Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

41 The Path Of Genius Coming Soon!

Sendoh's block directly caused Ziyuan to exit the zone state, and then, within a minute, the field once again became Sendoh's solo show.

Murasakihara, who had exited the zone state, had no way of catching up with Sendoh's movements.

In the consciousness of basketball, I can't resist Sendoh's method of stealing the ball!"

For a time, the score difference in the game has become bigger and bigger!

Ryonan fans are chanting Sendoh's name like crazy!!

Five minutes into the game, Masako Araki had to replace Atsushi Murasakihara.

With his physical strength exhausted, even Yuzhu can still face him positively, and now Murasakihara is already a hindrance.

Sendoh glanced at the scorer.

Yangquan 88: Ryonan120!

The high score difference of 32, in the final time, has put Ryonan in a safe state.

With three minutes to go, Taoka replaced Sendoh.

Using four orange skills superimposedly for four minutes, Sendoh's physical strength also appeared to be overdrawn, and it was precisely because of that state that Sendoh was able to maintain crazy scoring for six minutes!

"Invincible, don't be too strong!!" Yuu Watanabe shouted excitedly: "Sendoh's personal level, I dare say, has reached the professional level in terms of speed, even in the face of real professional players, he can Hit 953 head-on!"

Some people sneered, completely disbelieving that a high school student could be compared with a professional player on the battlefield.

But Yumo Watanabe is not bragging at all, he has already seen the future of Sendoh, in terms of personal ability, Sendoh can already be said to be number one in the country!


"In the first match of the Winter Cup, Yangquan scored 90 points to Ryonan's 120 points!"

"Ryonan wins!"

In the end, after the referee's buzzer and Yangquan's buzzer, the game finally ended!

"Victory! Ryanan has won again!"

"Watching this game is simply exciting!"

"When I go back, I must watch the replay again, it's so handsome!"

"Sendoh-kun, you are so handsome!!"

"Sendoh-kun, I want to have a monkey with you!"

"Ryonan must win! Ryonan must win!"

In the arena, Ryanan's players immediately cheered!

"Great, finally won!"

"It was a long game, but it was won."

"Thanks to Sendoh-kun!"


Sendoh sat on the bench, felt the cheers of the audience and the excited voices of the players in front of him, and smiled slightly.

This is a wonderful start, champions, they are getting closer!

Taoka also smiled very relieved, he has seen the efforts of these children, and the unattainable champion is one step closer to them.

"Sendoh-kun, you are so handsome!" Clover smiled excitedly: "Let me tell you, your 22 dunks, 18 shots and 9 mid-range shots are completely in my mind up!"

"Hey, Clover is the smartest." Sendoh said with a funny smile, but he also likes Clover's lively character.

In the end, the two teams shook hands with each other. Fukui Kensuke gritted his teeth and said with a forced smile: "Next time, we, Yangquan, will win, and next year we will definitely beat you!"

"You are always welcome." Yuzumi said with a smile.

Atsushi Ziyuan glanced at Sendoh, and the latter noticed the gaze, and immediately looked over. Atsushi Ziyuan turned his head to look elsewhere, and let out an extremely uncomfortable cold snort from his mouth and nose.

Sendoh smiled suddenly, and sure enough, he still had a childish temper as usual, all emotions were shown on his face.

"Next time, I will definitely defeat you, just wait and see, disgusting senior!" Atsushi Ziyuan turned his back and roared unhappily.

On the side, Himuro Tatsu smiled awkwardly and said, "It's a pleasure to compete with you, Sendoh-senpai."

"Me too." Sendoh said with a faint smile: "Although you are not as talented as Vulcan, as long as you work hard, maybe a miracle will happen."

Himuro Tatsuya's eyes lit up immediately, he slightly (bgbh) bowed slightly, and said, "Thank you senior, I will never give up basketball!"

"Believe in yourself and your players. Basketball is a team game, so don't blindly choose a person's strength." Sendoh said lightly.


Immediately, the two teams returned to the locker room, and everyone immediately lay down lazily.

"Ah, I'm exhausted, even more tired than in training!" Koshino said bitterly.

"I really miss the time of training now, this game is too strenuous." Uekusa also sighed.

There is no way, compared to other teams, defending Yangquan, everyone in Ryonan has to use double the physical strength to defend. The opponent has the advantage of strength and height, and the legs are also fast. It is a difficult opponent.

This level of defense is equivalent to defending five generals without a championship!

"It's over, I can rest for a few more days." Sendoh sat aside and said with a smile.

At this moment, a system voice came from my mind.

For several months, there was no sound from the system at all, and Sendoh didn't care. This sudden sound really startled Sendoh.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for leading Ryonan to victory over Yangquan. You will be rewarded with an orange lottery chance to win the first game of the Winter Cup and win 3000 bonus points!"

Sendoh frowned suddenly, and it was 3000 points again.

"Ha, another 3,000 points have been credited to the account. It's almost time for an orange lucky draw opportunity and a bunch of equipment!" Sendoh became excited. The equipment in Sendoh's hands is not luxurious. Before, he saw that the points were not enough, so he kept saving. .

At this time, the system sound sounded again.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for defeating Atsushi Ziyuan head-on in the competition, and will be rewarded with a chance to draw a red lottery!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing Path of Genius 2, defeating S+ player Atsushi Ziyuan, and now winning (8/9)! Completing the Path of Genius task rewards a lucky draw with different-dimensional skills


Immediately, Sendoh's heart immediately became hot. When confronting Luoshan before, Sendoh was very envious of Akashi's pair of eyes of the emperor, which was the only different-dimensional skill in the entire Neon High School.

Sendoh has long been jealous, but compared to seeing the future, Sendoh is also jealous of other skills.

You must know that in the NBA, some leading stars not only have the ability to open the zone, but also have different-dimensional skills.

Just like Zhan Huang, who has the title of "Bulldozer" in the NBA, he is strong when he is strong, and the more defenders, his own strength will increase exponentially!!

There are also Jordan, who is known as the "God of Basketball", and Iverson, the "incarnation of God".

Those world-renowned football stars all have skills that serve as trump cards!

"One more! Sawakita Eiji, the last place is reserved for you!".

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