"Let's go, let's go...Shigure-senpai is coming on!"

"Among the Diguang Twins, the one with the strongest offensive power is the strongest shooting guard in the country. First-year students should watch carefully and focus on learning offensive techniques!"

"With Shigure-senpai's current height, can he still be considered a shooting guard?"

"I guess so"

"It's barely outside the line.……?"


As the most eye-catching signature of Teiko Middle School, Akito Shigure's appearance immediately caused all the trees and grass on the side of Iizumi Middle School to panic.

When Teikou's troops came to the sidelines of the game, they could see Coach Iizumi holding the players who were about to play, and he was giving instructions with a nervous and uneasy look on his face.

"do not worry!"

"Even if Akito Shigure was the core of Teiko’s championship team last year……".

"But he has grown a lot taller. As a shooting guard, this will definitely affect his performance on the court to a certain extent, whether it is speed or shooting touch!"

"Moreover, he is the only one! There is no Hongcun building to connect the whole team! Apart from him, the only other person on the field was the first-year big man, whose skills were quite rough!"

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity……"

"Defeat Di Guang!"

Before going on the field.

With the coach's enthusiasm, the eyes of the players of Iquan Middle School gradually brightened.

After passing the exam last year, they failed to participate in the 'Ten Schools Competition'. They didn't know that after further physical development, With Shigure Akito's power, there are still seeds of hope in my heart at this time!

Teikou on the opposite side...

Most of the second army has rough skills and can't do anything if they limit the passes to him. tall.

Plus an undetermined Diguang Twin Star.


Can fight!

Although Iizumi's historical performance in the junior high school basketball circle is not good, their explosion this year with the new batch of second-year players entering their third year has also given them new intentions and dreams! all hit!

On this very day!

On the body of the strongest Emperor Guang!

Verify their strength leading to the whole country!

"Don’t be intimidated by the name of Diguang Gemini! We are already in third grade!"The captain of the third grade of Iizumi Middle School took over the coach's words and encouraged him loudly.

"That's right!" The team members also nodded.

"Even if it’s Di Guang, we must win!"

Iizumi's team members came on the stage aggressively, and everyone's expressions changed from the nervousness when Shigure first appeared, to full of confidence.

Then... the first round.

Haze~ shrouded~


Akito Shigure received a sensible pass from the second-string point guard. first timing.

With strategic contempt and tactical attention, Iizumi Middle School immediately arranged a two-person defense against Shigure Akito to see what was going on.

Start in the frontcourt.

Apply direct pressure.

Akito Shigure grabbed the ball with one hand and bent his knees slightly without using any skills. Compared to the level of Iizumi Middle School, the speed was already astonishingly fast!

Nijimura-style weak points broken!


Shigure didn't care where the defensive flaw was~ it was just a burst of speed... eat him alive!


The two people from Iizumi Middle School who formed a double defense suddenly saw their figures disappear in front of their eyes. The two people who were still pressing forward were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Looking back, the back figure of No. 5 wearing a white jersey, as the body jumps, the jersey creates the same elegant waves in the air.

The two of them turned around and chased after each other in sync!


I can't catch up!

It was clear that the opponent was attacking while controlling the movement, but the two tried their best to pursue the opponent without the ball, but they could not catch up anyway. Not only could they not catch up, but they were quickly pulled away by a large distance!

"good….` …"

"So fast!"

"Shigure-senpai is too fast?!"


"Shigure-senpai clearly has an inside-level figure now, right?……?"

"Neither of the opponent's two back lines could keep up with him!"

The team members on the Iizumi side were stunned when they saw the two people who were easily thrown away by a smooth breakthrough from the front court, and then struggled to catch up but were pulled bigger and bigger in embarrassment.

On the field, the captain of Iizumi Middle School His expression was ugly.

Why would the sudden increase in height affect his speed?

Are you kidding me?

This is obviously faster than in the first grade! ?

Captain Iizumi stepped forward quickly and opened his arms. Expanding the defensive area, he stared at the charging Shigure Akito.

Defend... must stop...

Shigure Akito suddenly approached, stopped suddenly, and flew to the ground!


The sudden dive forward after the fall made Captain Iizumi's eyes look blank. His body wanted to keep up with the opponent, but he was unable to move at all under the short, terrifying dive!

Move... move your ears!……

"Good momentum~"

"But there is only momentum."

Pah~ pah~ pah~

Shigure Akito's words rang in the ears of Captain Iizumi, and the latter was frozen in place for a moment. The sound floating in his ears was following the rapid dribbling of the ball. The sound gradually faded away!

Such a strong contrast in the sense of speed between the two sides made all the members of the Imperial Army, especially the first-year members, stunned! Captain Iizumi turned around and joined the other two chasing.

He, who was defending the team, could only see the flying jersey and the number 5 on the back. In a blink of an eye, he entered the penalty area! However, the Iizumi inside duo formed the final line of defense and was ravaged by Shigure Akito alone! The defensive line left the Teikou players on the field dumbfounded, and there was a large gap in the penalty area.

Facing the double defense inside, he took the initiative to pass the ball!... defrauded one of the insiders!

Then, with his back turned, he suddenly leaned forward and the ferocious 'mammoth' attack made the remaining Iizumi center tremble in his defensive movements

:"` 々!?"

Gotta... shooting guard?!

Such strength, you are also a shooting guard?!

"Be careful, don't get hurt……"

"watch out~"

"The hammer of destruction!"


Akito Shigure, who had his back turned to the defensive player, took a step deeper, turned his back to the side, and the basket in his peripheral vision came into view clearly!

Follow... down wildly!

Leap with all his strength Get up! Suddenly... everyone at the scene seemed to see Shigure Akito's beautiful half-turn in the air, which seemed to bring about a strong wind that was about to overthrow everything!

It's the looming mammoth’……

The momentum... is too exaggerated!

Shigure half-turned in the air with his arms raised, like a whirlwind, sweeping towards the defensive players behind him!

Because of the extra moves to show off his skills, another Iizumi insider who was deceived, with a look of horror on his face, subconsciously came back on defense, and jumped to block the shot (earned money)!


he was dumbfounded as soon as the body in the air confronted him.

The same look of fear as the fellow sufferer next to him...!

The Shigure Akito in front of me...

was spinning...


with his eyes open!

Lifting into the air like a rocket, he easily broke through the defense of the two men, as if he were using a utility knife to chop up the defense like paper!

Putting aside that terrifying power...

just in terms of height...

the blocks the two tried could only reach their elbows!

The strength...


makes their defense meaningless.

It's almost symbolic...

like anti-drag.

The next second.


The slam dunk pressed down from a 'high place' crashed down above the two of them!


bang~ bang~!

Amidst the sound of the two hands pulling the frame, the two Iizumi insiders were"pressed on the head" by Shi Yuqiu and gave each of them a slap in the face!

In an instant...

everyone present, whether friend or foe, their expressions froze!.

: ﮩ٨ـɦɑหɑﮩ٨ـᰔᩚ

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