“It’s 10-0.” Ishigami smiled at Midorima.

“It’s obviously only 8-0, what are you in a hurry!”

“It’ll be a double-digit difference soon!”

Stone God’s words were simply a clear mockery in Midorima’s ears, “This is different from what you said before the game!” ”

“Less self-righteousness!” Midorima gasped, strange that he had been robbed all the time, but he still felt the soreness of his muscles.

The ball was not given to Midorima again, which was also expected by Midorima, I am afraid that several consecutive mistakes before have made teammates absolutely not in good shape, right?!

However, this also allowed him to better keep an eye on the stone god, Midorima thought.

But Ishigami’s speed is too easy to get rid of Midorima, such as now, Hidetoku organized a very tactical attack, after continuous passes, the basketball was smoothly transferred into the hands of Daipei on the inside, and Fukuda Hiroshi was out of position!

At that moment, the stone god in Midorima’s eyes disappeared again, but this time Midorima calmed down.

That hurricane unsurprisingly rushed to the inner line, and Midorima’s eyes met with Daping, and the two made the same decision tacitly!


The figure rushed away, the ball shadow galloped, the two happened to pass by, and the moment the stone god rushed to the inside line, the basketball had already fallen into the hands of Midorima!

“Stone God, the competition has just begun!”


This time Midorima did not hesitate, the distance from the edge of the three-point line did not even require him to make any preparation, and the quick shot made the sincere team members have no time to make up for the defense!

“The feel is still there, the stone god is also on the inside, this ball… Steady! ”

It’s not just Midorima who thinks so, everyone feels so, and the perfect arc of the empty space in the green room shows that the ball is destined to fall into the basket!

However, the stone god, who was considered beyond the reach of the whip, did not feel that way!

Shi Shen almost increased the starting speed to the extreme, and Da Ping didn’t have time to block it at all, and Shi Shen was already jumping in the free throw circle in the three-second zone!

“Is he crazy! Midorima’s shot is so high, he actually wants to block! ”

Everyone seemed to become spectators at this moment, watching the stone god jump like a flying man, which was faster than the speed of the basketball rising in the air!

Super high jump!

“It won’t be…”

The basketball continues to rise and advance in the air, but surprisingly, the jump height of the stone god is still rising! This began to upset Xiudeo’s people and prayed that basketball had entered the high ground.


The basketball fell into the palm of the sky, almost exceeding the horizontal height of the top of the basketball hoop!

“I lean!”

In the scene that suddenly fell into extreme silence, such a subconscious foul language seemed so loud, both Xiude’s players and sincere players looked at the referee on the sidelines.

Whistle blow, stop watch!

“This ball … Our referee seems to need to watch the high-speed Hawkeye camera view, whether it is a jamming ball or not, it is difficult to judge from the perspective below us. ”

The commentator finally remembered his duties after a short silence, “The referee seems to have come to a conclusion! Caps work! Ohmygod! It seems that our sincere Stone God Coach will have to be a little more careful in the future, such an inhuman bouncing force, if the national secret research team sees his performance, don’t be dragged to study the body structure! ”

The entire audience was boiling, and faintly you could even hear someone shouting “Stone!” God! “。

The Makoto player sitting on the bench was dumbfounded, and Hidetoku’s coach Nakatani was also dumbfounded, and the word ‘monster’ seemed to be on the head of the stone god.

“This is too far-fetched,” Huangse said with difficulty, “Is this bouncing or human?” ”

“That height is at least 15 feet above!” It was not difficult to hear the taste of shock from Atsushi Zihara’s tone, “This…”

Ziyuan Atsushi’s eyes burned with fanaticism, 15 feet, even he couldn’t touch that height, but the stone god was not difficult to complete!

Ziyuan Atsushi was already known for his vast defensive range, but he was surprised to find that the defensive range of the stone god with such bouncing power was probably even wider than his own!

Even, Atsushi Ziyuan has begun to simulate in his mind the chance that if he and the stone god fight against the basket, he will be blocked!

The referee’s whistle came back, and the flag was lowered on the sideline to drive the ball directly to the stone god, and almost instantly, Midorima had already followed in front of the stone god!

“You must not let him make a move!”

After seeing the stone god’s bouncing, Midorima is very self-aware, if the stone god wants to jump and he is said to be blocked, I am afraid that he will not even be able to reach the thug foul!

Midorima almost put his body on the body of the stone god, he planned to minimize the range of activities of the stone god even if he did not hesitate to foul!

But unexpectedly, the time for the basketball to touch in the hands of the stone god was only a short moment, and the stone god was like imitating the ball style of Kuroko, gently slapping, and the ball had gone to the next target!


“What about the ball?!”

Midorima didn’t think he was blinded, but he clearly saw Shi Shen take the kickoff, and clearly saw Shi Shen passing the ball forward, but the basketball disappeared the moment it left Shi Shen’s hands!

Yes, it’s like being slapped by the stone god and disappearing out of thin air, no one can catch the ball shadow in their eyes, except… Drop the flag light tree!

“What are you doing?”

At the moment when Shi Shen touched the ball, Guangshu knew that Shi Shen wanted to pass back to himself, and he directly made an internal cut, and at the same time clearly saw the dangerous pass that Shi Shen came through the gap between Xiude’s players, but what made him strange was that not only Xiude, but even Fukuda Kuan They were confused, as if they couldn’t see the ball.

A serve that will disappear!

Assist: Drop the flag Guangshu smoothly made a layup and scored two points!


When all of Hidetoku’s staff was in a disjointed state, Nakatani finally couldn’t help but call a pause!

“I said, double digits, soon.”

At the end of the field, passing by Midorima’s side, Shi Shen pointed to the scoreboard that had jumped to 10-0, “Look, even if it’s them, you can’t prevent it, do you still think we are a substitute?” ”

Midorima didn’t speak, just held his eyes with a slightly trembling hand and left silently.

“That’s awesome, coach!”

As soon as Ishigami returned to the dugout, Hinata and the others immediately stood up excitedly, “It’s only been three minutes since they called the first timeout, and I’m afraid that Hidetoku’s coach has been knocked unconscious by you!” ”

“Coach, can you teach us about your previous dribbling, passing, and that?”

Vulcan was also particularly excited, but apparently his excitement was in the ball skills displayed by Shi Shenshi, “It’s so handsome!” It’s so slippery! I can’t think of how to defend against the coach! ”

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