Black Basket: Akira Sendoh

72 An Unforgettable Match In A Lifetime [Please Book Full! 】

At this moment Sendoh didn't know what Uekusa was thinking, the pace he taught Uekusa was the Eurostep.

Sendoh himself was surprised when he saw Uekusa use this move.

On the other hand, Toyotama, the upsurge at this time did not cool down, even if Ryonan scored a goal, they did not show a decadent look.

Tsuyoshi Minami immediately received the pass and started a confrontation.

Sendoh's eyes were as calm as water, facing the rushing Tsuyoshi Minami, his body sank slightly.

The latter's eyes have been focused on Sendoh, and at the moment when he is about to cross the center line, he holds the ball with both hands and makes a passing movement, and then pulls it back in an instant!


In an instant, Sendoh slapped the basketball in his hand.

"With your skills, you still can't reach the level of deceiving me." Sendoh said lightly, picked up the basketball and rushed out instantly.

In an instant, Tsuyoshi Minami turned around and returned to the defense instantly, and blocked Sendoh directly in front of Sendoh the moment he rushed over.

Sendoh frowned. The latter returned to defense very quickly this time, much faster than before. When Sendoh saw the firmness in the opponent's eyes, he suddenly smiled.

If it is said that the other party did not do evil to Fukuda and himself, Sendoh does not intend to do so. After all, Sendoh has no interest in destroying the beauty of other people's hearts.

Sendoh was like that in his previous life, he played basketball as long as he played, if he dared to play tricks, then there was nothing to talk about!

In this way, Sendoh has no sympathy for everyone in Toyotama, only contempt!

In an instant, Sendoh made a quick change of direction and added a cross step, Tsuyoshi Minami fell to the ground completely uncontrollably, Sendoh's speed suddenly increased, and he broke through directly from the left!

However, at this moment, Kishimoto's figure caught up with Sendoh immediately, moved sideways one step, and was directly in front of Sendoh.

However, Sendoh was not surprised at all. 【Eagle Eyes】had already seen the Toyotama people returning from the defense. Immediately, Sendoh looked straight ahead without squinting, and immediately threw the basketball in his hand to the left.

And no one exists to the left of Sendoh, Sendoh is just propaganda!

Like a dribble error.

Kishimoto's eyes gradually widened, and his body subconsciously made a movement to catch the ball.

In a blink of an eye, Sendoh grabbed the basketball back in the air with his left hand, and broke through directly from the right!

"Damn it.!" Kishimoto cursed secretly, but Sendoh's speed was very fast, after breaking through him, he was left behind!

The inside Yajima Kyohei quickly stepped forward to defend, and the basketball in Sendoh's hand was thrown to the right!

And standing there, it was Koshino who had a vacancy!


Perfect passing power, like in the hands of Koshino.

As soon as he caught the ball, Koshino got up and shot!


With a shooting height that is not too high or too low, the basketball draws a beautiful arc in the air, then loses its strength, and falls perfectly into the net with an orange tail flame!

"Pretty!" Sendoh smiled slightly, and bumped fists with Koshino while running.

Off the court, on Toyotama's bench, Kanehira kept moving like ants on a hot pan.

And from the suspension of the game to the present, just three minutes have passed, Toyotama once again appeared in a downturn at this time.

"Damn it, is Ryonan, a small forward, a monster!?"

Not to mention his strength, he has reached an invincible speed, but he didn't expect such a talented player to pass the ball!

This will be a catastrophic blow to everyone. If you want to suppress Sendoh, you need at least three people to defend, but in this case, the overall formation of the team will collapse directly.

And at this time, Sendoh didn't have blind self-confidence, but believed in the passing of his teammates!

Can both attack and pass, which one is the strongest in personal strength!!

Sendoh's defensive ability has not been seen, but every time Toyotama attacks, the basketball is intercepted by Sendoh, so Sendoh's defensive ability must not be bad!

Kanehira couldn't believe that Neon had such a perfect player, even saying that they were on par with those college students in the United States!

Ryonan is in full swing now. To solve this, Kanehira can only call a timeout, but what if he calls a timeout?

He just comforted Tsuyoshi Minami's group of troubled children, and now there is no way to call a timeout. Ryonan's overall strength is too strong, and Toyota has no way to limit Ryonan.

Offensively, Sendoh alone can overturn Toyotama's entire team, and Sendoh can pass the ball!

"Ryonan's massacre has begun." Aomine said in a hoarse voice from the stands.

"It's already 28 points away, Toyotama can't recover." Kise Ryo said very easily.

The game continued, Kanehira didn't call a timeout, but wasting the last chance to timeout was of no avail.

With three minutes left in the second quarter, Kanehira can only hope that the time goes by a little faster.

On the court, Tsuyoshi Minami held the ball too fast, when he saw Sendoh standing in the middle, Tsuyoshi Minami made a detour, and then passed the basketball directly to Kishimoto.

". "The fighting spirit is very strong, I am too embarrassed to steal the ball." ' said Sendoh playfully.

Tsuyoshi Minami frowned tightly, and had to say that he was at his wit's end. Sendoh's super strength had exceeded his expectations, and he didn't believe the information in the game video before.

After all, it is only a high school student, it is impossible to run so fast!

Even when in the zone state.

However, when he really faced Sendoh, he saw Sendoh's strength clearly.

You know, the current Sendoh still hasn't opened the zone, and it hasn't used all its strength from the beginning to the end, so it can beat Toyotama to such a degree.

"Actually, I'm not so cruel." Sendoh said lightly: "You can only blame your bad hands, so this (Zhao Zhao's) match must give you a match that you will never forget."

"Come if you can!" Tsuyoshi Minami said viciously.

Sendoh smiled slightly, ignoring the killing intent in Tsuyoshi Minami's eyes, the other was a person with a criminal record, but Sendoh didn't panic at all.

Immediately, after Kishimoto's offense threw off Ikegami's defense, he dribbled the ball directly into the interior.

"This goal must be scored!" Kishimoto thought in his heart, with fiery determination in his eyes!

In an instant, Uekusa quickly went to make up the defense, and directly blocked Kishimoto with a horizontal step.

"Go away!" Kishimoto yelled immediately, his broad shoulders pushed Uekusa's defense straight away, and rushed into the penalty area!

Immediately, Kishimoto jumped up to stop!

"Get down!"

In an instant, Uozumi jumped up, his huge body covered Kishimoto's entire body, and under his big hand, he directly flew out the basketball fan in the latter's hand!.

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