Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

9 Atsushi Murasakihara Switch Positions

On the bench in Yangquan, Masako Araki held a wooden sword, full of a strong woman, and shouted sharply: "Zi Yuan, you guys give me some motivation!!"

"Well, this boring game is very simple, do you still need to be motivated?" Atsushi Ziyuan said indifferently, as always, a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

"Are you trying to lose!?" Araki Masako said immediately: "Only you can defend that Sendoh in the interior. After the game starts, you change positions and stand at the free throw line.

"Ah, I see. Coach, you are really annoying." Atsushi Murasakihara complained immediately. Even though Atsushi Murasakihara acted a little innocently, he knew exactly what Araki Masako wanted him to do.

Standing at the free throw line, Atsushi Zihara's defensive range will completely cover the half court, even the three-point line can be defended.

Nothing more than allowing him to quickly defend Sendoh's three-pointer.

However, with the mid-range shot from the center line, Ziyuan can't prevent Sendoh, but Masako Araki has her own plan.

"You...!" Araki Masako was choked and speechless, and her pretty face suddenly became extremely dark.

"Okay, coach, let's talk about the next tactics now!" Kensuke Fukui said hastily.

Masako Araki glared at Atsushi Murasakibara, then turned her head and said, "Himuro, did your shot - was cracked by Sendoh?"

Bingshi Chen's heart suddenly jumped, his eyes were a little erratic, and he really didn't want to admit this failure, but in the end, Bingshi Chen nodded and said: "Yes [teacher-trainer]

Masako Araki's face turned darker, Himuro Tatsumi is also Yangquan's number one outside scorer, if his ability is completely suppressed, Yangquan's scoring rate will be greatly reduced.

Araki Masako pondered for a while, then said: "After the start, let's change the lineup, the tactic is..."


The 60-second timeout passed in the blink of an eye. After the referee blew his whistle, the two teams re-entered the field|Everyone in Yangquan was full of fighting spirit.

Sendoh glanced at Himuro Tatsuya, although there was some haze in his eyes, he looked confident again.

"Get out of autism? It's not a bad idea." Sendoh said with a smile.

Immediately, the game continued and Yangquan had the ball.

Okamura stood on the sideline and sent the basketball to Kensuke Fukui. The moment the latter received the basketball, he immediately launched an attack.

The moment the three of them crossed the center line, Sendoh immediately stood in front of Okamura and defended. Fukui quickly dribbled the ball with both hands. As a point guard with a height of two meters, Fukui Kensuke's personal strength is very good, although his ball-handling skills are not as good as Go to Sendoh or Akashi Seijuro, but compared with Uekusa, there is a lot of gap between the two.

Immediately, Fukui's violent offensive broke through, like a bulldozer, with his left arm firmly against Uekusa's chest, dribbling the ball directly to the inside, Sendoh frowned slightly, immediately gave up defending Okamura, and directly started to block in front of Fukui.

Kensuke Fukui frowned, and immediately passed the basketball back.

A direct pass hit the ground, and the basketball bounced immediately after hitting the ground. At this moment, a figure suddenly ran over, Yangquan power forward Liu Wei!

The latter immediately received the basketball with both hands, stood in the penalty area and jumped directly.

"Don't try to succeed!!"

Under the basket in the penalty area, Yuzhu jumped directly to defend. However, Liu Wei is the second tallest in Yangquan, and his arms are completely higher than Yuzhu after stretching!

In an instant, the latter raised his right arm high, and the basketball in his hand flew towards the basket with a high arc after lightly flicking four fingers!



The basketball hit the rim immediately, spun around the edge of the rim, and finally slid into the net.


Liu Wei immediately swung his fist and scored the first goal after the game was suspended, which greatly helped Yangquan's momentum.

"Nice shot, Liu!" Fukui Kensuke said with a smile, and after the two clapped hands, Liu Wei turned around and began to defend.

Sendoh stood under the basket and waited for the serve. When he saw Kensuke Fukui standing in front of him, he immediately smiled and said, "You know it won't work, so why don't you give it a try?"

"How do you know it's useless if you don't try it?" Kensuke Fukui said immediately.

Ryonan is a double point guard team, and the cooperation between Uekusa and Sendoh makes it difficult for some people to guess who is the point guard, but they have to guard against Sendoh's unsolvable mid-range shots, which makes some people very helpless.

…… Ask for flowers………

Sendoh tilted his head slightly, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then he said with a smile: "Your coach can actually persuade that guy Ziyuan to change positions. Is it a caring communication between mother and child?"

"Huh?!!" Fukui Kensuke was startled for a moment, the love and communication between mother and child?

Although it’s not just Kensuke Fukui who thinks so, even other people in Yangquan think so [the relationship between Atsushi Murasakihara and Masako Araki is like a mother who constantly wants her idiot son to radiate her own bright spots.

It’s just this opinion, why is Sendoh, who is Ryonan, also clear!??

Masako Araki would use the provocative method every time to provocate, and Atsushi Murasakihara, who hated trouble, would directly go into a rage after being underestimated, shouting to crush so and so.

Sendoh used the eagle eye to see the position of the audience. Atsushi Murasakihara was already standing at the free throw line, Himuro Tatsuya and Okamura were standing at the corners of the two sides.

Such a position is completely a "three" defense.

On the bench, Momoi Wuyue immediately said: "Xiao Zi changed positions and defended at the free throw line to prevent Senior Sendoh?"

"Yangquan is the only one who can suppress Senior Sendoh now, and only Ziyuan, otherwise no one can stop Senior Sendoh's attack." Takao and Cheng said immediately.

"Yangquan has no choice. The gap between the other players and Senior Sendoh is too great. Even two of them can't guard against him. Now we can only rely on Murasakihara." Shintaro Midorima said in a deep voice.

Looking at the Yangquan team, Sendoh's daily strength against Yangquan, which has absolute defense, is like paper.

Among Yangquan, only Ziyuan can block Sendoh's mid-range shot. Liu Wei and Okamura Kenichi may be able to try the inside shot and take advantage of their height to block the shot, but their mobility and physical conditions are too weak , Can't catch up with Sendoh's attack speed at all.

So, no one can stop Sendoh except Murasakihara!

Sendoh is the most top-notch technical player. It is still difficult to face a guy like Ziyuan who relies on talent. Not only that, in front of the unique Ziyuan, Sendoh looks weaker.

But until now, Aomine Daiki didn't speak, and looked at Sendoh very solemnly.

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