your existence, what a diaphragm…

Taking out the bread hidden in his arms, Joshua broke a piece the size of his thumb on it with distress.

“Oh, this is for you… Do you eat it? ”

Lady Loris’s eyes widened, as if doubting the reliability of Joshua’s actions.

After living at Hogwarts for so many years, Lady Loris caught countless little wizards who violated the school rules for Mr. Filch, and everyone basically looked like they were itching their teeth when they saw it, and no one cared that it was an orthodox cute cat.


He was the first student willing to feed it….

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