With the transportation of the first prize of the global limited edition electric car, Yan Li asked these staff to help carry it into the hall, so far, Yan Li still seems a little unreal, playing a single game, the rest of the teams they encountered all admit defeat, directly let him win the championship.

However, this kind of good thing is not common, Yan Li readily accepted, anyway, this electric car is just an ornament, if there is extra time, Yan Li might as well go to the driver’s license and buy a car, for him, money is no longer a problem.

Moreover, Feilia’s financial resources are also on the right track, and almost every month, the money she earns is even more expensive than Yan Li’s light novel.

Coupled with the income from changing into anime, Feilia became a ‘little rich woman’.

Due to the problem of today’s exercise, there was no meal prepared at home, so Yan Li said: “Sister, what do you want to eat, I’ll go out and pack it back.” ”

“You can do what you like, I’m not a picky eater, okay, I’ll take a shower first, it’s greasy and unbearable to die.”

Feilia smiled, said lightly without care, and then left the hall.

Hearing this, Yan Li didn’t have too many thoughts, pushed open the gate and returned to the street.

After thinking about it, Yan Li randomly chose a restaurant and walked into it.

A sweet-looking staff member who came to him stretched out his hand to politely face an empty seat, with a smile on his face: “Guest, please come with me to the vacant seat here.” ”


Yan Li nodded gently, and under the guidance of the woman, came to an empty chair and sat down.

Although it is packing, it also takes time to prepare, and Yan Li definitely does not plan to stand and wait.

“What do guests need?” The woman held a paper and pen in her hand and asked with a gentle smile.

Yan Li picked up the recipe on the table, thought for a while, and asked with a smile: “When I first arrived, I want to ask, do you have any recommended dishes here?” ”

“Of course, the fragrant beef steak in our store can be described as a famous delicacy in the neighborhood, as well as honey udon, nine fresh sushi, etc., these are the signatures of our store, what do you need to order?” With a smile on her face, the woman quickly said many food styles, and then asked.

“Give me a copy of these, please help me pack them.” Yan Li put the recipe down and said directly.

“Okay, please wait a moment, I’ll order.”

The woman recorded the food she had just recommended on a piece of paper and slowly left the place.

“Hey, have you heard, today, our Japanese youth basketball team is about to face the challenge of the street basketball team in the United States.”

“Really fake? I believe that this important event will be broadcast live on TV, and I believe that our Japanese youth basketball team will be able to win! ”

“No, you see, it’s already on TV now.”


At a table next to Yan Li, several young people looked at the only TV in the dining room, and kept discussing.

In this regard, Yan Li was idle, and also looked at the only TV here, with a curious look in his eyes.

Youth Basketball Team!

Yan Li naturally knew that the lineup of this team was from the five schools of the Miracle Generation, and the five seniors who graduated from high school and entered the university.

“Japan’s youth basketball team, the American street basketball team? It’s really interesting, but the other party has the confidence to challenge and the strength will not be weak! ”

Yan Li looked at the TV, the host was constantly introducing, and focused the camera on the members of the youth team, he listened quietly with a smile.

“With the Japanese youth team about to face the challenge of the American street basketball team, which side can win this game? Let’s wait and see, first of all, let’s introduce the members of the Japanese youth team. ”

The camera turned to the first member of the youth team.

Yan Li couldn’t help but smile even more, this person was Shoichi Imayoshi of the Tonghuang Academy, and immediately after, the figures that appeared one after another, there were Yukio Kasamatsu from Kaisaso High School, Kiyoshi Miyaji from Hidetoku University, Kenichi Gangmura from Yangquan University, and finally Shota Higuchi from Nakusan University.

Five, each of whom was a player who once worked with the Miracle Generation as teammates.

“Let’s focus on the challengers, that is basketball in the United States street basketball team, strong, once invincible in street basketball, they have never tried any defeat, completely victorious, and now, they are about to compete with the Japanese youth basketball team, who can win the final championship, what an exciting game!”

The camera was put on the opponent of Shoichi Imaki and others, and Yan Li couldn’t help but show a touch of surprise, the American street basketball team, these five people, are not weak.

Even, although they were separated by the TV, Yan Li could still feel a strong strength from their bodies, among these people, the most eye-catching were the two at the head, one with yellow hair, tattoos on his arms, and a face full of unruliness.

The other man was very burly, dark-skinned, and full of confidence.

These two people, giving Yan Li a feeling that they are not weaker than the generation of miracles!

The other three seem a little ordinary, but they can’t be ignored.

“It is estimated that Imayoshi Shoichi and them are in trouble.”

Yan Li’s eyes flickered, and he whispered, his face calm.

In this team, there are two people whose strength is no less than the generation of miracles, and the overall strength of the two sides is not at the same level at all, so naturally there will be no accidents.

“It seems that the American street basketball team, their record is not boasting, but indeed has this level of strength.”

Yan Xianli thought so, but there was no change in his face, although these people were strong, they could not give him heavy pressure.

However, Yan Yili hoped that if these people could fight him, it would be the best thing.

With his eyes fixed on the screen of the TV, Yan Li put his thoughts aside and quietly watched the changes on the screen.

A table of basketball enthusiasts next to Yan Li couldn’t wait to talk.

“It’s going, it’s going, they’re going to play.”

“For some reason, I always feel that it seems that the people on the American street basketball team are stronger, but you can tell from the momentum of both sides.”

“I feel this way, but I hope that our Japanese youth team can win, after all, the game between the two sides is also a competition of basketball between the two countries.”


Several basketball enthusiasts still have some eyesight, with a hint of worry on their faces, and they can’t help but start fighting for the youth team in their hearts.

Yan Li did not have any mood swings, and under his gaze, an excited voice came from the host on the TV.

“Then, the match between the two sides has officially begun, under the announcement of the referee!” _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

Yan Li sensed Miyamoto Masao’s consternation, the corners of his mouth slightly upturned, with a meaningful smile, his movements accelerated, and his offensive moves were menacing.

Masao Miyamoto was suppressed, he couldn’t believe that in just a few tens of minutes, Yan Li had actually changed from a lover with only martial arts skills to being able to compete with him, and the two sides were on par.

It was the unbelievability in his heart that made Masao Miyamoto bound his hands and feet, unable to really exert his fists and feet, but was completely suppressed by Yan Li who was unforgiving.

“Not good!”

Masao Miyamoto’s eyes burst out, and a heavy fist rushed to his face, making him have a very bad premonition in his heart, years of combat experience, giving him subconscious movements, and his figure dodged back.

At the same time, Yan Li’s eyes were half-narrowed, and he couldn’t hit a blow, and with a sweep of his legs, he forced Miyamoto Masao back and launched a rapid attack here.

At the time of Yan Li’s attack, he gradually played his momentum, and Miyamoto Masao smelled a sense of crisis from his body.

You know, Masao Miyamoto has never tried this sense of crisis since he won the martial arts championship, but now, he actually feels it from a young high school student in Yanli.

This had to shock Miyamoto Masashi in his heart.

The surrounding trainee audience, they were stunned, their eyes were stunned to look at the two in front of them, this situation was unpredictable for them.

Who would have thought that Yan Li, who was still a novice just now, actually increased his strength greatly in this short period of time, and the way he exerted was very similar to their pavilion owner Masao Miyamoto, and he also vaguely suppressed the latter.

“This, isn’t it my eyes? Hallucinating? ”

“Shhh! This young man, he shouldn’t have deliberately hidden his strength just now, otherwise how could he be sure that such a jerky attack at the beginning was now as fierce as a fierce tiger. ”

“Indeed, he must have hidden his strength just now, in this world, it is absolutely impossible for such a person, after only a few tens of minutes of fighting, he has completely figured out the door of the pavilion owner and fought in practice.”


The trainees gasped one after another, but they couldn’t admit in their hearts that Yan Li had become stronger in the fight, but thought that he had just begun to hide his strength, and only this guess made these trainees take it for granted in their hearts.

However, even if they hide their strength, being able to fight their pavilion owner Masao Miyamoto at this age is enough to make them unable to calm their hearts, and they think that even if they let them practice martial arts in their mother’s womb, they can’t reach this point, let alone fight with Miyamoto Masao.

Therefore, in comparison, these trainees will be even more shocked, from the initial contempt, to eager, looking intently at the confrontation between Yanli and Miyamoto Masao.

The duel between masters and masters can give them more inspiration to these trainees, so that they can learn more practical skills from them.

At this time, Masao Miyamoto only calmed down from the shock, away from the routine of attack and defense, he still couldn’t help but lose his mind for a while, that was completely his means of entering the defense, unexpectedly, in a short period of time, he was learned by Yan Li.

Masao Miyamoto is different from the surrounding trainees, he personally fought with Yan Li, and he could clearly know that Yan Li did not have many moves at the beginning, and even the action of performing the moves seemed a little jerky.

These situations cannot be deliberately made, so Miyamoto Masao completely believes that Yan Li has learned all these moves in a short period of time with him, and as time goes by, it has become more and more pure, which makes him feel a trace of pressure.

“I thought I was a genius, but I didn’t expect that compared to Yan Lijun, I was just an ordinary person!”

Masao Miyamoto’s face was full of bitterness, and he shook his head and sighed.

Seeing Yan Li’s learning speed, Miyamoto Masao felt that his practice for more than ten years had been wasted, and it was far less real than Yan Li’s tens of minutes.

Suddenly, Miyamoto Masao changed his momentum, his eyes looked solemnly at Yan Li, he was completely serious, took all Yan Li’s attacks, and skillfully fought back.

Yan Li’s face remained unchanged and blocked Miyamoto Masao’s attack, but the latter’s huge power still shook his hands a little numb.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Yan Li can clearly sense that his martial arts fighting skills are fusing by leaps and bounds, gradually becoming his own instinct, without too much thinking and arraying, the body will almost subconsciously block the opponent’s attack, and will also look for the opponent’s flaws, rapid attack.

Every time he collided with Masao Miyamoto, Yan Li couldn’t help but tremble his hands, the strength was his weakness, and he definitely could not be compared with Masao Miyamoto.

However, Yanli cleverly avoided his weakness, choosing his strong point instead, using his agile speed to avoid Miyamoto’s attack every time.

Sensing Yan Li’s change, Miyamoto Masao was even more surprised in his heart, but he quickly recovered and said with a heavy expectation: “Yan Lijun, I’m going to attack seriously, you have to be careful!” ”

“I’m looking forward to it!”

Looking at Masao Miyamoto’s attack, Yanli’s face showed a touch of confidence, and he constantly clashed with the other party, and was almost hit by Masao Miyamoto’s heavy punches several times.

This made Yan Yili slightly surprised, in the end, he was just a basketball player who had just acquired martial arts fighting skills, not a regular martial arts player, facing these fierce attacks, and passed him several times, which made him feel a little palpitations.

To be honest, if Yan Li was hit by Masao Miyamoto’s heavy punch, then he was likely to be seriously injured, and the other party’s terrifying power was not a joke.

Taking a deep breath, Yan Li suppressed the throbbing in his heart, turned it into excitement, and the blood on his body boiled, as a boy, this kind of confrontation is exactly what everyone yearns for, and he will naturally be no exception.

Gradually, time flickered by, and half an hour passed.

Yan Li’s eyes flashed, colliding with Miyamoto Masao’s fist, both sides took a few steps back, and Yan Li’s retreat movement was obviously larger and farther.

Looking at the red blood on his hand, Yan Li couldn’t help but smile bitterly, even though he had Miyamoto Masao’s martial arts fighting skills, his body had not undergone any training, and his fists would naturally not be very hard, and it was definitely not as lethal as Miyamoto Masao.

The two sides clashed their fists, and in the end, it was Yan Li who suffered a loss.

“Mr. Miyamoto, let’s end the battle here, your strength is really strong, I am not an opponent!” Yan Li arched his hand and said bluntly with a smile.

Hearing this, Miyamoto Masao still had some unfinished expression on his face, for a long time, he had not met anyone who could fight him for such a long time, and he still had some thoughts of continuing to fight.

But immediately, Masao Miyamoto couldn’t help but shake his head with a smile, looked at Yan Li and said: “Yan Lijun, I’m really sorry, unconsciously, I have actually used all my strength, but with your strength, it is impossible for me to be injured by mistake, this is still clear to me!” “_

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu


The dim sunlight shone in through the window, and in the blur, Yan Li seemed to hear a violent knock on the door. Wake him up.

“Sister, what are you doing?” Yan Li wiped his half-open eyes, opened the door, yawned heavily, and asked in confusion.

In front of the door, Feilia was in good spirits, her face was full of excitement, and she couldn’t stop being active in a wheelchair, and said: “Xiaoli, today and I went to the comic club to contribute, you forgot?” ”

“Oh, yes!” Yan Li cleared his head a little and nodded.

“You hurry up and wash, I’ll wait for you in the hall.” Feilia couldn’t help but hurriedly remind.

“Good.” Yan Li nodded in agreement, and Feilia left Li here.

Shaking his head gently, Yan Li suppressed the sleepiness, and after washing, his spirit also recovered a lot, and there was no such confused feeling.

Feilia had already prepared a delicate bag containing some of the materials she had set up and the opening episodes of the comics, and everything needed for the initial submission was ready.

Then, Yan Li pushed Concubine Lia, and the two walked out of the gate.


There are still a lot of manga clubs in Tokyo, and more will be created in the future as time goes by.

This is the trend throughout Japan, the rise of manga and anime has driven the economic interests of manga clubs, so there will definitely be many people who continue to establish new manga clubs, and the number of manga lovers will increase, and the more contributors will become, and the greater the competition.

The comics that can stand out from this fierce competition are among the best, and naturally become well-known as their popularity increases.

The information that Feilia held in her hand was a manuscript, so Yan Li took her to a printing store next to her to print many copies, and every submission of the comic club could not be drawn by herself, in this case, the amount was too large, and a person could not be busy at all.

Therefore, the submitted manuscripts are all printed copies, not the originals.

Tokyo is a bustling city and a place where many young people work, and you can see many office workers in formal clothes everywhere, trying to find hope for survival in this society.

Especially here, the competition is very huge, as long as there is a slight pause, it will be immediately eliminated by society, because of this reason, many people have mental problems, physical problems and so on.

There are many vehicles, almost blocking the entire street, making people look involuntarily irritable.

Yan Li and Feilia are looking at this kind of competitiveness, perhaps, this is something they will also experience in the future.

As the two walked around, they soon found the manga club, called, Zuoyuan Comic Club.

It’s just that the location of Zuoyuan Comics Club is on the twelfth floor of the office building, pushing Feilia into the elevator.

Every inch of land here is money.

There are not so many stores, and it has become a store that can be seen at a glance on the street.


As soon as the elevator rang, Yan Li pushed Feilia out of the elevator.

Following some indicators on the wall, Yan Li and Feilia quickly found a place, and not far from the left turn in front, there was an iron gate with the words ‘Zuoyuan Comics’ hanging on it.

Yan Li came to the iron gate, lightly pressed the doorbell a few times, and waited quietly.


There was also a flashing wooden door in the iron door, and when the wooden door opened, a handsome-looking young woman appeared, she opened the iron door very politely, and greeted: “Hello.” ”

“Hello, we are comic book contributors.” Yan Li said with a smile, directly to the point, and said what he meant.

Although the situation of watching this comic club is not very good now, Yan Li does not have the intention of underestimating, not to mention, whether the other party can read their comic manuscripts is not certain.

“Very welcome, please inside!” The woman smiled, leaned to one side, gave way to the road, and made a ‘please’ pose.

Hou Yanli pushed Feilia into it, and as soon as he came in, he asked a faint smell, which was the smell of paper, very similar to that kind of office.

Later, Yanli also learned the woman’s name, called Fujiwara Hideko, she was the recipient of the Zuohara Manga Club, and said that their president had something to do, so she could only put the manuscript away first and wait for the president to return for a unified reading.

There must be more than one person a day for the comic book club, so it is impossible for everyone to directly read the submission, but when the day is over, their president will use the time to check uniformly and reject some unsatisfactory manuscripts.

The space of the whole house is not very large, but the equipment should be there, and it is placed neatly, giving people a very warm feeling.

“Excuse me, which of you is the author?” Fujiwara Hideko took the information bag handed by Tsubaki and asked.

“My sister.” Yan Li pointed at Concubine Liya and said truthfully.

“Okay, I see, I’ll register it truthfully.” Fujiwara Hideko nodded and said.

“Thank you very much, what other formalities are needed?” Yan Li asked instead of Concubine Liya.

Fujiwara Hideko thought for a while, took out a data sheet from the table next to it, and threatened: “You need to fill in the author’s personal information, and if the manuscript is approved, we will communicate with you according to the contact information above.” ”

Yan Li took the information sheet and handed it to Feilia, who took out the signature pen directly from the bag and filled it out, obviously she had already prepared.

“By the way, there are still some things I need to make clear with you.” Fujiwara Hideko said immediately.

“Please say.” Yan Li nodded.

“On the issue of copyright, I hope that your work is original, otherwise, even if it passes our review and publishes, if we find signs of piracy, we will immediately suspend our cooperation with you and will prosecute you in law, so you must recognize this.” Fujiwara Hideko solemnly instructed.

“Of course!”

Yan Li nodded with a smile, about this matter, he had already checked the information, it was precisely because there was no similar comic that he would propose the inspiration for this comic to Concubine.

“Give!” After filling out the information form, Princess Lia handed it to Hideko Fujiwara.

Fujiwara Hideko looked at it a little, made sure that some of the key information in it had been filled in, and then smiled and said: “Okay, we have received your manuscript, and we will definitely reply to you within three days.” ”

“Then we’ll go first, excuse me.”

Immediately, Yan Li left Zuoyuan Comics Club with Feilia and continued to look for the next place to submit. _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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