Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 32: The Emperor In Control Of The Scene, End

The opposing coach has now returned to his original state, expressionless.

This is not because he is confident, but because he is numb.

It can be said that he has thought of countless ways, and the players on the court have strictly implemented them.

But what he got in return is a deep sense of powerlessness.

Jianguang's point guard is too strong, and this strength is far from being limited by one or two targeted tactics.

The more they play, the more desperate they are, and the coach is still like this.

The players on the court can be imagined, one by one, like puppets, their faces have long been unable to make extra expressions.

They just hope that time will pass quickly and the game will end quickly.

This numb state, in the eyes of Jianguang players, actually gave rise to the idea of ​​ending the game quickly.

At this moment, they can finally understand Bai Feng's deep disgust for opponents who have lost their fighting spirit.

It's really boring, there is no resistance at all, what's the point of playing this game.

In fact, apart from Bai Feng, the average strength of the opponents is stronger than that of Jianguang, if the opponent's fighting spirit is still there.

At least they can occasionally score on Bai Feng's teammates.

But now, except for center Zhang Heng, the rest of the opponents have already surrendered.

Fortunately, it is the fourth quarter and it will end soon.

In the current atmosphere of the game, the audience in the stands are relatively quiet.

After shouting for the whole game, they are really tired, especially some female fans.

They all feel like their throats are stabbed and very uncomfortable.

It just so happens that the game on the field is not fierce now, so they can follow it slowly.

Although his mouth is still, his eyes are very bright, and he closely follows Bai Feng on the field.

On the other side of the stands, a man with glasses has eyes that are no less than these female fans.

This man is the assistant coach of Kainan High School. The next moment, his mobile phone rang.

After he took it out, he saw that the caller was the head coach, and he picked it up immediately.

While looking at the court, he excitedly said to the other side of the phone: "Coach, we must get him."

"I am sure he will be the answer to Kainan's team building in the next three years!"

"You don't know, the whole game was controlled by Bai Feng. If I have to describe it, there are only two words."

"That is, emperor!"

On the other side of the phone, Kainan's head coach heard the news from his assistant.

He also fell into a long contemplation, especially after the other party said the word "emperor".

This made him think of the genius of Kainan High School more than ten years ago, when the other party also had the title of emperor.



"Beep!" The game is over!

156:60, this exaggerated score difference is not much different from Jianguang's last game.

When everything was over, the opponents were not sad or unwilling, but most of them showed a look of relief.

Bai Feng looked at it and it seemed that only Zhang Heng had an ugly face among the opponents.

He did not go forward to comfort him. He went forward to comfort the other party just after winning the victory, which seemed a bit inappropriate.

Let the other side take a break.

Unlike the dead silence of the losing players, the audience, who had been silent for a long time, gave the warmest applause.

They all felt that it was worth it today to see such a wonderful game.

"Well played."

"Keep going!"

"So handsome, he looked here."


The people of Teikō calmed down at this time.

They are also people who have seen big scenes, and it can be said that after every game.

The score difference between the two sides is more outrageous than Bai Feng's game.

As long as they want, they can even make the opponent score in single digits.

But this is normal, after all, they are all members of the Miracle Era, and the rest of Bai Feng's teammates are just ordinary.

Just when everyone was about to pack up and leave.

Suddenly Kuroko Tetsuya said faintly: "Did he break Akashi's record?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, of course not because they were scared by Kuroko's sudden words.

Instead, they were shocked by what Kuroko said.

Break Akashi record? What record?

Kuroko continued: "Akashi once scored 41 assists in a single game, if the statistics on the field are correct."

"Bai Feng scored 56 assists in the whole game this time!"

Perhaps because of the point guard, Kuroko remembered Akashi's data very detailed.

When he told the detailed data, everyone was a little dazed, and didn't know what to think for a while.

Of course, they knew that Akashi's record being broken didn't mean anything.

However, there was always a sense of unreality.

After all, Akashi was too special in their hearts.

It can be said that among the members of the Age of Miracles, who had the greatest impact on their growth.

Then there must be two people, the first is Aomine Daiki.

Then, Akashi Seijuro.

The former was the first among them to awaken his talent, and then he publicly refused to train, and even got the tacit approval of the coach.

After awakening his second personality, the latter made the entire team only have victory in his eyes.

It can be said that these two people have a very special status in the hearts of everyone in Miracle.

Now someone actually beat Akashi on the court in terms of data, even so, they were speechless for a while.

Satsuki looked back at Bai Feng in the field. She felt that Bai Feng was like a bottomless pit that could never be dug.

She felt familiar with him in the previous second, but in the next second, Bai Feng showed her something new that she could not imagine.

Satsuki's beautiful eyes were rolling, and she didn't know what she was thinking, and her face turned red.



"Thank you for your advice!!"

"Thank you for your advice!!"

The two teams shook hands and greeted each other.

Just as they were about to return to the locker room, Bai Feng was stopped by Zhang Heng.

Zhang Heng smiled and said, "Bai Feng, you are really amazing. I have never seen such a strong opponent like you."

Bai Feng: "It seems that you have adjusted your state, haha."

"Hey, don't worry, I am very strong in my heart."


After the two exchanged contact information, they returned to the locker room.

Bai Feng is actually very excited now, at the end of the game.

The prompt sound of the task completion came to his mind.

Bai Feng wanted to feel the lottery now to see what he could shake out this time.

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