Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 41: I'll Show You How To Dunk Right Now

Murasakibara was hanging firmly on the basket at this time, and the whole person was like a beast.

Under his unparalleled strength, both Taiga and Shota were knocked to the ground.

At this moment, the two looked up at Murasakibara, and they felt that he was like a cannibal. Is he really the same age as them?

At the same time, the audience in the stadium also burst into deafening cheers.

"Too violent!"

"Brutal, Jianguang and the other two seemed to be raped!"

"Why do I feel that he can tear the basket off!"


Back in the court, Kise was not in a good mood at this time, although they scored.

But the ball was not thrown in by him, and he was even defended just now.

I don't know if others saw him, but Kise felt it clearly. When he shot the ball at the end, Bai Feng touched it again.

This was unacceptable to Kise. He felt that he could miss the shot, but he couldn't be blocked.

Two consecutive shots were successfully defended by Bai Feng.

He was extremely incredible!

How could Bai Feng be so strong? Obviously, he shouldn't be able to beat him now.

Even if the opponent has improved during this period, how can he be faster than him?

He Kise is a real genius. As long as he is given time, there is nothing he can't surpass. But what's wrong now?

Just when Kise was in a daze, Aomine Daiki walked to his side.

His tone was straightforward: "If you are only at this level, don't waste time." After Aomine finished speaking, he seemed to feel that his tone was a bit too harsh.

He softened his tone and said: "Next, it's the guy's turn to attack. If he can't defend, let me go."

After that, Aomine didn't care about Kise's emotions and ran back directly.

After hearing Aomine's words, Kise's face suddenly became a little embarrassed, and it turned red and blue.

However, Kise was also stimulated by Aomine, and felt that his potential had burst out at this time, and he would not lose.

Kise: "I was just careless just now, which is just like a warm-up."

"I will defend you right away."

Attack and defense change, Bai Feng holds the ball.

Under the gaze of the whole audience, he calmly controls the ball and moves forward.

Bai Feng thought of Murasakibara's dunk just now. He felt that this game would be very difficult, because he could not give the opponent any chance. Once Bai Feng let the basketball escape from his field of vision, his teammates would not be able to count on him at all.

Bai Feng must completely block the opponent on the defensive end and not give the opponent any chance, so that he can maintain a stalemate. Otherwise, the opponent will soon pull away from the score.

Bai Feng looked at the Teikō people in front of him. The opponent was very strong.

Each of them looked like a monster, but at this time, Bai Feng did not feel timid, but was full of expectations.

Bai Feng felt that this was fun. Compared with the previous game, he could really experience the real fun of old basketball now.

"Haha, since this game is going to be a thorough offense, let's see how strong your defensive gate is!" Bai Feng's eyes skipped Kise and looked at Atsushi Murasakibara under the basket.

Bai Feng dribbled past half court and was standing at the top of the three-point arc.

Kise had already approached him, his face full of seriousness.

Seeing his expression, Bai Feng couldn't help but want to tease him.

Bai Feng raised his lips and said: "Don't be so nervous, what are you afraid of?"

"Relax, you still have teammates behind you."

Bai Feng looked at Kise, but his mouth pointed at Murasakibara behind Kise.

Kise: "I'm not afraid, come on!"

He was already in a bad mood, and was verbally disturbed by Bai Feng again, which made him even more unhappy.

Seeing this, Bai Feng no longer hesitated and started to break through directly.

In the previous two rounds, Bai Feng had already felt the strength of Kise.

Bai Feng understood the talent of the opponent, but he was not good enough now.

Bai Feng directly activated [Beyond Vision] and quickly changed his crotch.

The speed was very fast, but it was acceptable in Kise's eyes, but Bai Feng's excellent static talent made it difficult for Kise to defend.

Because Bai Feng's arm span was too long, the range of his movements was also exaggerated.

In just a moment, Kise had a flaw.

In Bai Feng's eyes, a glittering puzzle appeared on Kise's right thigh, which was the weakness!

Bai Feng did not give the opponent a chance to adjust his center of gravity, and took advantage of his weakness to kill him!

Bai Feng quickly burst out and passed the opponent in an instant.

Kise also gritted his teeth and burst out, and actually made his body that lost its center of gravity adjust again.

Seeing that he did not give up completely, Bai Feng directly activated [Core Confrontation] and hit Kise hard.

In the sudden confrontation, Kise took several steps back.

At this point, Bai Feng had no obstacles around him, and he burst out with his full speed of 90 points and rushed to the basket!

Bai Feng was already at the edge of the three-second zone, where the hit rate displayed in [King's Domain] was as high as 100%.

If he shot at this point, he would definitely hit the target, but Bai Feng looked at Atsushi Murasakibara under the basket, where the hit rate displayed in [King's Domain] dropped to 40%.

However, Bai Feng wanted to challenge the opponent and see how strong the opponent was.

He rushed directly to Murasakibara without any hesitation, and everyone was stunned by this sudden scene.

What was he going to do?

Before everyone could react properly, Bai Feng had already entered the restricted area and jumped directly at Murasakibara's tall body.

It looked like he was going to dunk him!

Murasakibara also reacted at this time. He was a little unbelievable. He didn't expect the opponent to provoke him so much, and he jumped directly to block the shot.

In the air, Bai Feng activated [Core Confrontation] to control stability, and then used [Beyond Vision] to deduce the next 0.5 seconds.

The deduced picture flashed before Bai Feng's eyes, and he already knew the opponent's next move.

Murasakibara's blocking route was thoroughly seen by Bai Feng, and then Bai Feng raised his left hand and burst out 88 points of strength.

He blocked the opponent's arm that was waving towards him.

This made Murasakibara's expression, which originally thought that he would definitely block the shot, change instantly.

He didn't expect Bai Feng to raise his arm, as if he had seen through his thoughts in advance.

Before Murasakibara had time to think about it in the air, he was suddenly hit by a huge force.


Dunk! Bai Feng dunked Murasakibara!

Even under the inertia of Bai Feng, he successfully flipped the opponent to the ground.

Murasakibara had never experienced this feeling before. He looked up at Bai Feng in the air from the ground and was stunned for a while.

At this time, countless people in the field were boiling, and Bai Feng's teammates were even more so.

After landing, Bai Feng couldn't control his emotions. He felt so damn good!


Bai Feng couldn't help but look at Murasakibara who was sitting on the ground and yelled.

At the same time, Taiga and Shota also rushed over. They were also excited. Bai Feng's shot boosted their morale and avenged them.

The excitement inside the court was even more so outside the court.

The audience couldn't control their emotions and shouted loudly!

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!!!!"

"Is Bai Feng's response ball so explosive?"

"Did you see it? Bai Feng deliberately challenged the basket!"

"He did it on purpose. He had a chance to shoot, but he didn't want to, and he went to dunk!"

"Too tricky, too cool!!"


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