Chapter 93 Changfeng belongs to me!!

Ruosong, who was still laughing at Qingfeng, instantly felt a cold shiver in his back.

Wakamatsu reacted quickly and immediately went to the side to pick up the basketball.

“Why are you all stunned, hurry up and warm up!”

Saying that, I warmed up and went to warm up.

Looking at him like this, Qingfeng didn’t say anything more after glaring.

Gu Changfeng saw that Qingfeng came so timely this time, and he should have attached great importance to this competition.

After warming up, both sides left the field and returned to the dressing room to start preparation.

“After a closer look, how did everyone feel?”

Nishikawa stood in the doorway and looked at Iwamura as they asked.

“Very strong, all tall and extremely physical!”

Iwamura commented with a serious face.

“This is going to be a tough battle, everyone come on!”

Kasuga looks at the opponent’s offensive method is extremely fierce, and they will definitely be very strong in defense.

“It’s okay! We have a long wind! As long as there is a long wind, it will be foolproof, Tsukawa looked at their worried look and said directly. ”

Tsukawa has now become Gu Changfeng’s number one fan.

Hearing Tsukawa’s blurted words, everyone had a smile on their faces.

Gu Changfeng saw that everyone looked over, and helplessly said, “Don’t look at me!” I’ll take care of Qingfeng, and the rest of you will look at it, and I won’t care if I lose!” ”

Who knew that everyone laughed even happier after hearing this.

The game time is almost up, and the stands are already full.

“It’s going to be a good game today, do you know who both sides are?”

“Then it goes to say that most of the people who come to see the game are coming at them!”

“Another duel between two miracles, this time I don’t know who is better!”

“It must be Qingfeng! I’ve never seen anyone who can stop his attack! ”

“I think it’s Gu Changfeng, there are too many means! It feels like there’s nothing he can’t do. ”

“Qingfeng specializes in one item, Gu Changfeng will have more, this discerning person knows that Qingfeng is stronger at a glance, there is a saying called more but not refined!”

The competition has not officially started yet, and everyone is already talking about who can win and who will be better.

Zhengbang’s team entered, Gu Changfeng walked in the crowd, as the tallest member of Zhengbang High School, others could pay attention to him at first glance when they saw Zhengbang.

“Look! Jeongbang’s team is in! ”

“Wow! Ancient Changfeng! My ancient long wind! How handsome! ”

“Come on Gu Changfeng! Gu Changfeng is the strongest! Gu Changfeng is the most handsome! ”

“Woooo I see my male god again, look at him looking towards this side, is he looking at me, definitely looking at me~! ”

“This appearance makes people can’t refuse! Husband! Changfeng husband! ”

As soon as Gu Changfeng entered the scene, a large group of girls went crazy.

Looking at the excited women in the crowd, is this really for the smell of basketball?

“Hey! Little girl, did you come to see basketball, or did you come to see Gu Changfeng? ”

“Of course I came to see Gu Changfeng! What’s so good about basketball? ”

Hearing the little girl’s answer, the middle-aged man next to him sighed, there is still a long way to go in sports!

The little girl turned her head and muttered softly.

“Basketball is a ball, what is good to look at round, the most important thing is people, with people basketball can move, this is a basketball game, so the core should be people, watch should also be people, this uncle should be brain broken…”

Although it was muttered in a low voice, the middle-aged man still heard it, and thought about it carefully, as if it was really like this, in order to prove that he was not brainbroken, he also shouted.

“Come on! Come on Gu Changfeng! I like you the most! ”

Hearing such a greasy voice, the little girl turned her head to look at him, now the competition is getting more and more fierce!

Gu Changfeng took off his jacket after coming on the field, revealing a black and white jersey, and then began to check.

There was no problem with the clothes, so I squatted down and took the laces apart and tied them again, adjusting them to a suitable position.

Qingfeng also came up and walked to Gu Changfeng’s side.

“You’re still like this, you have to re-tie your shoelaces every time.”

After Gu Changfeng heard this, his hand moved, and then he continued to tie his shoelaces with his head raised.

“You’re wrong, I don’t rebind every time.”

Gu Changfeng generally wears shoes will not tie the laces to the tightest, it will appear a little loose for nothing else, just to be comfortable.

The person facing this time is Qingfeng, then it is bound to be a particularly large amount of exercise, especially strong confrontation, at this time the laces must be tightened, otherwise the emergency stop outbreak will be affected.

The most important thing is to protect yourself!

As for Qingfeng without him reminding him, if he can have such an ability, his experience will not be less than his own.

After Gu Changfeng tied his shoelaces, he stood up and smiled at Qingfeng, who was as tall as himself.

“How, what about we make an appointment between us?”

“Huh? What the? ”

Qingfeng looked puzzled.

“In the previous match with Midorima, we said that whoever loses will invite the other party to eat ramen, so what are you going to invite me to eat if you lose this match?” Or something else! ”

Hearing Gu Changfeng say this, Qingfeng stepped forward and said, “I won’t lose!” Think about what you asked me for! ”

Looking at Qingfeng who came up, Gu Changfeng waved his hand.

“Okay, okay, stay away, I asked you first, you said you lost and asked me what to eat!”

Qingfeng stepped back with a look of dissatisfaction.


“Why is it still ramen?”

Gu Changfeng thought he could change some!

“Because it’s cheap and delicious!”

“Okay, okay! That’s it! ”

Gu Changfeng said and turned his head to leave.

Qingfeng sensed that something was wrong.

“Hey! Long wind! You haven’t said what if you lose! ”

Gu Changfeng turned his head and said confidently, “Don’t worry!” I won’t lose! ”


Qingfeng returned to the group with an angry look.

Imayoshi laughed when he saw Aomine like this.

“Qingfeng, the communication is not smooth! Why are you still angry! ”

“No, it went well!”

Imanyoshi is strange, why are you still angry since Smooth! Momoi looked at Aomomine from the side and asked:

“~ What’s wrong? What did Ah Feng say? ”

“He didn’t say it, he asked me to say it! He bullied me! ”

Looking at Qingfeng who said this and didn’t seem to say it, Momoi had a black line.

Qingfeng also quickly realized his problem, and spoke again: “Okay, the two of us said who loses please eat what, but I said that I lost please eat ramen, but he didn’t say what if he lost, and said that he wouldn’t lose, you said if you were a bully!” ”

Seeing Qingmine’s depressed look, Momoi covered his mouth and laughed.

“Ah Feng is really the same as before! Still so smart, so strong, so confident, so handsome, so confident, so confident, so good at living, so…”

Qingfeng looked at Momoi and said more and more outrageously, the more he said it, the more intoxicated, and the peach heart in his eyes came out.

“Wake up! Wake up! Changfeng is not yours, don’t dream! ”

Interrupted by Aomine’s reverie, Momoi glared at him!

“Ah Feng doesn’t belong to me, does it still belong to you? Hum! ”

At this moment, Imayoshi shouted towards Aomine.

“Qingfeng, don’t make trouble, it’s time to play!”

“Ah! Here it comes! ”

Qingfeng answered and got up.

“You’re right, for the rest of this period, he belongs to me!”

Qingfeng said and turned to leave.

Momoi roared angrily behind Aomine.

“It’s your opponent! You talk all the stupid! ”

Here, Gu Changfeng also played.

The two teams are pitted against each other.

“Zhengbang High School vs. Tonghuang Academy, start now! Salute! ”

“Please advise!”

After the salute, both teams quickly began to take their positions.

The referee takes the ball and signals the jumpers on both sides to enter the prescribed area.

Tonghuang Academy was Ruomatsu who walked up.

On Zhengbang’s side, everyone looked at Gu Changfeng.

Gu Changfeng also walked up directly.

Since the last time Gu Changfeng participated in jumping balls, the role of jumping balls, everyone no longer wants to see Iwamura.

The camera zoomed in, and Iwamura turned his back to squat on the ground, crying with a grievance on his face.

“It’s so ruthless, jumping the ball for three years, there is no credit and hard work!” Woohoo! ”

Haruhi’s head appears in the picture.

“Bastard! You know how I got through these three years! ”

On the field, with a whistle, the match between Zhengbang and Tonghuang officially began!

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