Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 29: Right To Strike Last? Show Your Aggressiveness First!

The game started with tension and anticipation.

The two sides came forward to compete for the ball, and they were all centers in their respective teams.

Their heights were outrageous. Shota was 2 meters tall, but Zhang Heng was even more outrageous.

In contrast, he was even five centimeters taller than Shota.

Such static talent was simply the ceiling level in junior high school.

There was no need to consider technology and dynamic running and jumping ability.

They were the first to be cultivated in the domestic youth training team.

Shota was a little nervous. He rarely encountered opponents taller than himself, which made him a little uncomfortable.

The referee threw the ball into the air.

"Pah!" As expected, the ball was taken by the opponent.

Zhang Heng patted the basketball to the black man No. 10 in their team. The black man played as a forward, a little far from Bai Feng.

At the moment he patted the basketball to his teammate, Zhang Heng ran directly to the penalty area.

The whole process was so smooth, as if it had been rehearsed in advance, which made Shota unable to react for a while.

But then, he chased after him with all his strength, and the two began a new round of competition under the basket.

The black man on the other side did not pass the ball to the point guard, but to the white guy No. 9.

He quickly controlled the ball and passed the half court, and Bai Feng did not step forward to defend him.

Because his teammates had already found their respective opponents.

Just the next second, "whoosh!".

The black man actually passed the ball, and passed it to Zhang Heng under the basket.

After Zhang Heng received the ball, he leaned against Shota with his footsteps very rhythmically.

He shook Shota out of his way while shaking left and right, and then jumped up and prepared to shoot.

But the next moment, the power forward Taiga came from the side to make up for the defense.

"Don't even think about it!"

While shouting, his arm also swung at the ball in Zhang Heng's hand.

Just as he was about to block the shot, the next second, Zhang Heng's big hands actually held the ball firmly in his hands like a pair of pliers.

He actually changed the direction of his shot.


Kanagawa International Middle School scored the first goal.

Bai Feng saw clearly from outside the three-point line just now that the core of the opponent's team was Zhang Heng.

Without the outside line being formed, he passed the ball directly to the center.

This surprised him a little. He originally thought that their core was the old black man or the white man.

The result was like this, but after seeing Zhang Heng's outstanding static talent, he could understand it.

After all, he was really excellent.

Moreover, Bai Feng also saw the details of Zhang Heng's attack.

First of all, the opponent's footsteps were very simple and efficient. It was this footsteps technique that shook Shota away.

But in Bai Feng's view, this was not the brightest point of the opponent.

The last finishing move made Bai Feng's eyes light up. He suddenly found that Zhang Heng's palm was very big.

It was enough to hold the ball firmly, which made him more calm in the aerial battle.

He could adjust the shooting position by holding the ball, or pass the ball.

Bai Feng suddenly thought of Muji Tieping of Seirin High School. The opponent had such a talent.

What is it called, the privilege of shooting after the shot?

After the opponent scored the goal, he ran back to defend.

Shota stood at the baseline, ready to serve Bai Feng, but he was a little annoyed now, blaming himself for not defending the opponent well, and actually lost points from him first.

Bai Feng saw that the other party looked wrong, and after receiving the serve.

Bai Feng dribbled the ball slowly while saying to Shota: "Don't worry, it's just one ball. Pay more attention to the ball that will be passed to you."

Bai Feng's calm tone always makes people feel at ease.

After hearing this, Shota also recovered.

"No problem, Feng."



Bai Feng was actually thinking about how to play this game well the moment the system task appeared.

Now, he finally decided on a strategy.

That is, show your aggressiveness first.

Only in this way can you attract more defense and pass more open balls to your teammates.

Bai Feng believes that a good point guard must be aggressive.

And this aggressiveness cannot be low. Looking at the famous point guards in the NBA, which one does not have a great scoring ability.

Curry's three-pointer, Irving's finish, Iverson's breakthrough.

So if you want to assist, you must first have offensive ability.

Of course, this example excludes "base does not shoot".

Bai Feng dribbled the ball through the midfield, and the opponent's No. 9 white man came forward to defend.

Although he was not as tall as Bai Feng, he was only a few centimeters away.

From the perspective of height alone, he was not at a disadvantage.

Watching Bai Feng come forward, he couldn't help but want to taunt: "I heard you got..."

Under the arrogant expression, when he was about to use the data Bai Feng had obtained before as a topic.

Bai Feng had already leaned over to break through to the right, and had no time to listen to his nonsense.

The opponent was in a sloppy posture, with flaws all over his body.

Bai Feng did not deliberately move the opponent's center of gravity, but he had a weakness.

Bai Feng would not be too polite to him for being so casual in the game.

Bai Feng even disliked the opponent's attitude.

When breaking through on the right side, Bai Feng deliberately gave a confrontation on the weakness.


The white man on the other side staggered and retreated, and his arrogant expression could not be maintained at this moment, and turned into a confused face.

After Bai Feng broke through, there was no one defending in front.

He rushed to the vicinity of the penalty area with big strides, and then blew the ball vigorously, ready to take off with the ball.

But the next moment, the opponent's center Zhang Heng pushed out.

Seeing this, Bai Feng temporarily changed his strategy, he was not going to dunk.

He wanted to shoot against the opponent and expand his threat range.

In this way, he would be more afraid of the opponent in the next game, so as to assist his teammates.

Without hesitation, after the ball was combined, Bai Feng directly shot against Zhang Heng.

Zhang Heng also jumped up in time to block the shot, although he had a large defensive area.

However, Bai Feng's dynamic talent is better than his, and he is even higher than him after jumping high.

Even in the air, he turned on [Core Confrontation], and the core power surged in an instant, which greatly increased Bai Feng's air time.

Knowing that Zhang Heng was falling, Bai Feng shot.


The basketball hit the net, a hollow ball!

The crisp sound of the goal made all the opposing players a little confused.

It went in just now? You just jumped directly against our big center?

Zhang Heng was shocked, and he was stunned by Bai Feng's air stay.

Brother, you just face me like this, don't I have face, where is the fellow villager?

The audience at the scene also remembered the fierce cheers at this time. They were ignited from the beginning when Bai Feng's violent breakthrough.

At this time, he finally exclaimed after scoring.

"Fuck, this ball is so cool."

"He jumped so high, even higher than the opponent's center."

"The little brother is so handsome"


Satsuki, Midorima, Kise, Kuroko, they didn't have a game today, and the four of them came to watch Jianguang's game.

As soon as they entered the court, they were greeted by enthusiastic cheers!

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