Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

Chapter 47 Aida Yayoi's Likes

Sendoh reacted very quickly. If Aida Yayoi is not caught in this situation, the other party will fall directly into the sea.

Immediately, Sendoh's eyes were sharp and his hands moved quickly. His arm directly grabbed Aida Yayoi's left hand and pulled it quickly.

The strength is not great, and Aida Yayoi was saved from falling into the sea under the pull of Sendoh.

However, because of sitting for a long time, Aida Yayoi's legs were also numb, and under Sendoh's pull, she threw herself directly into Sendoh's arms.

For an instant, the two froze directly.

Sendoh was also at a loss. He originally only wanted to give Aida Yayoi a hand, but he didn't expect her legs to be weak.

And Aida Yayoi also had a dazed face, her pretty face turned red in an instant, and it happened very suddenly.

After a stalemate for two seconds, Aida Yayoi struggled suddenly, and Sendoh quickly let go of her. "eight twenty seven"

Aida Yayoi breathed a sigh of relief. After all, it is daytime now. In public, the two of them are so ambiguous. Not only will it affect her badly, but it may also affect Sendoh.

But seeing Sendoh let go of himself so hastily, a sense of loss suddenly rose in his heart.

Sendoh stood there with a face of embarrassment, thinking about the experience of being in his arms just now, and for a while, Sendoh suddenly had some imagination.

Aida Yayoi's figure is very attractive.

For some high school students, there is a magical allure in every gesture.

"Well, I'm sorry, Miss Yayoi, I didn't mean it." Sendoh scratched his head and said with a dry smile.

Aida Yayoi took a look at Sendoh with beautiful eyes, and said: "Isn't it just a hug, it's not like you didn't do other things during the summer vacation."

"Ha, ha ha." Sendoh laughed dryly.

I know exactly what Aida Yayoi is talking about, at this moment Sendoh doesn't know how to reply to this sentence, it's better to smile, at least it can ease the embarrassment.

Immediately, Aida Yayoi moved her legs to relieve the pressure on her legs.

Anyway, today is also a rest day, she didn't come out wearing high heels, otherwise she wouldn't even be able to walk now.

Aida Yayoi suddenly smiled and shook her head, feeling extremely helpless towards Sendoh's straight male attributes: "Okay, don't be embarrassed, as you saved my sister, how about treating you to dinner?"

"No, let me treat you." Sendoh said hastily.

Aida Yayoi smiled suddenly, and said, "You still have some help."


Sendoh was stunned for a moment, unable to understand what Aida Yayoi meant, what does it mean that I can still be saved, why am I not saved!?

But Aida Yayoi did not answer Sendoh's question.

Sendoh packed his fishing equipment and headed to a western restaurant closest to the sea with Aida Yayoi.

As soon as the two entered the western restaurant, Sendoh put down his equipment and went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

"Hey, that seems to be Sendoh-kun!"

"That's right, it really is!"

"The one with Sendoh-kun, is that the sports reporter?"

"It's so beautiful, there is no one else in this temperament."

"It seems that you are really famous all over the country." Aida Yayoi said with a smile, her eyebrows curved.

Sendoh suddenly said with a wry smile: "I still don't want it, I feel that I have gradually moved away from my original life."

After all, Yuan can be recognized by others, and there is no privacy at all. Immortal is not used to this kind of scene at all with the sight of monkeys.

"You are really strange. Others are happy with their own fame."

"It doesn't matter, I prefer a quieter life, and it's good to bring some small stimulation once in a while." Sendoh shrugged and said: "I really like my previous living habits, really, if I knew it, I wouldn't play that song .

"Okay, I feel sorry for you for a second." Aida Yayoi said with a smile: "However, can you tell me what song you want to sing after the Winter Cup is over?"

"You can't say it, it's a secret." Sendoh said immediately.

"Eh? Can't even I say it? It's so sad." Aida Yayoi suddenly made a sad expression.

Sendoh was expressionless, and even took a sip of ice-cola to appease the heart that wanted to laugh.

Stop it, you've got too much drama.

Seeing that Sendoh has been silent, Aida Yayoi suddenly began to wonder whether her charm has been reduced, or is it because she didn't wear high heels and OL outfits today that her charm has been reduced by half?

At this moment, Sendoh waved his hand and said: "I haven't decided what song to sing, the Winter Cup has just started, and there are at least three months left in the competition schedule, enough for me to prepare...

At this point, Sendoh did not refuse Aida Yayoi, he really hasn't thought of what to sing until now.

"Hey, it took three months to write a song!?" Aida Yayoi suddenly said in surprise, "This...isn't it?"

Release a song in three months, and only those who have really learned professionally and seniors who have been writing songs for many years can do it, "But I didn't expect Sendoh to be like this!!??

Just kidding, Sendoh is still a high school student, just a 17-year-old boy!!

In other words, no one can believe that Sendoh can do this step, but thinking of the song "Castle in the Sky" that Sendoh once played, Aida Yayoi's heart was shaken.

"It's nothing." Sendoh waved his hand, and if he knew what to sing, he could write the lyrics right now.

But Sendoh hasn't chosen yet, after all, it's to respond to my fans, so I can't just choose one casually.

Moreover, Sendoh was also a native of Asia Pacific in his previous life, and the songs he listened to were all in Mandarin, and Chonghong's songs really weren't too many.

"Sigh." Aida Yayoi sighed suddenly, and said: "Nowadays some people call you the evildoer Sendoh on the Internet, it seems that they have no 2.3 error.

"What, it's not as good as the title of genius Sendoh." Sendoh said with a faint smile.

Not long after, the steak and pasta ordered by the two arrived. After taking a bite, Aida Yayoi suddenly thought of something and said, "By the way, I heard that you went to the art exhibition yesterday

"Oh yes."

Seeing that Sendoh is so calm, Aida Yayoi said immediately: "You are very leisurely, but now many people speculate whether you are a genius in the painting world, and what important paintings you have made, and some people call you Appraiser or something."

"Yesterday, you were sent out by Mr. Shui and a group of famous painters."


Sendoh was stunned for a moment, this is the rhythm of fame growth!!.

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