Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

61 Perfect Tactical Empty Match [Please Order In Full! 】

But it is a pity that the number of Toyotama fans is less than one-third of Ryonan's, and the voice is directly covered up.

That's when Sendoh finally stepped forward.

If no one tells them to stop, today's game can't be played.

"Everyone, be quiet."

Sendoh stood in front of Ryonan's bench, and his voice was not loud, but the fans in the front row stopped immediately after hearing it~.

He even sent a message to the people behind to keep them quiet.

In an instant, in less than 2 seconds, only the abuse of Toyota fans remained in the field.

"We have to be a person of quality, and we must never swear." Sendoh said lightly: "When a mad dog starts to bite people, we must never take advantage of low-level mistakes, such as biting a dog?"

Immediately, the audience burst into laughter, and Sendoh also laughed, and then sat on the bench again.

Since Sendoh spoke, none of Ryonan's fans started to scold again, after all, what Sendoh said made sense.

However, Li Yu's fans couldn't help it!

But Sendoh didn't care at all, keeping his eyes on the court.

Ryonan's overall strength is very strong, and his cohesion is also one of the best among all the teams in the country.

Facing Toyotaama, who was lax in defense, Ryonan scored the ball with mutual cooperation.

The game had already continued, at this moment, Uekusa frowned and suddenly smiled.

"Since it's so unqualified, then... Kashiwa's head glanced at Ikegami and Fukuda.

After the two noticed it, they immediately understood what Uekusa meant, and made an OK gesture with their hands.

The game continued, Itakura Daijiro took possession of the ball and passed the field quickly, facing Uekusa who was much lower than him, he was disdainful in his heart.

After a forced breakthrough, Uekusa's body suddenly shifted to the right. In a split second, Itakura Daijiro put his arm against Uekusa and rushed directly into the inside lane.

Unstoppable, strength and height, Itakura Daijiro had the advantage and directly threw away Uekusa's defense!

However, at this moment, Uekusa's arm suddenly came from behind, and the goal was to catch the basketball in Daijiro's hand!

"Itakura, be careful!"

Kishimoto suddenly shouted, and Itakura Daijiro realized in an instant that the basketball in his hand changed hands!


At this moment, as if he already knew the opponent's moves, the moment Itakura Daijiro switched to his right hand, Ikegami directly shot the basketball!

Itakura Daijiro's hand was empty, and when he turned around, he saw that Uekusa's special ball had been pressed inward to attack the basket!

"Don't be dazed, hurry back to defense!" Tsuyoshi Minami frowned and shouted, and chased after him directly.

In Ikegami stealing the ball, Uekusa's time to attack with the ball only happened within 5 seconds, and the transition between offense and defense was very fast.

"Perfect cooperation!" Yutai Watanabe shouted excitedly.

"One look, one movement, you can know what you are going to do next, Ryonan's cohesion is simply terrifying!"

Lei Hachimura also nodded and said: "One look can clearly understand the next action, this kind of cooperation is simply perfect!"

On Ryonan's bench, Taoka said with a smile: "It's a perfect coordination tactic, did you teach it?"

"It's not me, they researched it themselves," Sendoh said with a smile and shook his head.

On the other hand, Uekusa's speed is not very fast. Under the pursuit of Kishimoto, the fastest player in Toyotama, the distance between the two is getting closer.

But there was no one in front of him, no one stopped, Uekusa dribbled the ball directly into the inside lane,

"Don't try to succeed!!" Behind him, Kishimoto's speed suddenly increased.

After Uekusa glanced back quickly from the corner of his eye, the basketball in his hand was thrown high.

"Throwing shot?" Behind him, Kishimoto froze for a moment, but in an instant, seeing the basketball hit the rim, he immediately bounced back.

And at this moment, a figure continued to enlarge under the basket.

I saw Fukuda rushing directly into the penalty area, and at the moment of leaping, his hands directly caught the bounced basketball, and under everyone's attention, he dunked the basketball hard with both hands!


With both hands exploding the frame vigorously, the entire basketball hoop shook in an instant.

Immediately, the Ryonan fans in the field burst into cheers.


"This vacancy is simply too perfect!"

"Ryonan must win! Ryonan must win!!"

The atmosphere was ignited in an instant, and the loud voice seemed to be shouting Ryonan's name.

Fukuda let go of the rim, landed, and immediately gave Uekusa a high-five.

…… Ask for flowers…………

"Beautiful, Fukuda!"

Yuzhu walked over with a smile, the ball just now perfectly showed Ryonan's aura.

"I'll let you see, we Ryonan, even if we don't have a trump card, we can win against your miscellaneous cards!" Fukuda stared at Kishimoto and said sonorously.

"It's ridiculous, you start talking big when you lead by two points?" Kishimoto stared at Fukuda with a murderous look in his eyes.

"Genius, only geniuses are dealt with, like you Toyotama, you don't need Sendoh-kun at all." Uekusa said not to be outdone.

For a moment, the entire basketball court exuded a smell of nitrous.

In the following games, Fukuda's movements and speed seemed to have been boosted.


Against Tsuyoshi Minami who was defending him, Fukuda threw him off several times.

On the other hand, Toyotama, although they are closely catching up with the score, the tug-of-war between the two sides has intensified, but in the end there is still a difference of points.


"Toyotama High School calls for a suspension!"

Five minutes into the first quarter, Toyota's coach Kanehira had to call a timeout to give the Toyota starters a break.

On Ryonan's bench, Taoka said with a smile: "It's beautiful, I believe you will win!"

"Uekusa, your coordination tactics are perfect, well done!"

"Haha, it's just that they are so arrogant and arrogant, I just feel a little uncomfortable and want to play with them." Uekusa said with a smile.

"Haha, we have been influenced by Sendoh-kun, taught by a genius, how can we become smarter." Koshino said immediately.

"I didn't teach you many things, these are all learned by yourself." Sendoh said lightly.

"Don't be humble, Mr. Sendoh, if we hadn't been inspired by you, how could we have progressed so fast." Fukuda also said.

"We still lead by one point, but don't be proud, Toyotama is not an easy team to deal with." Taoka said seriously.

"I think you should pay attention to their movements and be careful of injuries." Sendoh said: "Last year, there was an accident that happened to Toyotama, so pay more attention to it.".

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