Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

23 Looking Back And Digging Out (Seek Full Order!)

"This guy..." Fukui Kensuke frowned tightly, suppressing the complex emotions that kept surging in his heart.

The game has already started, Sendoh held the ball and moved forward slowly, when the footsteps reached the center line, Sendoh stopped.

In an instant, jump straight up!

No solution in the cast!

Immediately, the eyes of everyone in Yangquan tightened. After Sendoh activated the leader's soul, no one thought of stepping forward to defend Sendoh.

Kensuke Fukui is even more so, full of chagrin, he has forgotten, and needs to stare at Sendoh's mid-line three-pointer!

In an instant, with no one marking, Sendoh directly threw the basketball!

The ultra-high and ultra-distance three-pointer, after drawing a beautiful and gorgeous arc in the air, reached the commanding heights, and then fell into the net with orange tail flames.


Hollow into the basket, accompanied by the sound of scratching the net, the basketball hit the ground immediately, and then bounced again.

It kept bouncing, and finally had to fall to the ground and start rolling.

Everyone in the audience was silent for a while, and in an instant, wild cheers erupted.

"It's a three-pointer again, there is no solution!"

"Is this hit rate off?!"

"I've never seen Mr. Sendoh miss a single shot!"

"Nonsense, this is my 773 male god, it is impossible to vote!!!!"

With the cheers of the audience, Sendoh fell to the ground, turned around and returned to defense directly.

With a 100% mythical hit rate, it is impossible to miss a mid-range shot without a solution.

The score expanded again, and now there is a nine-point difference.

Masako Araki gritted her teeth, got up and walked directly to the judges' stand.

The change of Sendoh completely broke the rhythm of Yangquan as a whole, and it was necessary to suspend the competition when the change first appeared.

On the playing field, Kensuke Fukui quickly moved forward after receiving the serve, and now the score has expanded. If Ryonan scores another goal, it will be the first time to break through the double-digit point difference.

If Yangquan wants to catch up and come back, he will have to pay a heavy price.

Crossing the center line, Sendoh stood in front of Kensuke Fukui for an instant, and Kensuke Fukui trembled visibly under the pressure that made his scalp tingle.

At this moment, a flash of light flashed in Sendoh's eyes, and his palm immediately moved towards Fukui Kensuke's right hand.

This is a good opportunity to steal the ball!

At this very moment, Fukui Kensuke stabilized his trembling body, and when he saw Sendoh's movement, his eyes suddenly tightened.

For a split second, the moment the basketball changed hands, the moment Sendoh's palm lightly touched the surface of the basketball.

Fukui Kensuke directly threw the basketball out.

The target charged straight at Himuro Tatsuya.

But under Sendoh's touch, Chen Qiu has undergone a slightly derailed change.

The moment Himuro Tatsuya caught the basketball with his palm, his palm and the surface of the basketball slipped.

Immediately, the basketball hit the ground directly, and at this moment, Koshino's back defense finally caught up, and when he saw Himuro Tatsumi also missed, he was a hungry tiger!

Himuro Tatsuya's pupils constricted for a moment, and his reaction speed was also activated for a moment. He slapped the basketball with his palm, and Koshino flew straight into the air.

Immediately, the moment he caught the basketball in his left hand, Himuro Tatsuya also threw off Koshino's body and walked aside.

At the top of the arc, seeing Himuro Tatsumi not conceding a goal, Fukui Ken's heart was finally relieved.

If this goal is lost, then his drunkenness will be really big, and it is still in such a disadvantageous situation!

But at this moment, Fukui Kensuke suddenly shouted: "Hiroro, be careful!"

The shout reached Bingshi's ears, and the latter's body trembled, and in an instant, he threw the ball directly into the inside line without hesitation!

"Dun!" Himuro yelled immediately, and Murasakihara, who was standing inside the defense, pushed away Yuzhu's defense, and immediately received a pass from Himuro Tatsuya.

And at this moment, Sendoh's body stopped on the outside line close to Himuro Tatsuya.

Under the basket, Atsushi Murasakihara hit the back and leaned on the defense directly against the fish, and muttered in his mouth (bgcc): "What's the matter, one or two are so desperate, it's really annoying!

Among them, Murasakihara was even more annoyed by being hated and slapped once by Sendoh, which greatly damaged his face!

Although he doesn't care about face.

But how to say the heart is not happy.

In an instant, Atsushi Ziyuan jumped up with both hands holding the basketball on both sides, and his rotating body drove the air around him.

The super strong airflow instantly increased the pressure on everyone, and Atsushi Murasakihara's strength increased tremendously in an instant!

"If you have the ability, cap this ball and let me see! You disgusting senior!!!!"

Atsushi Murasakihara yelled sharply, the super high jump height was beyond Yuzhu's reach.

【Hammer of Destruction】!

Atsushi Murasakihara's signature skills, no matter who it is, can't stand up to Murasakihara's super attack.

You know, in the original book, although Atsushi Murasakihara was blocked by Vulcan Daiga, Murasakihara Atsushi just lost to the protagonist Halo, not only that, if there was no Kiyoshi Teppei at that time, Vulcan Daiga would have even been confronted by Murasakihara Atsushi Yan button a wave

In terms of strength and talent, Atsushi Murasakihara is recognized as the number one!

But at this moment, Sendoh directly rushed into the penalty area and jumped up.

In an instant, everyone in Yangquan felt that their oppressive force disappeared, and Zi Yuandun's eyes widened slightly.

At this moment, Atsushi Ziyuan suddenly paused his hands, and in an instant, a hand stretched out from behind, just at the moment Atsushi Ziyuan paused!

Sendoh's arm suddenly exerted strength, but Atsushi Murasakihara's strength was indeed terrifyingly strong, Sendoh raised his eyebrows.

【Giant Body】Open!

In an instant, the strength in Sendoh's arm suddenly increased.

【Giant Body】!

It can make Sendoh have the power to surpass O'Neal in an instant.

Who is O'Neal, that's the big shark in the NBA, the power at his peak, but the guy who can smash the entire rebound in an instant.

And now at this moment, he has the power to surpass O'Neill, one can imagine how powerful it is!!!

In an instant, Sendoh directly copied the basketball from Murasakihara's hand. With such a huge force, no matter how the opponent resisted, it could not resist Sendoh's power.

And just after Sendoh copied the ball, Atsushi Murasaki directly slammed his hands on the basket. It's a pity that he didn't have a basketball in his hand, otherwise this action would be more deterrent.

The entire basketball stand suddenly trembled violently, and even made an ear-piercing sound!

The referee even saw that the back of the basketball rack was pulled up directly.

Immediately, Sendoh and Atsushi Ziyuan landed at the same time. Before Yangquan and others could react, Sendoh rushed directly to Yangquan's basket with the ball. .

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