BJ Swordmaster

Chapter 101

Chapter 101 This works (2)

“You’re so outspoken. It means look around inside. I guess I thought you’d like it.”

Right after Petricia’s visit.

Henry told the viewers what he felt.

“It’s definitely great. At the Academy, Class A is the most beneficial group, but when it expands across Ballaran, there’s no place to be treated like this.”

[I thought this was the palace][He’s more realistic than he is on the show][It’s because the quality of the game is too high]

So you’re going to walk around now, right?]

“I’m thinking of looking around. They probably won’t call me until they look around.”

Henry knew exactly what Melissa meant.

It wasn’t actually a malicious act.

I just wanted to accept Henry as a knight.

“Also, it’s better for me to be proud of the name of the royal knight.”

No one valued justification as much as a royal knight. As much as pride in one’s name, you can’t stay still if you hear about Austin’s situation.

Also, if you’re clumsy, you might make a full-fledged move on Rodrick’s side, but what if you were to make a big move?

He will not be able to move recklessly even in Rodrick.

The fact that the royal knights knew, meant that news would be heard from the royal family, including the great nobility.

[Spraying poo]

Are you going to mess with me?Lol]

“A mess…….”

Henry instantly imagined being surrounded by hundreds of dogs. One is not a big deal, but hundreds had to choose between the two.

“I think so. If it’s a mess, you’ll have no choice but to pull a sword or step back.”

The moment Henry said so.

[An unexpected mission has arrived!]

A message that I had encountered not long ago came to Henry’s eyes.

What is it this time?

[Why is the driver stiff again?]

Isn’t the wizard here again? We said we couldn’t see the sponsored store, right? Isn’t that it?]

“Oh, I have something to tell you. Now in front of me…….”

The moment Henry tried to explain to the viewers what happened.

* Mission related content cannot be mentioned.

The order of the wizard came to mind. Henry turned his horse in a hurry.

“…I have a sponsored store in front of me. Sponsor shop! It’s full of amazing supplies.”

The audience burst out laughing, but there was no room to accept it.

[Current created tasks are as follows]

* Win a duel with a Ballaran royal knight

A duel with a royal knight?

Frankly, it was true that it was sudden, but I could fully guess why.

‘You mean winning against knights serves my purpose.’

Henry looked down at the ring on his hand and thought.

When Henry was on a mission to get the Camilton family’s heirloom, there was no special reward.

But if you think this ring is a reward, it’s not too strange.

Henry quickly came to a natural conclusion.

Carry out the mission.

I can’t tell the viewers, but it’s something they can do. Naturally.’

Henry had a strong ally.

Many viewers wanted stimulating scenes, and as soon as they felt the atmosphere, there were two building owners who turned their eyes.

[He’s in a weird condition] Did you turn off the connection?][It’s like he’

[You have to eat first, son!][Laughing]

“No, I’m here. I was thinking about it.”

[What are you thinking?]]

“It was a worry about how long I should hide my power. I’m a knight, too! Coming here with the strongest people in Ballaran is making me feel like I’m winning.”

Henry began to make excuses.

You should never duel with Henry’s own doctor.

Mission is mission.

If it’s a mission to perform anyway, wouldn’t it be many times better to perform as a “mission” for viewers?

“Of course.”

I feel like I’m going crazy.

Henry continued in a flat voice.

“I know I shouldn’t. As soon as I show my strength, the dean’s evaluation will go up, and the already-crowded gaze will change more explicitly. I didn’t forget my purpose.”

[But if we fight now, do we win?] Aren’t they all six and seven stars?][I don’t think it’s possible to cheat] [The basic weight division is different.

[You never know] We’ve seen this guy once or twice.]

The pot started to heat up.

The boiling of water seemed to be heard to my ears were ringing.

“You’re not going to win. However, the battle with the overwhelming opponent leads to significant growth, regardless of the outcome. Definitely a valuable opportunity…….”

Tap, tap.

Then someone tapped Henry on the shoulder.

“Henry Camilton?”


Henry got himself up.

The man who hit his shoulder was obviously a royal knight.

It was because he was of a normal build with his rugged clothes, but the manna around the man was never of a normal size.

“I’m Colin, a flatmate. Lord Melissa asked me to help you guide you.”


“Trains, restaurants, armory, library, accommodation…”And where else is there? Anyway, what do you want to see the most? Let’s go there first.”

“It’s a training camp.”

“I knew it. It’s obvious where people like us will choose. There are clear limitations in growing into external factors. That’s what a natural talent is, isn’t it?”

It is ambiguous to empathize, and it makes no sense to deny.

Henry only smiled awkwardly.

“You’re more humble than I thought.”

“Thank you for the compliment…”….”

“I didn’t think so.”

Colin’s smile grew thick. The feeling around that mouth was never a favor.

The same goes for the eyes.

He looked up and down at Henry as if he were looking at an arrogant junior.

“I heard you refused to join the club.”



“For personal reasons.”

“What’s the reason?”

“I can’t tell you.”

“It should be. It should be a reason beyond description. Only then will I be able to understand.”

Colin’s eyes cooled cold.

His honor as a royal knight meant his life.

And to the present.

Colin had no regrets about his choice.

“You said training center, didn’t you?


“Let’s go. Go see it. You should know what you’re kicking, even if you kick it.”

Colin took the lead in walking. Henry followed and checked the chat window.

[You’re a jerk–][Hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof hoof! Oop, oop, oop oop oop oop oop oop!!

[If we play this game, we’ll get the video angle] Well, it’s overwhelmingly?]

It was exactly what I expected.

Henry was now starting to realize what broadcasting was.

‘This works.’

Experience presented confidence.


Colin, a critic of the Royal Knights of Ballaran, was a genius.

I mean, it was exactly the expression that followed from the moment I entered the academy to now.

After a month of admission, he handled Mana skillfully, and by the time he reached a year’s age, he had reached a level that was incomparable to any of the trainees.

When I was in third grade.

Colin entered the beginning of a two-star article.

The nose bridge couldn’t have been higher. He always had a lot of strength on his shoulders, and when he saw the same trainees, he would laugh unconsciously.

But even at the moment when everything in the world seemed ridiculous, not a single group.

the Royal Knights

Ballaran was the place where the strongest knights gathered in the kingdom, and Colin’s talent did not make it easy to join.

If Colin was a genius, they were more than that.

So Colin began to try.

Things that could not be filled with talent began to pile up, and the arrogant gaze gradually calmed down.

Let’s finish it.

While spending the last semester of the fourth grade.

Colin was able to proudly become a member of the Royal Knights

I felt like I had the whole world. The most intense joy I’ve ever felt in my life. It’s the same now.’

The joy of joining the club was not temporary.

Every moment.

It was so sad that I could have a conversation with outstanding people.

by the way

The priceless opportunity that Colin has acquired after constant effort, even irreplaceable.

Henry Camilton kicked.

Too much of an arrogant assessment.

Being arrogant was a word suitable for people who were overconfident in their own abilities.

It was only a brief encounter, but at least in Colin’s view Henry wasn’t like that.


It’s just too stupid.

A fool who can’t even measure the value of a given opportunity.

It is an offer that no one can refuse if they can judge the value accurately.

That’s what Colin thought.

Who in the world can say no.

It’s a place where even royalty can’t join.

“This is the training ground.”

When I opened the door, a neat space was revealed.

All kinds of weapons filled the walls, and training tools were placed all over the place that would be unexpected to anyone who saw them for the first time.

There was no train driver, but Colin was convinced.

Now Henry Camilton will have to change his mind.

‘You’ve lost your mind.’

Henry wasn’t actually saying a word.

I felt like I could hear the snowballs rolling. Colin felt like the emotions in his heart had finally subsiding.

After deliberately waiting a little bit, Colin took his chance.

“Henry Camilton.”


“How do you feel seeing it in person?”

“That’s great.”

“That’s great.”

That’s a natural reaction. Of course, it’s not enough.

The situation did not end with just this much admiration.

You didn’t feel anything else? Even after seeing this?

I’m sure Colin will.

It was clear that if a knight, who is about an instructor of the Academy, stood here, he would shed tears of emotion.

But what is the reaction of this trainee?

“Henry Camilton.”


“Can you guess what this tool is?”

Waddle, waddling.

Suddenly Colin stepped forward and stood in front of a gray sphere.

It was about waist-high, similar from side to side.

“I don’t know.”

“I’m sure. Look.”

Colin put his hand on the sphere. The sphere began to fluctuate. As if throwing a stone over a lake, a stir arose, and soon it began to limp and take on the shape of something.


There was a green skin over the gray.


The sphere became a goblin.

But it didn’t move. His eyes were also blank as if he had fallen asleep.

“If you touch it one more time, it starts moving. I can take any form of monster on the record. The same goes for humans, the same moves.”

“Did you say the same is true of humans?”

Yeah, this is the reaction. All Colin wanted was that look. Facing a situation that’s out of common sense, like an open eye.

“Of course. Anything can be done with accurate information. In other words.”


The sphere began to change shape rapidly.

Something fluttering was overwritten over the slender, elongated frame.

Soon when it’s in full shape.

A skull wizard with a gloomy aura was there.

“You could fight something like this. As a training partner.”


“Yeah, Richie. It’s not like I’ve ever encountered in a normal combat environment. But Ballaran’s senior knights fought against these evil things. With the help of the wizard, we were able to extract memories, and they left us with these results.”

Colin happily laid out the background.

Ballaran is a training environment that you can’t find anywhere else.

It was not just a battle between men and women, but a place where you could experience any kind of battle.

Even this ‘figure memory’ was not one.

An estimated hundreds of devices were in the training ground warehouse, which meant that many-to-many battles could be fought.

This is a bit of a mess.][Don’t you think that’s a dragon or something?][Wow, this is crazy]

But isn’t that too dangerous? Can I cancel it right away?]

“I think it’s great, too. It’s the Royal Knights. I’m sure that tool in front of me isn’t everything, so it’s no wonder the royal knights are proud.”

The mere fact that he belonged to the strongest group does not explain that proud attitude.

But what if you feel like you’re being treated accordingly?

It was possible as much as much as I could.

“Is the degree of injury the same?”

“Not at all. This device is not supposed to harm humans under any circumstances. I heard it’s a wizard’s production…I don’t know. I’ve never heard of it.”

“With all due respect, do you…….”

“It’s up to you to show your respect. You want to try it, don’t you?”


Colin smirked. His mood was quite relieved by the longing that finally began to be seen.

You’re finally putting on a look that you like.’

Colin was willing to step aside. Henry, who approached, showed him how to use it, and took a few more steps back.

And the next moment.

“……You arrogant bastard.”

At the sight of Petricia, a six-star knight, Colin barely lost his budding composure.

BJ Swordmaster

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