Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

59 The Fierce Competition Begins 】

"Hey, Sendoh doesn't seem to be playing!" Yutai Watanabe said immediately.

Rui Hachimura also felt a little puzzled. Toyotama can reach the top eight positions in the national competition every year, and its strength is beyond doubt.

At this point, the audience is a little emotional.

"Damn it, my trousers are all taken off than show me this!?"

"Ryonan, please let Sendoh-kun play, I can't bear the pain of waiting!"

"It's too difficult, Mr. Sendoh has learned another way to control me, my heart...

Off the court, Sendoh, who was sitting on the bench, gave a dry laugh.

If they want me to play, they can play, why do they have to wait for a long time, and there is a way to be dominated by Shinichi?!

What the hell!?

Yotsuba, who was sitting on the side, kept covering her mouth and smiling.

If I hadn't endured the pain and didn't want to make my voice too loud, there wouldn't be tears in the corners of my eyes.

At this point, even Taoka smiled.

Sendoh's fans are different from other people's fans.

Sendoh's fans, as if there is no barrier between them, have the same personality as Sendoh himself.

There is absolutely no barrier between people!

The game starts, the two sides stand at each other!

Ryonan starting lineup:

Point guard, Uekusa!

Shooting guard, Koshino!

Small forward, Fukuda!

Power Forward, Ikegami!

Center, Uozumi!

Toyotama starting lineup:

Point Guard, Itakura Daijiro!

Shooting guard, the court!

Small Forward, Ms. Tsuyoshi Minami

Power forward, Kishimoto Minori!

Center, Iwata Mitsuaki!

And when the two sides got their positions, Tsuyoshi Minami also found that Sendoh didn't play.

"Testing, do you still think that our Cheyu can be defeated without trump cards at all!?" Tsuyoshi Minami thought to himself.

At this moment, two center forwards stood at both ends of the center line and prepared to launch a jump ball.

After the referee patted the basketball, he walked slowly between the two.

Immediately, the basketball in his hand was thrown high, and when the basketball reached the commanding height in the air and began to land, the referee immediately blew his whistle!

In an instant, the two jumped straight away!

Iwata Mitsuaki is a 190CM center forward. In terms of height, Uozumi is 12CM higher than him!

Taking advantage of his height, Yuzhu's arm touched the basketball first, and his fingers moved back immediately!

Successful jump ball!

The basketball flew directly behind, and Koshino picked it up in an instant and passed it directly to Uekusa!

In a split second, everyone in Ryonan started a fast attack mode!

However, Toyotama's defense wasn't slow either, and they weren't trying to get the jump ball.

The fast break is also the principle that Toyotama has been fulfilling for a long time. Everyone is not slow in speed.

However, the method is much different!

Uekusa took possession of the ball and went beyond the three-point line. Facing Itakura Daijiro's defense, his body suddenly pulled back slightly.

The latter's center of gravity immediately shifted along with it.

In an instant, the basketball in Uekusa's hand changed hands from behind. The center of gravity of the body, which was supposed to be to the left, changed direction in an instant, and made a breakthrough from the right!

Uekusa stepped on the quick footsteps, and the moment he passed Itakura Daijiro, he went straight to the inside lane.

And at this moment, Kishimoto, who is a power forward, suddenly stood in front of Uekusa.

The latter pulled back slightly, although the forward speed did not decrease much, but he still controlled the basketball in his hand.

Uekusa stared at the front of his eyes tightly, and for a moment, a bright light flashed past.

Immediately after the latter's eyes suddenly turned to the left, the basketball in Uekusa's hand was immediately passed to the right!

At this moment, Fukuda's figure rushed directly from the right, and under the ultra-fast attack speed, the moment he received the pass, he also stepped into the penalty area and jumped directly!

Tsuyoshi Minami followed closely behind, and at the moment Fukuda took off, he also jumped together.

In an instant, Fukuda retracted his arm and simply pulled the bar for a layup. After avoiding Tsuyoshi Minami's block, Fukuda immediately raised the basketball in his hand.

The basketball swiped on the backboard and fell into the net.

Score success!

Fukuda gave a slight smile, stepped back and turned around, and started to return to defense.

Off the court, Taoka nodded, very satisfied, the smile on his face opened even more, and he said like a wild chrysanthemum: "Beautiful offensive coordination and scoring!||!

"Sendoh, Fukuda has been brought out by you."

Not just Fukuda alone, Ryonan's entire starting lineup has the skills taught by Sendoh.

For example, Uekusa's instant change of direction breakthrough and eye feint pass just now.

There are also dunks by Yuzhu, all from Sendoh.

"No, I just taught them briefly, and they figured out the rest by themselves." Sendoh said with a faint smile.

Every time he teaches, he only talks about the meaning, and the rest depends on enlightenment.

Just like Kuroko, fortunately everyone in Ryonan is smart and did not disappoint Sendoh.

On the court, after a successful fast break, everyone in Ryonan quickly returned to defense.

Iwata Mitsuaki fast serve!

And when Itakura Daijiro received the basketball, he immediately launched a fast break!!

Kitano's defensive fast-break tactics are already deeply ingrained. After all, there are many third-year players in Toyotama.

Even if Kanehira came over, he couldn't change it for a while.

And now, compared to the Toyotama, the whole Ryonan is perfect.

The offensive ability is strong, and the defensive ability is also very perfect.

It can be said that unless there are players in the zone state or the luxurious lineups like Luoshan and Yangquan and the level of offensive reports, they can break through Ryonan's defense!

On the other hand, Itakura Daijiro, after the latter quickly broke through the center line with the ball, faced Uekusa's way, the latter's body suddenly moved to the left.

Forcibly break through!

Uekusa sank, and quickly chased after him, with his arms directly against the opponent's waist!

"Tsk, it's really tough!" Itakura Daijiro stopped abruptly, and the basketball was quickly put on (good) and passed directly out!


The catch was Yajima Kyohei from beyond the arc.

However, the instant he received the ball, Koshino went straight to the king defense.

Yajima Kyohei frowned, Ryonan's defense could not be undead, it was completely staring type.

However, at this moment, Iwata Mitsuaki slowly moved to the outside line.

In a split second, Yajima slammed to the right, choosing to force his way past Koshino.

At that moment, Iwata Mitsuaki was directly on the right of Koshino!

pick and roll!

Koshino, who was following the defense, bumped directly into Iwata's body, caught this time, Yajima turned around and took a step back, and took off directly to shoot!

"Don't try to succeed!"

Under the air defense, Ikegami stepped up in an instant, and his tall body directly blocked the opponent's shooting route.

"Damn it, no chance!" In the air, Yajima cursed secretly, turned around and passed the ball directly!

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