The reaction of the girls around also stimulated the male fans.

In the second half of the first quarter, these boys were beaten by Bai Feng and couldn't say any trash talk.

But when the second quarter started, they saw Kise Ryōta on the court, and they were revived as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

They thought that with Kise, the miracle of the era, on the court, they would definitely be able to crush Bai Feng directly.

But just one ball made them open their mouths and choke.

It was like eating a dead rat, and they couldn't say a word.

At this time, the chattering of the girls came into their ears.

They immediately felt bored, as if their territory was invaded.

"What are you yelling about? This is a basketball hall. If you don't want to watch the game, get out!"

"Yeah, you don't know anything, what are you doing here."

"It has always been difficult to raise women. Can't you tell who to support?"

Facing the accusations of the boys, this group of female students was also not indulgent, and even more aggressive.



The ball was changed, and it was Teikō's turn to attack.

Kise originally played as a small forward, but now he took the initiative to hold the ball.

After his teammates at the baseline served the ball to Kise, they felt that Huang Lai's expression was a little strange.

When he was about to speak to comfort him carefully.

Kise said: "Okay, the ball just now was just careless."

"You guys do a good job of defense, leave it to me."

Kise quickly adjusted his state and showed his familiar sunny smile again.

When his teammates saw Kise like this, they also showed a relaxed attitude.

Sure enough, who is Kise? He is the top talent in the country, and only those who are on the same team with him are qualified to be his opponents.

The unknown player on the opposite side is indeed very strong.

But that depends on who he is compared with. He just scored a goal by chance. Wait for Kise to crush him.



Kise is very skilled in ball control, and it can be seen that he has a good ball.

The basketball is like glued to his hands.

Bai Feng stared at Kise intently, and the opponent's strength was enough for him to pay attention to.

In the last goal, although he successfully scored, and in the eyes of outsiders, he played quite cool.

But only the parties involved know the dangers, after reaching their level of strength.

Every move is a big game, and if you relax a little, you will be swept away by a wave.

Kise felt the same at this time, and even more than Bai Feng.

This made him feel like he was facing Aomine Daiki.

But even so, Kise did not intend to retreat, he was ready to fight back.

With a big wave of his hand, his teammates got the signal that he wanted to play alone, and tried to make space for Kise.

"I started playing basketball in the second grade of junior high school. After joining the basketball team, I stepped into the first team in a very short time."

"Competing with those perverts and becoming teammates, do you know what this means?"

At this moment, Kise restrained the warm smile on his face and became very aggressive.

The basketball in his right hand began to cross dribble with his left and right hands.

The footsteps also matched the trajectory of the basketball and began to change rhythmically.

The whole set of movements was smooth and dazzling.

And the speed was very fast, but under Bai Feng's defense, there was no chance for the opponent to attack.

But gradually, Bai Feng and the other players found something wrong.

When Kise was preparing to attack, this series of dribbling movements was so similar to Bai Feng's in the previous round.

It was like a one-to-one replica, of course, this is a bit exaggerated.

After all, the two people's bodies are different, and the technical movements they perform must have differences in speed and amplitude.

However, it really looks like it, especially the sense of rhythm, which is exactly the same.

After Bai Feng was puzzled, the corners of his mouth rose a little.

Just now, Kise threatened him before the attack started, and he thought the other party was going to give him some excitement!

Is this a crude imitation? It's too low in purity!

If Kise continues to play this trick in the future, Bai Feng has already thought of a way to crack it.

Sure enough, Kise intends to go all the way, so Bai Feng will not be polite.

When Kise imitated Bai Feng's crotch dribbling, he deliberately exposed a flaw.

Just like the action when Kise was shaken off by him in the last round, to some extent, Bai Feng was also imitating Kise at this time.

This scene fell into Kise's eyes, and he thought he had caught the opportunity.

He broke through directly to Bai Feng's weak side, but the next second was different from what he imagined.


The sound of the ball hitting the ball sounded, and the basketball had been stolen.


"How is it possible!"

Teikō's teammates couldn't believe it when they saw this scene. Kise's elegant style of play was so sharp.

How could it suddenly reverse the two poles!

Before they could think about it, Bai Feng had already pushed the ball and rushed out, and Bai Feng's teammates almost sprinted at the same time.

They were too familiar with Bai Feng. During normal training, Bai Feng often stole the ball from others like this, and then led them to counterattack quickly.

At this time, although they were facing Kise Ryōta, they also believed in Bai Feng unconditionally.

So, they counterattacked almost at the same time as Bai Feng, leaving the opposing defenders far behind.

The scene was a little weird for a while, and Teikō, except for Kise, almost did not keep up.

A weird 5-on-1 situation was formed.

Bai Feng controlled the ball and moved forward quickly, and the ball-guarding hand firmly stuck to Kise on his side, leaving him no room for stealing.

But Kise was obviously a little overwhelmed at this time.

"Don't even think about scoring!"

When the two were about to step into the penalty area, Kise suddenly burst out with a faster speed.

He was about to get stuck in front of Bai Feng, and the sudden acceleration surprised Bai Feng a little.

He didn't expect Kise to be able to speed up, worthy of this group of perverts!

However, Bai Feng didn't care, everything was in his calculation.

His mouth corners raised, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there seemed to be a spider web in his eyes.

Transcendence Vision was turned on, and everything on the court was seen from a God's perspective.

The situation was instantly mastered, and the offensive routes appeared in his mind like a mirror, and he deduced what might happen in 0.5 seconds.

Suddenly, Bai Feng made up his mind.

"Let's use this route!"

Bai Feng took two steps to lay up and jumped, his movements were easy and free, he grabbed the ball with his right hand, and pretended to shoot!

Such a casual action was like a free gift in Kise's eyes.

"I'll take this ball!" Kise opened the champagne in advance.

But the next second, Bai Feng threw the basketball in his right hand to the back of his head.

Then a black shadow shrouded Kise.

"Bang!" The heavy dunk sounded!

Center Dahe completed the air relay.

After tearing the basket, he landed steadily, and then he could no longer control his excitement.

He yelled: "Ahhh!!!"

"It's fucking awesome!"

While yelling, he stared at Kise Ryōta, giving the impression that he had unilaterally crushed Huang Lai.

However, visually, it really looked like Taiga had dunked over Kise.

Bai Feng found this scene somewhat funny, as if he was doing the hard work while Taiga was showing off.

However, seeing Kise being mocked like this, Bai Feng couldn't hold back.

Suddenly, he remembered Kise's provocative words to him just now.

Bai Feng said: "Does that mean you are a genius?"

His tone was somewhat teasing, accompanied by a faint smile on his face.

Kise's confused expression instantly turned red with shame and anger when he saw it in his eyes!

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