
In the crowded barbecue house, the sound of a series of backpacks falling to the ground did not attract attention, but the diners did not quite understand why the eyes of the group of high school students who had just arrived were full of tears.

Joyfully entered the barbecue house, and in a blink of an eye, he sat in the guest seat with a sad face.

Hinata Shunpei will never forget the extremely short order of the stone god just now.

At that time, the members of the Makoto Ministry were looking forward to the stone god who was browsing the menu with his eyes shining, and they already had the fantasy of a barbecue feast in their minds.

However, Shi Shen suddenly put down the menu, and then in the eyes of everyone, pointed to a billboard hanging on the wall and said to the waiter kindly:

“This, please give each of us a copy!”

The whole audience was petrified, and even the diners at the next table couldn’t help but stop sending the roasted meat into their mouths, looking at the stone god like a monster.

“Sir… Are you sure? Hinata remembered that the waiter’s hand seemed to shake when filling out the form, “Give each of you an oversized super luxury steak set, right?” ”

“What’s the problem?”

“Sir, the full amount of this set meal at our house is 10,000 yen, if you can’t eat it all in thirty minutes, you need to…” The waiter kindly reminded, but the stone god interrupted more crisply.

“Isn’t it free to eat it all in thirty minutes?” The stone god directly ignored the pitiful gazes of everyone in Hinata, “One for each person, that’s all.” ”

Watching Shi Shen wave his hand and send away the waiter who had always had a strange expression, a group of people wanted to cry.

That’s a four-kilogram steak!

The backpacks on their backs don’t weigh four kilograms!

“Coach, what if you can’t finish eating…” Hinata suddenly felt that the time spent waiting for the barbecue to be served was even more nervous than the previous match.

“Can’t finish eating?”

Shi Shen smiled and suddenly asked, “Why do you think you usually train for sprinting?” ”

“To strengthen our basketball strength!” The people spoke in unison, but they found that the stone god looked at them like a group of kindergartens.

“You all heard, eat free in thirty minutes.” Shi Shen said meaningfully, “Then I announce that the person who eats first in thirty minutes can leave first. ”

This day was originally clear, but I don’t know why after hearing the words of the stone god, Hinata’s group of people felt that there was thunder!

“That is to say…”

“If you can’t finish eating, you only have two choices…”

“It’s either for everyone, it’s …


There was no need for verbal communication, just a look at each other, and everyone understood the meaning of the stone god.

Eat the Overlord Meal!

Just at this time, the enthusiastic waiters had already delivered the oversized steaks to everyone, and the eyes full of admiration and pity when they left were deeply imprinted into everyone’s hearts.

Tick ~ tick ~

It was a timer that was brought to the table along with the steak, and a group of people seemed to ignore the number that had decreased little by little from 29:59.

“That’s it, four kilograms of steak…”

Hinata grinned, but he couldn’t laugh, it was the first time he saw a steak bigger than his head!

Listening to the roast meat that was still bubbling with a sizzling sound, I don’t know why, looking at it already made people feel full, and the drool was no longer sweat.

“You’re welcome, eat to your heart’s content!”

The stone god swears that now he shows the most sincere smile in his life, but why do these guys look at themselves like Akuma?

“I know!”

Seeing that a minute had passed, and the stone god who had begun to feast, a group of people suddenly copied the knives and forks in front of them, eating like a fast food competition.

“That’s a coach!” Hinata cried as she ate, “Can the coach’s cheapness be taken advantage of!” ”

“Huh?” Yi Yuejun suddenly paused and looked at the beef on the knife in surprise, “This steak, the naked eye snowflake is at least 3A, a famous brand.” ”

“You’re so annoying!” Hinata Shunpei couldn’t understand why Izuki-jun could still say a cold joke in this situation, “Can you talk less when eating!” ”

At this time, a table of guests left the table, looking like a family of three, and the little girl glanced at Hinata and the others strangely before going out, and asked her mother innocently, “Mom, why are these brothers crying?” ”

“Maybe it’s because the steaks here make them so delicious that they cry!”

The sincere members never imagined that they would have such a day, facing the abyss of fear of food!

“Wake up! Mitobe, hurry up! Koganai swayed, already collapsing in his chair, his mouth still stuffed with meat.

“I can’t. Finish. ”

In the nervous and exciting rapid eating of a group of people, Kuroko was the first to put down the tableware, just when everyone was surprised how the weakest Kuroko could eat so fast…

“Sorry, I gave up.”

“Kuroko!” When Hinata and the others saw the steak in front of Kuroko that had barely decreased in measure, their faces had turned purple.

“Isn’t Kuroko eating?” The mouthful of steak that almost deformed Vulcan’s face was swallowed violently, and quickly pulled Kuroko’s steak away from Kuroko’s face, “If you don’t eat it, can you give it to me?” ”

“This guy!” A neat row of shocked faces, they found out that the Vulcan had actually eaten his own four kilograms!

Looking at the second plate that Vulcan was rapidly destroying, and then at the steak with more than half of his plate, everyone was left with tears of envy.

“The challenge of the coach is not difficult for me, I am still very good at eating!” The Vulcan kept pouring into his mouth, enjoying the happiness that full food brought to him, and while glancing proudly at the stone god at the other table.

“I #%¥!”

Hinata several people didn’t understand how the Vulcan was suddenly choked, and at the same time looked terrified, when they followed the Vulcan’s eyes, then they all choked…

“I %¥#!”

Ishigami had just eaten the last piece of roasted meat on his plate and was wiping his mouth with a hot towel, but more importantly, on his table, there were 5 identical empty plates!

“As I said before.” In a pair of demented eyes, Shi Shen stood up with a smile, “The one who eats first can leave first, so.” ”

Shi Shen walked straight to the door of the store and waved his hand towards Hinata and the others who were still fighting, “See you tomorrow at the arena.” ”

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