Ten minutes is not long, but it just makes a team of guys who are almost out of strength recover a few percent of their physical strength, silently, pulling each other’s muscles and bones to do soothing exercises, obviously this group that only joined today, but as if they are already comrades who have fought together.

“The effect of the training match is not ideal!”

After the break was over, Shi Shen immediately gathered all the department members, and he swept his gaze from face to face after face with a frown, “I can’t even insist on the second bar, maybe I looked up to you too high before!” ”

Shi Shen’s words made everyone feel helpless, and they had to admit it.

“You may have been happy with your physical fitness before, but today’s game also taught you the common problem of each and every one of you – endurance, very low physical strength!” As Ishigami spoke, Reiko Aida simultaneously pushed a cart to the center of the field.

As Reiko lifted her hand, a bunch of leggings fell off the trolley.

“This is punishment, and it is also the basic training of the first day of today!” Shi Shen pointed to the leggings on the ground, “According to your current physical fitness, all of them are 12-pound leggings here, each in pair, running five kilometers around the playground with weights, now go!” ”

“12 pounds is five kilometers in weight, which is too cruel!”

Everyone would think that after that short rest, the stone god would actually give them such a terrible training project directly, they had just finished a game that was almost exhausting, and their already tired bodies, where could they withstand such a load?

Especially most first-year freshmen, this is the first day to enter the department, I thought I had entered a rather happy club, but I didn’t expect to go to hell.

Seeing that everyone hesitated and did not move, Shi Shen snorted coldly, and there was even some mockery in his tone, “Have you forgotten what you said to the whole school on the rooftop?” Or, now regretting wanting to quit? ”

Two people silently walked out of the queue, it was Vulcan and Hinata, who took their share of leggings without saying a word, and then silently left towards the gate.

With the leader, the rest of the team members also stepped forward one by one, silently holding heavy leggings to keep up with Hinata and Vulcan.

“Coach, isn’t it too much?” After everyone left the arena, Reiko Aida couldn’t help but say, “After such weight training after the game, their bodies may not be able to support it.” ”

“Do you think IH is still far away?” Shi Shen looked at Lizi indifferently, “I said, I want to lead this team to win the championship, in my team, you can have anything, but there can be no laziness and slackness!” ”

Lizi was speechless, she had thought that Shi Shen’s declaration of leading the team to win the championship was just talk, and at this moment she really understood that Shi Shen’s determination was so firm.

“You also go to the playground to rest, and supervise them to complete their training tasks by the way.” Shi Shen waved his hand to send Reiko away, he now has very important things and needs to be alone for a while.


Until Reiko left, Shi Shen sat directly cross-kneeled in place, and just now his mind had been surrounded by the system’s prompt.

Needless to say, rewards are definitely about to be handed out.

Shi Shen still remembered that after unlocking the skill extraction function, the system gave the premise of obtaining the extraction conditions.

In a game, the score can get an advanced skill draw, the score of 30+ can get the specialization skill draw, 40+ specialization, unique skill random draw, 50+ unique skill draw.

There is also personal data, get two pairs to get an additional full skill random draw, three pairs of extra two draws of one specialty, four pairs extra three times, guarantee one specialty, five pairs extra four times, guarantee one unique skill and one specialization.

and winning the game comes with an additional all-skill random draw.

However, you can only get the reward once for playing against the same team.

Looking at the rewards listed by the system to himself, Shi Shen frowned when he saw the end.

“How is it missing once?”

Shi Shen looked at it carefully and found that he did not get a draw opportunity attached to the final victory in the game, “Is the system buggy?” Or is it because this is an internal training match, so there is no reward for winning? ”

No matter how much it is, in general, the number of draws contributed to the stone god in this training match is quite a lot, except for the one reward with the fire god.

Throughout the training match, Shi Shen’s personal data is 43 points, 1 assist, 1 rebound, 18 blocks, 16 steals, and completed the two indicators given by the system, enough to get 3 skill draw opportunities, and there are also specialized skills guarantee and unique skill possibilities!

The stone god directly turned on the skill extraction, and when the huge wheel appeared again, the stone god had no waves in his heart.

After a long half hour, the system interface in Shi Shen’s eyes disappeared.

Three skill extractions yielded a blue advanced skill – Brown Bear Captured!

A specialized skill – a serve that will disappear!

And what surprised the stone god a little was that he also drew a golden unique skill – demonization!

“This demonization from Akaya Kirihara is more like a buff skill, and the 15-minute duration can actually support an entire bar.”

Blessing the demonized buff on his own body of Yakutsu, the stone god was a little hard to imagine what a considerable effect that could be achieved.

This was the first time that after the initial skill extraction, Shi Shen got as many as three new skills at once, and after carefully looking at the effect of each skill, Shi Shen did not intend to experiment on the spot.

First, because during the training match, the last ball stone god used a particularly physically draining round table draw, and he still needed to maintain his condition to face those members!

Second, after nearly forty minutes, those guys have started to come back.

The first one to come back was unsurprisingly still the Vulcan, but the Vulcan who came back after running with a weight had completely lost the proud attitude he had before.

Two leggings hung on his shoulders, his steps seemed a little faltering, and he seemed to want to stand as straight as possible, but his legs made him have to lean a little.

Within five minutes, the remaining members had returned to the arena, but they looked even more bleak, holding each other in groups, and a few even collapsed to the ground as soon as they stepped through the gate.

Reiko Aita walked to the side of the stone god, and couldn’t bear to look at the members who wanted to wail but did not dare to speak out because of the stone god, and then looked at the stone god’s eyes a little more complicated.

“This amazing training method, he is simply a devil coach!”

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