Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 14: Core Confrontation, Eating Raw

In reality, most people who play basketball are amateurs, and their physical fitness is just the level of regular exercise.

This level is far from the level of actual dunking.

Many viewers have been watching for a long time, but have not seen a dunk.

Bai Feng's explosive performance at the beginning really shocked them.

Everyone was attracted to watch the excitement temporarily. Who would have thought that the excitement would be so good? So lucky.

It was so exciting that everyone was excited and shouted wildly.

As the person involved, Bai Feng was in a good mood now, of course, he was not happy because of the goal.

It was simply that the atmosphere on the court at this time was very suitable for his appetite.

Bai Feng likes this kind of stimulating confrontation scene.

If the opponent is a well-behaved little sheep, he will not be interested.

But if the opponent dares to show aggression, Bai Feng will respond to him more fiercely than the opponent.

Bai Feng only hopes that the opponent can withstand the upcoming pressure and continue to bark.

This is enough to play, otherwise it is like whipping a corpse, which is too boring!



Because it is a burst system, Bai Feng and his team continue to attack in the new round.

Bai Feng held the ball in his right hand, and his whole body was very relaxed, with a sense of softness and casualness.

But after witnessing Bai Feng's attack just now, no one on the scene dared to underestimate his current posture.

Everyone knew how fierce he would be in attacking, and this was just the calm before another round of storms.

Of course, Bai Feng's posture, if viewed from a slightly more professional perspective.

That is the control of the court, the confidence accumulated from a lot of experience, and the extreme explosive power in physical fitness, a state of multi-faceted factors.

The defender who had been destroyed felt the most deeply. He looked at Bai Feng holding the ball, and he actually felt a little timid in his heart.

It was this little bit of retreat that made him even more angry. He actually felt this way about the boy in front of him because of a ball.

The moment he noticed it, his strange self-esteem made him ashamed.

He stared at Bai Feng and said, "Boy, keep going. I was careless with the ball just now!"

Bai Feng was relieved when he saw this. He was really afraid that this hard-earned fun would be scared and retreat by himself, which would not be fun!

Bai Feng: "Okay, it's not bad as a toy."

Just as Bai Feng was about to attack, he saw that the opponent had taken another step back from his previous defensive position.

This obviously meant that he was preventing him from continuing to break through, fearing that he could not keep up with Bai Feng, so he left enough space in front of his body to react.

Bai Feng raised his eyebrows when he saw this, and he was not going to change his style to shoot.

And the opponent's behavior was just right to test the newly acquired skill [Anti-Core].

Bai Feng did not dribble to change the rhythm this time, he directly broke through the opponent's right side.

Bai Feng suddenly started, and the visual effect presented by the whole person once again made the onlookers concentrate and hold their breath, fearing that they would miss the details.

From extreme stillness to extreme movement, the switch was so smooth, it was really like an art on the court.

Although this breakthrough was fast, it did not pass the opponent.

Because the defender deliberately left a step of space, and Bai Feng did not make a fake move to mislead the opponent.

In this case, anyone who is not a disabled person can keep up.

The opponent blocked Bai Feng's side, and he was still a little surprised at this time, thinking that his defense was successful. After all, Bai Feng was not yet an adult, and his strength was definitely not as good as his.

There was no time for him to think about why Bai Feng did this.

But he didn't know that Bai Feng did this on purpose.

He was actively seeking confrontation, even in order not to pass the opponent by one step.

Bai Feng also deliberately slowed down!

That's right, even though the speed Bai Feng showed now was considered abnormal in the eyes of everyone, he had not yet done his best!

At the moment of the body collision, the [Confrontation Core] instantly took effect.

Bai Feng could feel that the strength of his entire body seemed to be twisted into a strand, tightening him up.

If it were in the past, he would try not to have physical confrontation with this group of adults.

After all, he is still young and his strength is not as good as that of adults.

But now, the opponent can't stand steadily under Bai Feng's confrontation and retreats.

And Bai Feng seems to be fine!

After being pushed by Bai Feng and losing his balance, he showed an expression of disbelief on his face.

He even thought it was an illusion, how could it be like this?

Is the opponent really a student? How can he be so strong!

The picture is too abstract, an adult was actually knocked back in the confrontation, he seemed to be ravaged.

The onlookers couldn't help but twitch their eyes.

"Which of them is a minor?"

"Is Bai Feng's strength so good? Incredible, this young man!"


Bai Feng did not break through or shoot when the opponent's center of gravity was unstable.

He waited for the defender to adjust his state and started to crush again.

He pressed the opponent step by step to the penalty area, and the scene became more and more violent!

It was already a humiliation. The opponent was like a child, with no ability to resist at all.

With no way to retreat, Bai Feng under the basket finally gave the opponent a confrontation, and was knocked away again as expected.

When he raised his hand to put the ball into the basket, the opponent's teammates appeared in time to make up for the defense.

Bai Feng seemed to have expected it, and he caught the ball with one hand and passed it to his teammates under the basket from behind.

"Shua!" The teammate made a layup and scored.

The passion of the confrontation was mixed with humiliation.

And the final goal was casual.

After the opponent was finally knocked away, he was completely confused, and even the loud noise around him could not be heard.

He still felt that all this was unreal.



The game was not over yet, so the opponent had to continue to endure this kind of destruction.

Of course, after testing the core confrontation, Bai Feng did not insist on playing like this.

Instead, he used all kinds of martial arts and used whatever he thought of.

It brought the audience an ultimate visual experience and also gave the opponent an all-round crushing package.

19:0, there is only one ball left to end the game!

Bai Feng did what he said, and made the opponent unable to touch the ball even once, and beat him!

After regaining control of the ball, he looked at the opponent's current appearance.

From being arrogant at the beginning, to being even a little numb now.

Those who have been watching the game all sympathized with them, this was too cruel.

Bai Feng: "I will give you relief, don't thank me!"

Bai Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and his words were frivolous.

In the eyes of the opponent, it was so humiliating at this moment, as if it pierced his heart like a needle.

He came with a glorious face, but the result was so miserable?

No, absolutely not, he must make the opponent pay the price!

There was a hint of viciousness in his eyes.

The change in his expression certainly did not escape Bai Feng's eyes.

"Is this a rebound? Ha, interesting!"

'I hope you don't know what's good for you. ' Bai Feng said in his heart.

Bai Feng felt that something fun was about to happen, and he couldn't suppress his expectations in his heart, hoping that the opponent would do something different!

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