There was a circle of people around the perimeter of the half, and there was obviously a lot of enthusiasm for the one-on-one between Vulcan and Huangse.

Ryota Huangse, one of the Generation Five of Miracles, once represented the top strength of Japanese college basketball.

Vulcan Daigo, recognized by the Sincere Basketball Department as the current top individual ability representative.

However, at the beginning of the first goal of the two, everyone did not expect the gap to be so exaggerated.

Outside the three-point line, Huangse held the ball to face the Vulcan’s defense and directly broke through, so fast that the Vulcan could not stop him from coming to the basket.

Vacancy, sudden stop, turning with the ball, a series of movements make the thrown Vulcan look like a headless fly.

“Just kidding!”

In the moment of being dropped, the smile on Vulcan’s face that was originally due to excitement came to an abrupt end, “That’s the move I used when I fought Hinata just now!” ”

Huangse’s action rabbit fell, turned his back to the Vulcan and faced the basket, and directly got up for the basket!

After a brief moment of consternation, the Vulcan finally reacted and jumped high after Huangse.


Huang Se was slightly surprised, but with his other arm in front of him, he blocked the Vulcan who was trying to get close to the block by less than half an inch, “The Vulcan is quite good!” ”


The basketball snapped in response, but Vulcan lost his balance due to Huangse’s interference and fell on the smooth floor.

“This guy, not only moves faster than me, but his strength is actually stronger than me?!”

Vulcan looked at Huang Se, who was still hanging on the basket with one arm, in disbelief, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

A ball, but it has already stunned the spectators on the sidelines.

“The one that Huangse used just now was…”

Hinata’s throat choked with difficulty, and the two images naturally overlapped in her mind.

“Ryota Huangse, a talented player, can fully master the movements he has seen once, and strengthen and use them, commonly known as copy.”

Kuroko was startled when he heard the voice coming from beside him, and turned his head to find that he didn’t know when, and Ishigami and Riko Aida also walked to the sidelines.

Just now, he was also surprised by Huang Se, who had not seen his strength for a few months but had greatly increased, but it was far less shocked than Shi Shen’s casual explanation at this moment.

“Same as then!”

Kuroko looked at the stone god who had no expression on his face, and recalled what the stone god said in his ear during the team match, “I actually saw through Huangse-kun’s ability in such a short time, and it was completely perfect!” ”

“You guys are really… It’s a bit weak. ”

Huang Se scratched his head, embarrassed to say such an unceremonious word, “Please give us the little sunspot.” ”

Without waiting for anyone to interject, Huangse walked straight up to Kuroko, “Come to Kaizuki Kosunspot, let’s continue to play together!” ”


Huang Se’s words and deeds made everyone unexpected, as if he directly ignored the people around him.


Kuroko just wanted to speak, but was stopped by a big hand stretched out on the side.

“It’s really rude to dig our sincere people in the basketball hall.”

The stone god’s face was joyless and angry, and he took a step forward and said lightly, “What’s more, Kuroko has decided to defeat the generation of miracles with us!” ”


Huang Se looked at Ishigami, mistakenly thinking that Ishigami might be the captain of the Makoto team or something, and said without care, “But Kuroko is a tyrannical creature in your country, and your strength is a bit poor.” ”

“Huh!” The stone god smiled, “Then Kuroko will give it to you!” ”



Ishigami’s words simply made Hinata Kazugan suspect that something was wrong with his ears, and even Kuroko himself looked at Ishigami with a confused expression.

“As long as you can beat me, but you win the worst, how can you be proud?”

The words added by the stone god finally made everyone’s hearts relax, but the fire god was a little indignant when he heard that he was said to be the ‘worst’, but he had nothing to say.

“Beat you?”

Huang Se’s face was a little complicated, of course he heard the ‘coach’ shouted by these people around him just now, obviously referring to the stone god in front of him.

“This person is Cheng Rin’s coach?”

Huang Se looked at this person who was about the same age as himself, “Can’t you?” At such a young age, is the sincere principal crazy? ”

“How? Don’t want to try it? ”

“This guy is a bit eccentric.”

Although Huang Se was surprised by Ishigami’s status as a coach, he was not stupid.

Whether it was the stone god who stood up straight after watching the fight between himself and the fire god, or the obviously relaxed state of the people around him after the stone god finished saying the conditions, it all showed that the stone god was the top group of people among these people!

“Then it’s okay, if you win, Kuroko will belong to us.”

Although he had doubts in his heart, Huang Se still accepted the single single choice of Kazushi God with a relaxed face, not only to take Kuroko, but more to see what kind of strength this young coach of Makoto Rin had!

Compared with the fight between Vulcan and Huangse just now, the onlookers did not have so much enthusiasm after Ishigami came on the court, but everyone in the basketball department looked more seriously, even the Vulcan looked carefully at the two people in the field without saying a word.


“A guest from afar.”

Ishigami casually threw the basketball into Huangse’s hand, and then stood in front of Huangse with a little ease, “However, cherish the opportunity.” ”

Huang Se’s eyes gradually became serious, he looked at the stone god who was simply full of loopholes in his defense, and without the slightest hesitation, he directly launched a breakthrough!

Just like when he fought against the Vulcan just now, Huang Se used almost the same breakthrough method!

However, when Huangse took the first step in the breakthrough, he found that things were not as simple as he thought!

“This guy, the reaction and movement are actually so fast?!”

The stone god who was originally standing casually actually activated at the same time the moment he started, and his arms that were just open at the same time sealed the breakthrough routes on his left and right sides at the same time!

After the shock, Huang Se’s movements did not stop, he tried to shake like when he had passed over the Vulcan and then turn around, but the stone god seemed to see through his plan, stable as a rock, a pair of big hands like a sky net blocked his progress, and the second breakthrough attempt ended in failure!

“Experienced! Extremely fast response! Exceptional agility! ”

After two consecutive confrontations, Shi Shen’s evaluation in Huangse’s heart became higher and higher.

“This person, very strong!”

Whether it was a feint or an explosion acceleration, whether it was a change of direction or a turn, after several consecutive attempts, Huangse found that no matter what he was, the stone god was always with him, and he was like an iron mountain between himself and the ball frame.

Iron wall defense!

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