The second year is a year of rapid progress for Gu Changfeng, and Platinum Coach comes to train from time to time, which also makes everyone’s potential accumulate faster.

Among them, if you want to say who is the most improved, then it must be Huangse.

This guy couldn’t keep up with Qingfeng’s speed from the beginning, and now he can fight back and forth.

Progress is naturally fast at the beginning, and the more difficult it is to rise, Huangse also clearly feels this.

Huangse’s imitation ability is super strong, and he has played with Aomomine for the longest time, and the current ball style is like Aomine’s!

In contrast, there is a little less fighting with other people, which is why Huangse Awakening chose Qingfeng flawlessly in the future!

Time flies quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the second year’s national middle league is about to begin.

At the training ground, after Gu Changfeng came, he saw that the others were also present.

“Changfeng is coming, then let’s start!”

After everyone divided into groups, Gu Changfeng found that Haizaki was not there.

“Haizaki didn’t come again?”

Gu Changfeng asked Akaji.

“Yes! This guy is now half-retreated! ”

For Haizaki, others can’t manage it, there was Hongcun to manage before, and after Hongcun left, Haizaki completely let himself go!

Although Akaji said it a few times, but now Akaji is still very good at talking, and Haizaki naturally ignores it.

Not to mention anyone else!

Gu Changfeng frowned after hearing this.

The National Middle League is about to start, and now it’s easy for them, but people are always tired, and if you have to play every game, it’s not very tiring!

So the substitute is still needed!

Huangse can indeed be used as a substitute, or directly on the field, Huangse will leave it to Aomo!

The position of the others was chosen by themselves, and Gu Changfeng set his sights on Haizaki.

With Haizaki here, he can also be comfortable!

To put it bluntly, Gu Changfeng is a little lazy now!

“I’ll go find Haizaki!”

Gu Changfeng left after speaking, and everyone saw that he did not give up Ashizaki, and he wanted to find this person back, and they were moved for a while!

“Changfeng is really a gentleman, and he wants to rescue the lost Haizaki!”

“Captain Hongcun will be very concerned about Haizaki at that time, and now Changfeng should want to do something for Captain Hongcun!”

“What a responsible person!”

Others continued to train.

Today’s middle school students are not in school, and the biggest possibility is in an Internet café!

Gu Changfeng came to an Internet café closest to Diguang and found Haizaki who was playing a game!

“Up! You’re so blind! I didn’t see that the opposite side was full of blood! ”

“I’m Nima!”

“Keyboard banging, dance my best!”

As soon as he entered the Internet café, Gu Changfeng heard a noisy sound, this is indeed the most suitable place to play games, and there is really no such atmosphere elsewhere!

Gu Changfeng searched while walking, and soon found a gray-haired gray-haired Ashizaki!

“Hey! Have you had enough? ”

Gu Changfeng walked over and patted him on the shoulder and shouted.

Haizaki laughed after looking back at Gu Changfeng.

“Changfeng-kun, why are you here? I’m not going back to training! ”

Haizaki turned his head and said, put on his headphones again, and started playing the game.

Gu Changfeng originally wanted to talk to him properly, but it seemed that this would not work!

As soon as he knocked down the headphones, Gu Changfeng pulled Haizaki’s collar and pulled him all the way outside the Internet café.

“Let go! What does Changfeng do! I said I wouldn’t go back to training! Don’t look for me in the future! ”

Haizaki struggled all the way.

Coming to the Internet café, Gu Changfeng let him go.

“Can you talk properly? Talk to me! ”

“Hmph! I have nothing to say to you! ”

Haizaki straightened his clothes and turned his head and walked towards the Internet café again!

Gu Changfeng frowned, and when he went up, he kicked Ash Qi over, and after he turned it over, he was beaten!

After the beating, Haizaki was much more honest.

“Can we have a good chat now?”

Haizaki’s face was blue and purple, and he nodded and did not dare to speak.

“Let’s go, talk as you go!”

Seeing Gu Changfeng turn his head and leave, Haizaki immediately got up and followed.

“Haizaki, you are actually very talented, why don’t you train well?”

For Haizaki’s talent, Gu Changfeng still gave full affirmation!

Haizaki lowered his head and said helplessly

“What’s the use of good talent, there are five of you in the basketball department, no matter how hard I try, I can’t surpass you, what else is there to train!”

“Do you still blame me for that?”

Haizaki’s neck shrunk, and he didn’t dare to answer.

Gu Changfeng looked at the appearance of this bad boy, and suddenly understood a little.

With such an excellent five people, although Haizaki is not bad in the basketball department, the light is all suppressed.

“It’s not right for you to think so, if you work hard enough, you may surpass us!” You see Huangse, that guy is super hard, tirelessly playing with Aomine every day, I believe he will soon reach our level like us! ”

Hearing Gu Changfeng’s words, Haizaki sneered.

“Hmph! Just him? He is not even as good as me, now he is just playing with enthusiasm, and when the enthusiasm subsides in the future, he will find that no matter how hard he works, he will not be able to catch up with you, and at that time he will give up like me! ”

Haizaki is clearly not optimistic about Huangse.

Faced with such an idea as Haizaki, Gu Changfeng didn’t know how to encourage him for a while!

Perhaps only by letting him go and allowing him to find confidence will he rekindle hope!

There is also a possibility that when he sees that Huangse’s ability has reached a certain level, he will know that the original effort can really succeed!

Haizaki’s ability is no worse than Huangse’s, but his ability is too perverted!

Huangse’s ability is imitation, Haizaki’s ability is plunder, compared to imitation, Haizaki’s ability seems to be one step more than imitation, that is, grooming!

After imitating the opponent’s ability, let’s talk about this ability to make a certain fine-tuning, let him become his own ability, and at the same time let the opponent enter his own rhythm, so that his original ability is deviated, so that the original ability cannot be used!

It can only be said that it is perverted, too perverted!

To embarrass others is to embarrass yourself at the same time!

If you want to complete the plunder, you must first be extremely strong in strength.

But Gu Changfeng they are too strong, so strong that Haizaki can’t imitate it, let alone the modification behind.

His ability was completely useless in Gu Changfeng’s body!

Therefore, it is wrong from the beginning to say that success is also ability, defeat is also ability, and wanting to plunder something completely outside of one’s own cognition!

“Well, you will know what will happen later, all the efforts will not be in vain, I hope you understand this truth as soon as possible, or you can choose to leave, leave our aura, so that you may be able to bloom your own brilliance!”

“But now, you still give me to go back to training obediently, because you are my substitute!”

After Gu Changfeng finished speaking, he put his arm on Haizaki’s shoulder and laughed.

Haizaki turned his head to look at this guy who had punched and kicked him before, what a strange person!

But he seems to have a point.

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