Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 50: Eliminated? Evolution Capsule

The game was over, although Jianguang lost.

But the audience at the scene all applauded him.

Of course, this applause was actually only for Bai Feng.

After all, everyone can see that it was under Bai Feng's leadership that Jianguang could fight so fiercely with the opponent throughout the game.

As for the final victory or defeat, it is actually not important to the audience who watched the entire game.

In the eyes of many people, this is a lone wolf vs. a group of mastiffs.

It was a wonderful game!



The two teams shook hands and thanked each other.

"Thank you for your advice!"

"Thank you for your advice!"

After everything was over, Bai Feng didn't have a particularly big psychological fluctuation.

He had actually thought about the result of losing a game a long time ago.

After all, as the captain, he knew the depth of his team very well.

In this high-end game, none of his teammates around him could help.

This made Bai Feng seem to be fighting alone throughout the game.

The existence of teammates was like just enough people to start the game.

The passing that he was usually proud of did not play out in this game.

In this game, Bai Feng only got one assist, and that was when Shota stole the ball while Murasakibara was in a daze.

However, Bai Feng did not blame his teammates, after all, they tried their best.

It was indeed a lack of strength, not a problem of attitude.

Moreover, there is no player in the entire Japanese junior high school world who can compete with the people of the "Miracle Era".

Thinking of this, Bai Feng sighed and regained his composure.

He looked at his teammates who were depressed at this time and shook his head.

Bai Feng: "Okay, everyone, since the game is over, don't think too much."

"It's tiring enough today, go back and have a good rest."

Just as Bai Feng was about to lead everyone to leave, Aomine Daiki came behind him.

Bai Feng saw the person coming, then told his teammates to go first, and then looked at Aomine.

Aomine looked at him carefully, and then said: "It seems that you are not affected."

Bai Feng smiled: "It should be you who is affected."

"Although the game was lost, I won the competition between us again."

Bai Feng smiled even more after saying this, and he didn't look like he lost the game at all.

Seeing this, Aomine also felt that he shouldn't care about this guy's mental state. How could such a person be sad because of losing?

However, with Aomine's personality, he couldn't say anything like "he didn't lose".

In his opinion, losing is losing.

Although Teikō won, that kind of victory was not worth mentioning in Aomine's opinion.

It was just a victory in the lineup, and had nothing to do with personal ability.

Aomine: "Next time, I will definitely win next time."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Bai Feng looked at the other party's figure going away, and was thinking about the contest with Aomine today.

To be honest, Bai Feng always felt that Aomine Daiki was the biggest threat among Teikō, and even slightly above Akashi.

After seeing Aomine's exaggerated speed, he could feel the threat from Aomine even more.

This guy, as long as you don't pay attention, will give you a fatal blow.

And this is Aomine who has been abandoned for a long time. If the other party hadn't wasted so much training time, what would his strength be now?

Thinking back to the second quarter, Aomine took the initiative in the game rhythm. Fortunately, Bai Feng withstood the pressure and completed the evolution.

Otherwise, they would be in a worse situation today, and they would not even be able to complete the system task.

Speaking of tasks, Bai Feng suddenly became excited.

Right after the game, Bai Feng got a reminder to complete the task.

It was this reminder that made Bai Feng quickly get out of the negative mood of losing the game.

He didn't rush to check it. It wouldn't be too late to watch it quietly after everything was over.

Thinking of this, Bai Feng didn't waste time and caught up with his teammates directly.

After returning to the locker room, his teammates were silent as Bai Feng expected.

Bai Feng could see that they were mostly feeling guilty.

As the captain, Bai Feng comforted them again, and finally everyone's mood recovered a little.

Today is a day of losing, so there is obviously no need to have a dinner party.

Everyone agreed, and then went to the bus to prepare for the return trip.

On the way back, the atmosphere was still dull at first.

However, driven by the lively Taiga, everyone started to laugh.

Just when the atmosphere was still good.

Shota, who had been silent, spoke up, and everyone fell into silence again: "Do you think we have another game later?"

This sentence made everyone realize a serious problem.

Because of today's loss, we might be eliminated directly.

Because the rules of each competition are different, sometimes the direct elimination rule is adopted, and sometimes the rule of the resurrection match is adopted.

The organizers of this event did not specify the specifics, and no one knows at present.

As for why they did not set all the rules before the game, it is unknown.

Maybe it is also to observe the attendance of the game, so that they can stop the loss in time.

Someone said: "It should continue."

"Yes, after all, we are so popular, they should arrange a resurrection match."


Everyone began to discuss.

Bai Feng did not join their topic, but directly immersed his mind in the system.

[Ding! Mission completed. ]

[81 points in a single game, successfully got the highest score in this game, and now the reward is issued. ]

[Successful issuance: draw once. ]


Bai Feng issued an order, and the familiar roulette wheel suddenly appeared in front of him.

The roulette wheel began to spin rapidly, and Bai Feng discovered many excellent abilities during the period.

However, they all passed by one by one, and Bai Feng regretted it.

The pointer finally stopped.

[Extraction completed: Skill Evolution Capsule]

[Skill Evolution Capsule: can upgrade any skill by one level. ]

Bai Feng looked at the reward this time and fell into deep thought.

This time he did not get any character-related ability, but instead got something auxiliary.

At first, Bai Feng was a little disappointed, but after a simple thought, he felt that this reward should not be bad.

After all, if he draws the character skills in Blue Prison again, what can he get?

Bai Feng thought about this problem seriously, and finally concluded that he would get offensive skills again.

After all, the Blue Prison animation is full of egoists.

After obtaining [King's Domain], Bai Feng actually doesn't need offensive abilities, and his current personal offensive ability is already very powerful.

So now this capsule of evolutionary ability is very good.

Bai Feng began to think about which ability to use this evolution opportunity for.

Without too much entanglement, Bai Feng made a decision.

It must be [Beyond Vision], after all, this is his foundation.

As for the skill [Core Confrontation], Bai Feng has never thought about it, after all, it is enough.

I just hesitated for a moment in front of the [King's Domain], but I didn't waver in the end.

This time you only have one chance to evolve, so I can only wait until next time to upgrade you.

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