Bizarre Detective Agency

Chapter 1115: 53. The Great Migration of Wiener Refuge Area

   Chapter 1115 Fifty-three. The Great Migration of the Wiener Refuge Area

   "We should go to the outer ring."

  Lu Li and Matthaus were on their way back to the core cave.

   "With all due respect, Mr. Lu Li, that's too dangerous, no one knows if this will be a trap..."

   "It had spread in the outer ring before I came."

   "But we don't know if it found us, and if we found it..."

   Lu Li does not think that the other party will give up spreading for himself, but there is also a possibility - although he is no longer human, Lu Li, who is entangled in faith, is still a good candidate for family members.

   The reason they left was that when the distorted figure transformed the believers, he found a resident marked by the evil spirit's breath.

  Because of the pollution of the residents' food and water sources, and the lack of monitoring, the distorted figure thought that the residents had eaten the flesh and blood of a believer of an evil **** by mistake or drank contaminated water, but then the distorted figure found the second and the third.

  The three residents do not know each other and live far away from each other. There is no possibility of contamination by accidental consumption of food together.

   Eliminate coincidences, and what remains is intentional.

  A certain Ability God spreads faith in the Wiener Refuge.

   They now need to trace the root cause: the problem stems from the supplies sent by the land dweller business, or the tentacles of the Ability God reaching into the refuge area, or it is really just some kind of excessive coincidence.

   The twisted figure temporarily blinded the consciousness of the three residents carrying the evil spirit, possessed the believers, and led them to an open area that avoided the residents.

   "You have summoned Your Excellency the Mother of the Swamp. He is coming soon. The evil spirits can be handled by them. There are other requests in the Wiener Refuge that need your help..."

Mateus' request made Lu Li unable to refuse. He recounted the troubles he was facing as soon as possible: in addition to evacuation, which crowded the outer ring into the inner ring, those with ulterior motives took the opportunity to sell conspiracies, and the residents were contaminated with evil spirits. Lu Li's orders were disobeyed.

   They put their things on the road, piled up the streets, and made a mess of the core cave by exaggerating the migration.

  So Mateus needs Lu Li's help: he has had enough of these idiots who are like walking on the beach with their heads lowered and ignoring the tsunami in the distance, while mankind is still fighting for power and profit.

   "So I'm going to dissolve Parliament."

   Matthaus asked Lu Li for his opinion. He thought Lu Li would agree, but he didn't.

   "I do not support this decision."

   "Why?" Matthaus was puzzled.

   "You said before that the parliamentary system is the best way to keep cities from going astray because of those in power."

   "But they're going astray..."

   "But the problem is not the parliament, no one is always right..." Lu Li remembered something, and his black eyes drooped slightly: "I haven't decided to be perfect, including what I said at this time."

   Wiener Antifreeze Port is like a big ship, following the captain's instructions. But if something goes wrong with the captain and he irreversibly crashes into the iceberg, the first officer has to turn the rudder.

   "I think I understand what you mean, is the extreme theory you told me not long ago correct?" Matthaus repeated what Lu Li said: "'We should not face the world in extremes'..."

   "Then how do you want to resolve this matter."

   "Before going to sea, the dreamer told me a story." Lu Li rarely said more: "I thought this story was a metaphor for me or the future of the world, but it doesn't seem to be, it was prepared for you."



ten minutes later.

   Parliament Hall.

   All the members were in front of the round table, quietly watching Lu Li and Matthaus.

   "I want to tell a story."

  Lu Li slowly told the story that the Dreamer told him before departure.

A world that has maintained peace for hundreds of years is rekindled. The most powerful country faces off against the second most powerful country on the border. Small countries on the fringe are eager to get a piece of the war. Countless conspirators are trying to make the war more tragic. Walk on land.

   Only because the more serious the war is, the more people will benefit, and those who are coerced into the war and die will not express their opinions.

  The century-old war that swept the world finally broke out. Countless lords and monarchs emerged in the war, and were killed by more powerful or brutal monarchs. Those who persisted and did not fall were dubbed "great" and usurped this honor on their own heads.

During this period, it was not that no one realized that the population was getting smaller and smaller, the famine was getting worse and the plague was getting more and more, but in the age of war, everyone was pushed forward by the waves and had no time to think, even those great kings. Can only struggle to surface, breathing briefly before the next wave.

   But everyone felt that victory was coming.

In place of the king who became the most powerful country a hundred years ago, he wants to unite with the surrounding countries to launch a general attack. The second most powerful country is sent to try to go to the most powerful country to prepare for peace. Small countries are still trying to get the last piece of the pie. The news of the end is exchanged for rewards, the mercenaries melt or sell the missing iron swords, the old conspirators have already completed their plots or die while the new conspirators are not born, and the farmers open up the battlefield to irrigate blood and corpses.

   Then the end suddenly woke up from the ground, easily destroying the world.

  All ambitions, all intrigues, all good yearnings, all joys and sorrows, all in progress, unfinished, about to begin, all annihilated with the cracking of the earth's crust in an instant.

   "We never know which comes first, tomorrow or destruction."

  The businessman Anthony appeared beside Lu Li at the end of the story, bringing the news that the consciousness of the Swamp Mother had arrived.

   After finishing the story, Lu Li and it left the parliament hall, echoing the footsteps of the empty hall.

   Buck, who was wearing a tuxedo that tightened his fat, looked at Matthaus: "What does the exorcist mean?"

   "Survival and destruction are in an instant. We are as fragile as summer flowers. Competing with other flowers for who is more beautiful will not keep us from being smashed in the storm..."

   Mateus knew that the story was not only for the members, but also for him: "So... I will no longer think about dissolving the parliament, and please put your personal interests aside."

   "The people outside are not your walls of flesh."


  Lu Li went straight to join the Twisted Shadow, Mother of the Swamp.

   Council Matters Matteus knew what to do. Let them resign as MPs or reform, as long as it doesn't hinder the plan to retreat to the deep end.

  Lu Li saw that it seemed to be intercepted from the branch of the banyan tree guard. The thick branch possessed by the Swamp Mother stood, with a twisted figure on the side, and three residents who were temporarily deprived of consciousness and stood upright.

   "What are you going to do with them."

  The Swamp Mother whispered in her mind.

   "First confirm who is the Ability God who left the breath."

  Lu Li asked the Swamp Mother to support him and quietly sneaked into the dreamland of the three residents.

   (end of this chapter)

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