Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 39: Offense And Defense, Long Pass

Kise took the ball smoothly, his eyes were shining.

He felt that he had been waiting for this day for a long time.

After being defeated by Bai Feng, Kise had been training like a devil.

He thought that when he met Bai Feng again, he must succeed in revenge.

The hard training during this period was not in vain.

Kise felt that he had made great progress.

He was sure that if he returned to the training match with his current strength.

Then Bai Feng would definitely lose!



Under the expectant eyes of the audience, Kise controlled the ball and advanced.

Bai Feng had already returned to his own half and stood in a defensive position.

His concentration at this time was raised to the extreme, and he was waiting for Aomine's fierce attack.

As a result, he found that it was Kise who attacked this time.

Bai Feng was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted.

The reason why Kise held the ball was probably because the opponent was still obsessed with the defeat in the last training match.

He wanted to challenge himself again.

However, their casual attitude.

This also verified Jianguang's analysis of them, that is, they fought on their own without any tactical arrangements.

This situation is very beneficial to Bai Feng, he just needs to try his best to limit the threat of the ball handler.

Kise has already crossed the half court with the ball.

His smile and bright eyes just now are long gone.

Instead, he has a very serious and earnest look.

In this way, Kise walked towards Bai Feng step by step.

Getting closer and closer, Bai Feng can also feel the momentum emanating from the other party.

It must be said that from the perspective of momentum alone, Kise has indeed improved a lot compared to before.

Kise is in front of Bai Feng at this time.

He dribbled the ball sideways to prevent Bai Feng from stealing it.

While looking at Bai Feng, he said seriously with a blank expression: "I have been looking forward to this day for a long time. You can't be my opponent this time."

Bai Feng actually felt a little ridiculous when he heard him say this.

Bai Feng could see that Kise should have made progress, and it was very big.

However, while Kise was making progress, others were not standing still. Is it possible that Bai Feng's improvement speed is faster than his?

Bai Feng chuckled and said, "Really? Then let me see. Don't let me slap you in the face again."

When Bai Feng said this, he deliberately revealed a contemptuous attitude.

This made the perceptive Kise feel it directly, and he felt that he was looked down upon.

Suddenly, Kise felt that Bai Feng had not changed at all.

The ability to mess with people's mentality was as strong as ever.

Kise suppressed the irritation that was provoked in his heart.

He was ready to attack, and directly adjusted his body, which was originally sideways, to a posture facing Bai Feng.

Bai Feng suddenly felt a sense of oppression, and he knew that Kise was going to start.

The next second, in the expectant eyes of everyone in the audience.

Kise began to perform an extremely aggressive dribbling technique.

His rhythm, speed, amplitude, and all aspects were very perfect, and this perfection also made the audience exclaim.

They felt that it was too beautiful, just like a painting.

Bai Feng also had to sigh at the opponent's skills. Kise had indeed transformed compared to two months ago.

Bai Feng actually saw the shadows of many people in the opponent's figure.

This included Teikō's and even his own.

Kise's offensive became more and more fierce as everyone was amazed, constantly trying to break through Bai Feng.

However, Bai Feng was not a pushover, and his defense was very successful.

Kise was unable to find a good attacking point for a while.

But this was normal, and the two put aside their experience.

With just physical talent, Bai Feng was able to beat the opponent at this time.

His height and arm span completely crushed Kise, allowing Kise to deal with a larger defensive range.

The two of them actually formed a stalemate at this moment.

During this period, Bai Feng also tried to use his long arms to interfere and steal the basketball from the opponent.

But every time Kise reacted in time.

Bai Feng didn't want to continue with the opponent at this time. He had already figured out some of Kise's habits, and he was ready to end this round quickly.

Then Bai Feng directly turned on [Beyond Vision] and then performed a deduction.

The scene after 0.5 seconds suddenly appeared in his mind, and Bai Feng had already seen through Kise's next move.

In Bai Feng's deduction, Kise will make a fake move of dribbling under the left crotch in the next step.

Bai Feng is ready to play the game against Kise.

As expected, Kise performed a crotch dribble according to the plot in the deduction.

Seeing this, Bai Feng hurriedly cooperated with him and defended to Kise's left side, pretending to be deceived.

However, Bai Feng still had enough strength in the dark, enough to defend in the next moment.

The way Bai Feng was shaken was instantly reflected in Kise's eyes.

This surprised him greatly, and a smile appeared on his face.

Finally! Finally I found the flaw.

Kise directly pulled back the ball in his left hand and broke through to the right without hesitation.

When Kise felt that he had passed Bai Feng, he felt that the sky was clear.

Just when he was excited to break into the penalty area and complete a dunk.

Suddenly, a very dangerous feeling came from the side.

At this moment, Kise felt that he was stared at by a beast.

That's right, Bai Feng covered him again, or the opponent never escaped his defense from beginning to end.

Bai Feng directly stretched out his arm, aiming directly at the basketball in the opponent's hand.

This time, under Bai Feng's deliberate calculation, Kise finally panicked.

He knew that if he didn't make a change, he would be intercepted immediately.

In a hurry, Kise could only jump up and shoot without hesitation.

However, Bai Feng followed closely and completed the jump almost synchronously with Kise's movements.

Moreover, Bai Feng's static talent was better than the opponent's. At this moment, Kise only felt that Bai Feng was shrouding his eyes.

He could not see a trace of the basket in his field of vision.

"Bang!!" Directly blocked the shot.

Bai Feng sent a loud hot pot to Kise.

In Bai Feng's eyes, Kise and Aomine were treated the same.

This scene that happened in a short time made the audience present boil again.

They felt that their throats would be ruined after watching this game today.

"Fuck! Fuck!"

"So cool!"

"I thought Bai Feng was broken through, who would have thought..."

"Suddenly I realized that Bai Feng's strength is no less than that of the Miracle Era."

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"


Bai Feng was not affected by the atmosphere on the scene. He calmly grabbed the ball into his hands.

When preparing for a fast break, the God Realm of [Beyond Vision] suddenly discovered that Shota had already run to the other side.

In this case, Bai Feng did not hesitate.

He grabbed the basketball with one hand and threw it directly to Shota.

The basketball drew a yellow line on the court!

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