When real masters play, the winner is often decided in an instant.

So after the three balls were played, not much time had passed.

But in this short period of time, some onlookers, both men and women, were attracted.

They originally just wanted to watch the duel between two teenagers, but they became more and more excited.

Gradually, they found that the two were so powerful that they were rarely seen in reality.

The audience cheered and got excited!

Gradually, they shouted, and more and more people gathered here.



The ball was changed, and it was Aomine Daiki's turn to attack.

In the previous round, Bai Feng thought he had scored a goal, but the opponent suddenly accelerated and interfered.

Bai Feng really didn't expect the result of the iron shot, Aomine's speed was so fast.

In fact, the speed alone is not a big deal, but the main thing is Aomine Daiki's instant burst, which is more difficult to deal with.

Can you imagine the scene of suddenly accelerating to the peak?

Bai Feng felt that there were only two words to describe that feeling, thrilling!

Even though Bai Feng used the 0.5 second deduction of Beyond Vision, it didn't work.

First, Bai Feng was careless and didn't expect Aomine to come all of a sudden.

Second, 0.5 seconds is really short, and it's gone in a flash.

This is also for Bai Feng. If the current Beyond Vision is given to Dahe, he can't even analyze the various intelligence details of 0.5 seconds.

So Bai Feng's talent in this life is really good.

However, Bai Feng's previous defeat also gave him the idea of ​​quickly improving his Beyond Vision ability.

If it can be improved to one second, two seconds...



Aomine stared at Bai Feng, with a posture that he was actually in control: "It's my turn, let you see what offense is."

After that, Aomine didn't make a three-threat posture like Bai Feng.

He dribbled the ball directly to Bai Feng.

Bai Feng didn't rush forward to steal the ball. He had just experienced Aomine's speed, and the other party was slightly faster than himself.

Bai Feng himself has a speed attribute of 87 points, and he estimates that Aomine can at least reach 90 points.

He had no choice but to deal with it carefully.

Bai Feng's judgment was correct. Aomine started and moved like a rabbit.

The whole person's transition from extreme stillness to extreme movement was very fast.

To the naked eye, there was almost no transition process, and he reached the fastest speed directly.

The basketball was dribbled from Aomine's right hand to his left hand, and his body swayed left and right.

The whole person's amplitude was exaggerated to absurdity, and the center of gravity was very low, even giving people the feeling that he would fall down in the next second.

"Fuck, what is this move."

"How can he make such an exaggerated dribbling move!"


Bai Feng was surprised by Aomine's style of play, and the onlookers were even more stunned.

There were many people playing street ball in Yoyogi Park, and many of them knew this street ball style.

But this style on Aomine was even more terrifying!

Getting faster and faster, the rhythm became more and more unpredictable.

Bai Feng's pressure increased rapidly, and Beyond Vision was activated, assisting Bai Feng's defense for 0.5 seconds.

The deduction ability cannot be used without CD, and it will cool down for about 5 seconds after each use!

This is actually normal. If it can be used without limit, then he can deduce forever and become a god on the court directly!

Bai Feng used the 0.5 seconds derived from deduction and the advantage of static body.

He locked Aomine tightly again, and the two were now at the edge of the penalty area.

According to normal logic, Aomine should adjust his state and attack again.

But no one expected that he actually jumped.

That's right, direct shooting?

Competition on the court often happens in a flash.

Bai Feng didn't have time to think too much, and immediately jumped up to block the shot.

He jumped almost at the same time as Aomine, plus the advantage of arm span.

Bai Feng was about to block the opponent, but the next second!

Aomine Daiki actually grabbed the ball behind her and shot it back.

This was a joke in the eyes of everyone, but the basketball hit the target the next second!


Formless Shot, Aomine Daiki's "flowering" skill!

Bai Feng really didn't expect it. After all, the court was in a flash, and there was no condition for him to think about it.

The opponent's shot really surprised him.

But after hearing Aomine's words, he became more interested.

Aomine had a blank expression: "That's it, let's finish it quickly!"

Pretending, extremely pretentious!

Bai Feng also responded: "Okay, let's finish it quickly!"

Both sides want to conquer each other, so let's speak with strength.

Bai Feng thought about the ball just now, and he already had a countermeasure.



Aomine held the ball again, and just like before, he showed his exaggerated style of play when he got the ball!

But this time, Bai Feng did not give the opponent too much room to operate.

Directly on the body, Bai Feng's [Core Confrontation] was activated at the same time.

It allowed him to remain stable during the collision, and Bai Feng's arm was always against Aomine's waist, making him very uncomfortable.

The two sides were now a bit big, and thanks to this being a wild court, both of them tacitly accepted such intensity.

If it was a formal game, the referee would have blown the whistle.

Punches hit the flesh, getting more and more intense!

The audience around held their breath, fearing to miss the excitement!

There were several times during the confrontation when Aomine had lost his composure, but his exaggerated body coordination pulled him back.

He could even maintain his speed.

Suddenly Aomine accelerated sharply and successfully broke through to the penalty area.

Bai Feng did not lose position too much, and almost followed closely.

The next moment Aomine jumped up, ready to finish, and Bai Feng followed and took off.

Because of the experience last time, Bai Feng did not use the 0.5 seconds of deduction in advance this time!

Waiting for this moment, Bai Feng in the air will instantly activate the Beyond Vision, and spider webs will appear in his eyes, as if he wants to capture everything.

Then he deduced Aomine's shooting angle after 0.5 seconds.

At the same time, [Core Confrontation] was turned on, and a force appeared out of thin air around Bai Feng's body, allowing him to make a second move in the air.

Bai Feng aimed directly at the position and waved his hand to slap.


Blocked shot!!!

Bai Feng's hand appeared accurately at Aomine's tricky ending angle.

He plundered Aomine's ball fiercely!

At this moment, the audience around him could no longer control their emotions that had been accumulated for a long time.

"Ah! So cool!"

"Blocked shot, no no, it's a blocked shot!"

"Incredible, incredible!"


Aomine was a little confused, and he came back to his senses.

To be honest, this was the first time he was defeated after using the unfixed form.

Bai Feng: "Don't be dazed, serve quickly, and finish early!"

Aomine was awakened, and a hint of red appeared on his dark face. He was a little embarrassed!



The two of them won and lost, and the scene was a little anxious, and no one gave in!

9:8, the last ball, Bai Feng leads by one point.

It was Bai Feng's turn to attack, and both of them were sweating profusely.

But both of them had their eyes shining brightly.

And at this moment, Aomine Daiki felt that she had found the fun of basketball again!

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