As long as you give your body completely to my control, you can return to your human body when I find the owner.

How's it going? Isn't this a good deal?

R01 is full of temptation.

Hearing this, Shui Dart had no reaction.

During this period of time, he heard this sentence hundreds of times.

I said, after you finish my work for me, I will fulfill my promise.

You don't have to bewitch me anymore.

Fei Dart said coldly in his heart.

R01 Fraud.

Dart is not sure R01 defrauded him.

As for whether R01 was lying to him.

In fact, related to the doctor's inference, this matter is most likely true.

But no matter what, he has made his choice firm.

Regardless R01 won't change his mind anymore.



In a small church in a rural town.

At this time, the villagers gathered together to pray.

They expressed their sins to their faith with pious expressions.

A robed priest stood on the podium and watched the scene quietly.

This is just a daily prayer.

However, an uninvited guest broke in today.

It was an extremely twisted monster.

On his shoulders were two rotting heads.

There is also a head that looks just like an ordinary person.

The expression on the normal head was one of sorrow and frown.

He made a flowery gesture between his fingers, and the tentacles on his lower body dragged him forward.

This monster is He Shang after the mutation.

At this time, the devout believers closed their eyes and prayed, and no one noticed He Shang's intrusion.

But the pastor was not so lucky.

The first time he saw He Shang, his eyes suddenly popped out.

The veins on his face suddenly appeared and were squirming.

The priest's eyes gradually lost their sparkle and then became empty.

Immediately afterwards, his expression began to become fanatical,

He Shang moved forward slowly without making a sound.

He came to the pastor's side and placed his palms on the pastor's head.

Amitabha, my Buddha is compassionate.

His voice was filled with compassion.

At this time, some believers finished their prayers.

When they opened their eyes, they saw a scene on the stage.

There wasn't even time to show a look of horror on his face, and then he looked like he was possessed.

They kowtowed step by step toward the stage, like pilgrims.

He Shang directed his tentacles to stretch out towards those people.

Those smooth tentacles gently covered the heads of those people, like a father stroking the forehead of his child.

You are destined to me, so I will give you a ride.

There was no sadness or joy in his voice.

After a while, everyone in the entire church knelt down in front of the stage.

At the same time, a crimson crown of light loomed on the back of He Shang's head.

Saving people from the world is a great merit!

The head on the left side of He Shang's shoulder chuckled strangely.

The head on the right opened its mouth, and pierced the head of a believer with a flick of its tentacles.

Although it's not very tasty, it's still manageable.

That tentacle was like a straw, sucking the believer's brain clean.

He Shang turned to look at the future.

It seems that no useful information has been extracted?

After speaking, he looked at the priest kneeling in front of him.

Amitabha, the task of educating the world is entrusted to you.

The priest raised his head, his expression extremely fanatical.

Holy Lord, don't worry, I will devote my whole life to spreading my Buddha's teachings to every corner of Northern Europe!

He Shang nodded and then left the church.

Before leaving, his eyes fell on the surveillance camera in a hidden corner.

As a member of the highest office, he naturally recognized that it was a surveillance camera installed by the prison guard.

The purpose is to find the existence of strange life.

However, he had no intention of destroying the surveillance, but just left in a swaggering manner.

At the same time, on the other side of the surveillance.

The expression of the staff member responsible for monitoring the footage was distorted.

His eyes were prominent and his face was filled with a fervent expression.

It was obviously infected.

The staff on the side saw this abnormality and immediately sounded the alarm.

Not long after, two teams of heavily armed special operations soldiers came here surrounded by a middle-aged man in a white coat.

The middle-aged man in a white coat is the leader of the U01 shelter, codenamed Smith.

The contaminated staff member turned to look at Smith with a fervent expression.

Mr. Smith, my Buddha said that he would take me to his Buddhist kingdom to enjoy bliss.

Do you want to come along?

Smith's eyes were cold and he spoke softly.


The prison guard special operations soldier behind him raised his gun and pulled the trigger at the contaminated staff member.

Da da da!

Long tongues of flame erupted from the muzzle.

Countless bullets poured into the staff member.

However, the strange thing is that the staff member's expression did not show any pain at all.

Instead, he had a happy expression on his face.

My Buddha's radiance will eventually illuminate the entire earth.

I will be crowned with bliss.

As he finished speaking, his body exploded.

Pieces of flesh and blood splattered all over the floor.

One of the staff members was too close.

The pieces of flesh and blood fell on him.

For a moment, his breathing became heavy.

Smith turned to look at him, his eyes dark.

The place fell into absolute silence for a while.

The only sound left was the heavy breathing of the staff member.

The jailer soldiers turned their guns on him at the slightest sign of something amiss.

They will not hesitate to pull the trigger again.

The staff member's body began to tremble, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

His eyes became bloodshot and his pupils contracted violently.

Smith ordered in a deep voice.

Everyone stand back.

After receiving the order, the rest of the staff took dozens of steps back.

The staff member who was splashed with pieces of flesh and blood raised his head and said with a horrified expression.

Mr. Smith, I'm so scared...

Smith didn't answer, but looked at him quietly.

The staff member bowed down and began to vomit violently.

Bits of internal organs continued to spit out from his mouth.

Seeing this, Smith no longer hesitated and immediately ordered.


Gunfire rang out again.

This time, the staff member didn't explode.

His body was beaten into a sieve.

The expression on his face was extremely complicated.

There is fear, madness, pain and pleasure.

Smith didn't take another look, but turned and left.

Send a few consumables here to clean up the place. After cleaning, cremate them together with the body.

The remaining staff members are in isolation for observation.

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