Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

1 Moderator And Guests

"Sendoh-kun, I can play the guitar by myself, and I have to accept fans even when I'm angry, come on." Yotsuba said with a smile, but she has a strong sense of vigilance for those cheering girls.

In the end, Sendoh could only walk forward bravely, and when he heard Youren calling his name halfway, he waved his hand in a friendly way and showed a forced smile.

"Wow, this smile is so warm!!!"

Immediately, a large group of girls turned into licking dogs, constantly calling Sendoh's name.

And Sendoh obviously couldn't stand this kind of environment, and hastened to walk into the aisle. When he entered the aisle, Sendoh breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm saved."

"Haha, these are all Sendoh fans." Uozumi said with a smile.

"It's just, a little too enthusiastic." Sendoh suddenly said dumbfounded.

My heart yearns for peace while fishing, but Sendoh is not used to this kind of environment at all, but it is different when playing on the golf course, Sendoh sinks into it with all his heart and mind, completely excluding the influence of the outside world.

"Let's go there quickly, the game will start in half an hour." Taoka said.


It wasn't as loud inside the gym as it was outside, but Ryonan could hear some shouting.

When everyone came to the locker room, the voice finally became quieter.

"The sound insulation effect here is good. It's the first time I found it." Uekusa said immediately.

"Yeah, I didn't think much of it before, but today I feel that the sound insulation effect is really good." Koshino continued.

While everyone was talking, they changed players and put on wrist guards.

Ten minutes later, Ryonan walked out of the locker room with Sendoh leading the way.

The center of gravity of the gymnasium, on the basketball court, because it is the Winter Cup, so the official specially assigned a commentator and a guest to explain the game to the audience.

"Hi everyone, I'm very glad to be the host of the national competition today, the opening match of the Winter Cup. I'm your old friend, Yumo Watanabe!"

"Sitting next to me is former NBA professional athlete, Mr. Hachimura Lei!"

"Damn it, two former professional athletes came to explain, the official is tough enough!"

"It's great, both of them are professional, so even if we can't keep up with Sendoh's speed, we can still listen to the analysis.

The uproar in the audience made Watanabe Yumo and Hachimura Lei very satisfied. Immediately, Hachimura Lei picked up the microphone and said: "There is still half an hour before the opening game of the Winter Cup. Let us go first." Please, the first high school team, Ryonan!"

"Come out, Ryanan is out!"

As soon as everyone in Ryonan appeared, there was a burst of shouting from the audience.

"I'm going, there are so many people!?" Ikegami suddenly shouted in surprise.

With a quick glance, the auditorium is overcrowded, and it is impossible to tell that there are empty seats. This kind of scene is too cruel!

"If it wasn't clear to me, I thought we were just in the finals." Fukuda said with a sigh.

Every year in the national competition finals, this is the scene, but in the past two years, Ryonan didn't feel that kind of atmosphere at all, and could only sit in the auditorium as a spectator.

"I dare say, half of these people are Sendoh fans!" Uozumi said very stiffly, as if he was talking about himself.

Sendoh smiled and didn't say anything. Since entering the gymnasium, Sendoh's original uncomfortable feeling disappeared. At this moment, he felt an indescribable sense of relief.

But when he heard the voices of the host and the guests, Sendoh was stunned for a moment, and said, "Is this [Senior Xiaogan?"]

"This old guy is not doing his job properly, but he came here to be a commentator." Taoka said dumbfounded.

He did know that Lei Hachimura had a private basketball gym in Osaka, and he taught basketball in person. After all, he was a former professional. There were so many students, but why did he have time to participate in the commentary?

"Maybe I came to watch Sendoh's game, maybe." Yotsuba said suddenly

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, I feel like going to the court for some exercise." Taoka said with a smile.


"This year's Ryonan," among the many dark horses, is the most forward and the most stable one. I think two-thirds of the audience came to watch Ryonan's game, right?" Watanabe Xiong said with a smile.

"Of course, Ryonan's trump card, Akira Sendoh's "Laputa in the Sky" last month, caused a sensation all over the country." Rei Hachimura suddenly smiled and said: "I am honored to be one of the audience listening one."

"Hey, were you there at Hachimura?" Yutai Watanabe asked in surprise.

"Of course, and it can be said that this year's Ryonan is the university I am most optimistic about, and it is also the one with the strongest potential." Rei Hachimura immediately said firmly: "I don't accept rebuttals, but it's useless for you to rebut me."

"Haha, Hachimura, are you so sure?" Yutai Watanabe said with a sudden laugh.

"Of course, if you don't believe me, how about we have a gamble?" Hachimura Lei said confidently.

"Okay, let's talk about this in private." Watanabe nodded, then picked up the 517 microphone and said with a smile: "Since our Ryonan high school has already played, let's invite the second high school team today , Yangquan University!!”

It is worthy of being the top four professional households every year. At the very beginning, Yangquan could compete with Sannoh and Luoshan, the two strongest overlords in the peak period.

All in all, after the host finished speaking, there were fierce shouts from the audience.

Yangquan's audience fans are not weaker than Ryonan, but they are not as good as Sendoh alone. After all, nearly a thousand of them are watching Sendoh's own songs.

Immediately, everyone in Ryonan looked at another passageway, and then everyone in Yangquan, wearing a purple and white jersey, filed in. What was even more weird was that, as the coach, Masako Araki was holding a wooden knife in his hand.

"Hey, what are you doing here? Are you participating in a fencing competition?" Uekusa asked suspiciously.

"Well, with a wooden knife, you can deter those giants." Sendoh said with a faint smile.

Having read the original book, he is fully aware of what kind of person Yangquan's coach is, so now that he sees this scene, Sendoh will not show any surprise at all.

So, Sendoh quietly sat on the bench. .

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