Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 25: Target The Uselessness, Win The Victory, Exaggerate The Data!

The center and point guard of Panyan were equally confused at this time.

They both thought about how to respond to Bai Feng after responding to this ball.

But the next second, they were beaten back to reality.

The cruel reality, coupled with the exclamations of the audience for Bai Feng.

The players of Panyan Middle School all felt deep malice.

But they didn't have much time to comfort their hearts.

Because Bai Feng grabbed the ball firmly after the block.

After landing, he rushed towards the opponent's basket.

They tried their best to chase and defend, but Bai Feng's speed was too fast. Although his speed was not the first in the junior high school world.

But it was definitely in the top three. How could you let these opponents catch up with such a speed?

Bai Feng was getting farther and farther away in their eyes, and in the end they could only watch Bai Feng fly and dunk.

Bai Feng jumped high, and his whole body stretched out in the air.

The graceful dunk action made the audience fascinated and cheered again.

They felt that Bai Feng's playing was too beautiful, it was simply beautiful as a painting!

"Bang!!" The sound of the explosion resounded throughout the stadium through the loudspeaker!

Followed by a fierce response from the scene!

"Good shot!"

"So handsome!"

"Ah, I can't take it anymore. Who is this little brother? I want his contact information now."




The game continued, and most of the first quarter had passed.

At this time, the score was 25:8.

At this time, the Jianguang team, led by Bai Feng, had already occupied an absolute advantage.

As for the eight points scored by the opponent, Bai Feng actually had no way.

After all, basketball is a team sport. No matter how strong he is personally and how much he leans towards the team.

It can't really improve the hard power of his teammates, especially his teammates' defensive ability.

In this case, it is understandable that the opponent deliberately avoids Bai Feng's attack and lets him score one or two goals occasionally.

No matter how powerful Bai Feng is, it is impossible for him to defend 5 people in the whole game.

The game was played like this, and the players on his side were getting better and better, but the morale of Panyan Middle School was seriously affected.

Seeing that it couldn't continue like this, the coach of the opponent also called a timeout in time.

In fact, the coach of the other team was also anxious, and the rhythm was out of control. He was shouting anxiously on the sidelines.

It was somewhat useful at the beginning, but gradually the players on the field could not hear his command.

In the intense atmosphere on the scene, the Panyan players ended up in a daze.

Panyan bald coach: "You can't continue like this, you have to..."

"...Keep an eye on the opponent, if one is not enough, two will double-team them."

The bald coach arranged a new tactic and gave them a strong boost.

Let these players regain motivation.

And here in Jianguang, coach Ham was not panicked from beginning to end.

He sat in the coaching seat with a calm look, not panicking at all.

He felt that being a coach was too simple, just handing the ball to the star player.

Why is it so troublesome, Ham looked at the bald opponent.

He showed a disdainful expression and snorted.

Then he looked at Bai Feng again, and his expression changed instantly.

He asked gently: "Feng, are you tired? Do you need to come down and rest for a while?"

Bai Feng shook his head.

"Haha, that's good."


When both sides came back on the court, Bai Feng felt that the opponent's mental outlook had changed.

He also became a little interested. After all, if the opponent had no fighting spirit, the whole game would be really boring.

What's the point of scoring alone? At least give some response, even if it's just a shout.

Bai Feng held the ball as usual, and the opponent really changed his strategy.

The opponent's power forward No. 14 on the left side directly stepped forward and double-teamed him with the bald No. 12.

The opponent's defensive intensity did not make Bai Feng panic.

On the contrary, this was the most familiar form of defense for Bai Feng, and the opponent defended him like this.

Only in this way can Bai Feng's style of play that connects the entire team be fully activated.

The opponent fell into his own trap step by step.

Bai Feng did not hesitate and moved directly to the right, bringing the two defenders over.

Suddenly, he accelerated and made physical contact with the opponent, who couldn't hold on.

Bai Feng successfully broke through and entered the three-point line, with a terrifying momentum.

The opponent's center had to defend, and in an instant attracted three people to defend him.

Seeing this, Bai Feng instantly turned on the Beyond Vision to deduce. In an instant, he simulated many possible situations that might happen next.

Without hesitation, he immediately selected the most stable offensive route.

"Snap!" Ground pass.

Under the siege of three opponents, the basketball seemed to have eyes and found a tricky route.

Successfully appeared in the hands of Dahe on the left.

After Dahe received the ball, he took two steps.

"Swish!" The basketball went in.

The whole audience was in an uproar. The audience, coaches, and players were all shocked by this artistic operation at this moment.

They didn't expect that Bai Feng was so calm. Under the double-team of three people.

He could still pass such an assist, which was like a surgical knife.

You say that you have good physical fitness and can run and jump, and everyone can barely understand it.

After all, among so many people, it is normal to occasionally have one or two.

But it is rare to show such skills and mentality at such a young age.

The reporters at the scene took pictures.

At this moment, they couldn't help but feel lucky that they didn't leave after Teikō finished the game, otherwise how could they find a player like Bai Feng.

The star of tomorrow has appeared!



The rhythm of the subsequent game was led by Bai Feng.

The bald coach of the other side racked his brains to think of various countermeasures, but to no avail.

In the end, he could only sigh and attribute it to the difference in the strength of the players.

"Beep!" The game ended.

The score was 140:40.

Bai Feng's personal data was 56 points, 27 assists, 13 steals and 20 rebounds. This data blinded the eyes of the reporters, and they had already thought about how to write the manuscript.

"Shock! A genius once in N years appears in the basketball world!" "Explosion, epic data appears"...

And other exaggerated headlines emerged in their minds one by one, waiting to write the content. This time, the reporters did not stay and left quickly, for fear that their peers would rob them of traffic.

The exaggerated score difference made the audience speechless. They watched two games.

The score difference is so huge. Is this year's national competition so exciting?

At the same time, at the back of the audience stands, three people stood outside the guardrail.

They were Satsuki, Aomine, and Kise.

Aomine was dragged here by Satsuki and Kise. He didn't want to come because in Aomine's opinion, there was no point in watching a game that Bai Feng could win with his butt.

But he couldn't resist the request of the two and followed them.

After watching, the three of them were very emotional.

Satsuki's face was flushed.

Aomine's blood was boiling.

Kise was excited.

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