The audience went quiet.

No one speaks anymore!

Everyone looked at Gu Changfeng on the field.

Eyes watched Gu Changfeng take the ball and shoot.

Everyone’s eyes followed the basketball, and their heads also rotated with the trajectory of the basketball.



The ball went in, and everyone opened their mouths and let out a sigh.

The next ball, the scene repeats the scene of the previous ball, as if everything is repeating.

Gu Changfeng scored a goal, and everyone wow it.

No superfluous sounds.

Everyone is already numb, already numb to such a success rate!

At first, everyone wanted to see goals, but later everyone wanted to see mistakes, and now they are shocked and can only open their mouths and watch.

Soon, the ball at the third point is finished, the ball on the fourth point is finished, and the ball on the fifth point is finished!

Fifty shots, fifty in!

The second level has passed!

After Gu Changfeng finished casting, he turned around and looked at everyone looking at him with the eyes of a monster.

“That: Forget it, right? ”

Hearing Gu Changfeng’s words, everyone came back to their senses one by one.

“Ever: Passed! ”

Hongcheng, who made the rules, is now stumbling in disbelief.

He had been expecting such a person to appear, but now that he did appear, he was a little shocked.

“Miracle, this is a miracle!”

“There really is such a person, how solid this foundation has to be!”

“This shot can be said to be invincible!”

“I don’t know how the actual battle is, just talking about shooting is really invincible!”

“Actual combat is definitely not good, that and this is not comparable, this one is not interfered, that one is different, it is difficult to shoot!”

“That’s not necessarily, who thought he could succeed before, this also becomes!”

Everyone is a little amazed at such a situation, and they don’t believe it when they think of actual combat, after all, who can easily believe things that they have not really seen!

Gu Changfeng returned to Qingfeng and their side, and the three looked at Hongcheng.

The third level is Qingfeng and I don’t know what it is!

Because he had just broken through to the second level before, although his performance was very strong, he did not reach the level of Gu Changfeng.

The third level is even more unseen.

The people around also looked at Hongcheng, wanting to see the third level!

No one has ever seen this third level!

“You said that there will be no third level, and he doesn’t believe that anyone can pass the second level!”

“Haha, maybe it’s a gimmick!”

“There should be some, Hongcheng’s strength is still very strong, since he put the gift, he will already prepare everything, otherwise there is really a miracle, how will he mix in the future!”

Soon everyone saw the third level!

The third level is very similar to the second level!

It’s still five points, five boxes, and this time there are only three balls in each box.

There are also five people standing next to the five boxes.

Hongcheng also stood up and began to talk about the rules.

“The rule is simple, the five of them will shoot disorderly, there will be a second between the two shots, and all you need to do is not let the basketball touch the basket!”

After Hongcheng finished speaking, he looked at Qingfeng expectantly.

Gu Changfeng was a little puzzled when he saw this, this Hongcheng was obviously selecting talents who were extremely strong in all aspects!

If the first level is to test the striker, then the second level is to test the scorer, and this third level is undoubtedly to test the defensive ability!

As for the rules of the third level, because these people can’t score all of them, and most of them are estimated to be off-the-beaten, so his rule is not to touch the basket, if you can’t score, it’s much simpler, and if you can’t touch the basket, you have to stop all the balls!

Gu Changfeng looked at Ziyuan, and Qingfeng also looked at Ziyuan.

Although Gu Changfeng also has the ability of Ziyuan, but his height is not as good as Ziyuan, it is impossible to do better than Ziyuan in this regard.

If it is a normal basketball game, then Gu Changfeng’s defensive ability is no worse than Ziyuan now, such a scene is still handed over to Ziyuan!

Ziyuan had never experienced such a scene, and took a deep breath and walked up.

Standing under the basket, Ziyuan looked around and then spoke:

“Let’s go!”

Soon, the first ball was shot!

After the successive successes of Qingfeng and Gu Changfeng, no one dares to underestimate Ziyuan now, and the ability to stand with such two people is definitely not simple.

The first ball just arrived at the basket, was touched by Ziyuan, and the second ball was shot!

As soon as Ziyuan landed, he hurried to block the second ball!

The second ball was also blocked, and the third ball came again!

With such a rhythm, you can cope with it at first, and as time goes by, Ziyuan only feels that this ball is coming faster and faster!

This is an illusion, not an illusion, although it is paradoxical, it is what it is.

The illusion is that the time interval between the two balls is the same, not as fast as that!

It’s not an illusion because it’s constantly jumping, the body’s ability to withstand is declining, the thinking will become agitated, and the information conveyed by the nerves will change.

Fifteen balls in total, taking sixteen seconds!

After Shihara hit the last ball, he stood on the ground and exhaled heavily.

Never defended with such intensity!

“That’s awesome! It’s incredible that such a big person is so flexible! ”

“This level must be a person with enough height to pass the level, if the height is not enough, wait until the jump and fall the second ball has arrived, so the jump cannot be too high, and it must be fast enough!”

“It is common sense for a tall person to move slowly, why is he so fast!”

“This level is not simpler than the previous one, who would have thought that such a flexible big man would appear!”

“I feel that I can see that this level has been broken today, and it seems that Hongcheng’s sneakers can’t be saved haha!”

Seeing that his third level was broken, Hongcheng was not only not angry, but extremely happy.

“Haha, good! Qingfeng, you guy is fully prepared this time! Maybe my sneakers can really be given away! ”

“That’s of course, let’s talk about the fourth level!”

Qingfeng is now very confident, and he has two more levels to get his sneakers!

“Good! Meet you! Level 4 Preparation! ”

As soon as Hongcheng gave the order, someone immediately put away the previous arrangement and began to arrange the fourth level.

Soon, the arrangement on the field changed a lot.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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