Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

197 Last Ace Singles

After the end of the third quarter, the eyes of the main starters of the two sides gradually became firm. This will be the final battle. The moment of judging the victory and defeat is approaching, and everyone's momentum is very turbulent

"It seems that we still need to make them lose their faith in the game first." Sendoh said in a deep voice. In the end, the fourth quarter started, and the two sides played one after another. Whether it was Luoshan's starter or Ryonan's, their physical strength had almost recovered. Already, except for Ryonan, Fukuda was exhausted after playing two quarters.

"Sendoh, as Ryonan's trump card, I leave this last quarter to you!" Taoka said solemnly.

Sendoh smiled leisurely, and said: "Don't worry, coach, the victory in this game belongs only to Ryonan.

The audience in the field became quiet one after another. They also knew that after this game was over, the last team in this year's "Zero Zero Zero" semi-finals would appear. Whether it was Luoshan or Ryonan, they were very optimistic. However, Ryonan's fan atmosphere is in full swing right now!

"Senior Sendoh, this will be a decisive battle!" Dong Tong stood in front of Sendoh and said seriously.

"The result of winning or losing doesn't make any difference to me. Even if Ryonan loses today, we can still win the Winter Cup with Kazuma Hirakawa! This year's champion will definitely belong to Ryonan!" Sendoh said firmly, he needed Get the championship, get the trophy that can prove his strength.

"Senior Sendoh, is victory or defeat really not that important to you?" Akashi asked puzzled. Sendoh said that he didn't care much about victory or defeat, but he wanted to win the championship. Such a contradictory statement, Akashi was really confused.

"Hehe, for me, failure is just the next process. Don't let your life be so vigorous and dull, why don't you care about winning and losing? What can you do if you lose? What can you do if you win? "Sendoh said with a light smile: "Being the champion, I just want to prove myself and give Ryonan a proof."

Akashi's complexion darkened. In his opinion, he and Sendoh are completely opposite people. He was born into a wealthy family. Victory is inevitable and necessary for Akashi, but Sendoh is not so important to victory.

The confidence in my own strength and the strength of my team in my heart, even if I lose today, next time, I will win.

And Akashi also firmly believes that Sendoh can do that, in one summer vacation, maybe he can grow to an inhuman level!

Sendoh didn't say much, the game started, Ryonan served first, and when Fukuda passed the basketball to Sendoh, there was an oppressive atmosphere in the court.

Akashi opened the zone in an instant, and the whole team's zone was also blessed together. The uncrowned five generals and Kaoru Chihiro looked like torches, the flames of war burning in their eyes, and there was an aura of fighting to the death.

But at this moment, a cold black arc suddenly burst out in Sendoh's eyes, the heart of a child was instantly opened, and the soul of the leader was also blessed together, the wild Sendoh chose not to open it for the time being, zone+heart of a child is enough to challenge Luoshan and others people.

For a moment, the hearts of everyone in Luoshan froze, and the terrifying oppression forcefully pressed on their hearts, constantly breeding fear in their hearts. Even Akashi could not resist the coercion of Sendoh's leader's soul.

This is a transcendence across the arc. Even if Akashi possesses different-dimensional skills, he cannot resist Sendoh's leader's soul. This is a coercion from the spirit!

"Sure enough, it's very difficult to challenge you." Akashi took a deep breath and stood in front of Sendoh, the terrifying oppressive force enveloped him first, and the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven could not see Sendoh's future again.

"I'm going to go." Sendoh's body sank slightly, and the moment the basketball in his hand suddenly stopped, he said in a cold voice. In an instant, Sendoh's body rushed directly past Akashi's defense, and the super fast starting speed did not make Akashi react at all. come over!

In this field, Sendoh's speed is the fastest one, no one can keep up with him, and the speed is not only the starting speed!

Passing Akashi in an instant, Sendoh went straight to the center line, but Akashi's reaction speed was no longer slow, it can only be said that Sendoh's speed was too fast, within 0.1 seconds, Akashi immediately reacted, turned around and began to return to defense, the speed of the zone Even if he can't keep up with Sendoh, if Sendoh wants to make a mid-range shot, he must beware of his tight defense.

But at this moment, two figures stood in front of Sendoh, and Hayama threw off Uekusa's defense and came to Sendoh with his arms open...

As the strength of the five generals, Hayama is much stronger than Uekusa, and now with the addition of Akashi's buff, his speed can no longer be guarded by Uekusa.

The two flanked each other back and forth, this was the best and safest way Luoshan could think of to mark. Both of them were in zone mode, so Bai Jinyongzhi chose to take a gamble.

However, he underestimated Sendoh's strength.

If it's just the heart of a child, it may be able to cause some obstacles to Sendoh, but now zone+heart of the child, the bonus of the two orange state skills is not 1+1=2, nor is it a zone of Akashi and a semi-finished zone Can stop it.

In an instant, the moment Sendoh pulled his body back, he broke through Ye Shan's defense directly, and the ultra-fast breakthrough was like a streamer, throwing away Ye Shan directly.

"Damn, how can this guy's strength be so terrifying!" Ye Shan gritted his teeth secretly, with such a quick breakthrough, even if he had 90% of his attention, he couldn't prevent Sendoh.

After Sendoh shook off Hayama, he rushed straight into the inside lane, and the middle lane was open. Ryonan's other players directly opened the gap in the middle under the constant movement, and Sendoh filed straight in!

Nebuya Yongkichi immediately started running, rushing towards Sendoh to defend, and Shibuchi Reo was also staring closely at the side, they had to be so cautious, but at this moment, Sendoh suddenly stood upright, holding the basketball in his hand Throwing 4.4 directly at a weird angle!

"What!? Pass the ball!??" Kaoru Chihiro, who appeared behind Sendoh unknowingly, was about to break the basketball in his hand at the moment, Sendoh seemed to know his movements completely, and passed the ball directly.

As for Eagle's Eye, Kaoru Chihiro's vision-inducing ability has no effect on Sendoh at all.


The moment Koshino received the basketball immediately, and before Reo Mibuchi could react, he took a step back and took off, and made a fallback jump shot!


After the basketball drew a beautiful arc in the air, it fell into the blue net with a red tail flame.

Bai Jin Yongzhi frowned tightly, if Sendoh is alone, it is definitely easy to say, even if five people defend Sendoh, it will be fine, but now, he still has to worry about Sendoh passing the ball!.

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