Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 56: At This Time, You Will Definitely Be Elected!

While Bai Feng was still immersed in his own changes.

At this time, Bai Feng's teammates could not control their excitement.

Whether it was the teammates on the field or on the bench, even Coach Ham, they all rushed directly to Bai Feng.

Then they surrounded Bai Feng and threw him high into the air!

"A Feng, we finally entered the national competition!"

"Seniors are so awesome!"

"Enter the national competition!!"


Bai Feng was a little confused by the sudden enthusiasm of his teammates, but then he was also infected by everyone's emotions.

His mood was completely immersed in the crazy celebration of everyone!

At the same time, the reporters outside the field also captured this precious moment.

"Click, click!"

At the same time, Midorima Shintarō, Kise Ryōta, and Satsuki Momoi in the stands were watching all this.

They Teikō Junior High had already determined that they would qualify as the first seed in the Kanto region and enter the national competition.

So they also had time to come to watch the game today, and for them, Bai Feng is always special.

Although Bai Feng's team lost to Teikō, it was precisely because of this that they knew more clearly how strong Bai Feng was.

That was an opponent that was not inferior to the level of the 'Miracle Era'.

Especially seeing the current Bai Feng, he had grown to a height of 2 meters in just one month.

This made them feel the purity of Bai Feng even more.

Midorima and Kise both felt solemn at the same time.

Midorima looked at the Jianguang people celebrating in the field at this time, and a light appeared on his glasses.

The whole person was also immersed in memories. Once upon a time, they were just like Jianguang, and they were all excited to jump up and down for a victory.

But now, no matter how many games they won, they had no passion at all.

At this moment, Midorima Shintarō actually felt a little envious in his heart.

But then, he touched the glasses on his nose with his fingers.

He said calmly and steadily: "There's nothing to see, let's go, Kise!"

Kise: "Ah, ah? Xiaozhen is leaving now!"

Regardless of what Midorima thinks of Bai Feng, Kise alone said that this guy has already regarded Bai Feng as the second target to be defeated.

Kise actually has no hostility towards this opponent who defeated him twice.

Instead, he recognized and appreciated him. At this time, the opponent he recognized won, and he was thinking about congratulating him in person.

Unexpectedly, Midorima is so ignorant of the ways of the world.

Midorima Shintarō said coldly: "Put away your extra thoughts. What identity do you want to appear in front of him?"

"Winner? Challenger?"

"Humph, as expected, Cancer should not appear with yellow hair today."

After saying that, Midorima left without caring about Kise and Satsuki behind him.

After hearing what his teammates said, Kise also became serious.

Yes, it doesn't seem appropriate for him to go there now, and thinking of Bai Feng's foul mouth.

He will definitely not get any good results. If he tries to please Bai Feng, he will be in trouble.

Moreover, since Bai Feng has entered the national competition, it proves that they will definitely have another competition.

Then, they will meet in person!

Kise lowered his eyes and said calmly, "Let's wait for a while. We will meet again!"

"This time, I won't lose again..."

After sorting out his thoughts, Kise chased after Midorima.

Satsuki ignored the two of them. She was quietly looking at Bai Feng in the field with a blush on her face.

She originally wanted to meet Bai Feng, but after being reminded by Midorima, she felt it was inappropriate and suppressed the idea in her heart.

During this period, she would not miss almost every game of Bai Feng.

After following up, she found that Bai Feng was really like a black hole, with new changes in every game.

She couldn't see where the limit was at all, which fascinated her.

Moreover, just after the game, Satsuki keenly felt that Bai Feng seemed to have changed again.

At this moment, she looked at the tall figure surrounded by the crowd, and felt that the other person was so attractive to the crowd.

And once she looked at him, she couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

As she looked at him, Satsuki's face became redder, and her legs couldn't help but clamped together.



After everyone vented their excitement.

They also thanked each other as usual.

The other party's sad and defeated look formed a sharp contrast with Bai Feng and the others at this time.

However, the pitiful look of the other party fell into Bai Feng's eyes, and he couldn't raise the slightest fluctuation in his heart.

He has been accustomed to the state of his opponent during this period of time.

And every time after the game, the outside media would consolidate his title of "tyrant".

Over time, Bai Feng's heart has been completely cultivated into stone!

Everything in the knockout round is over, and they have confirmed the final qualifying place.

When everyone was about to leave the player tunnel.

The audience cheered and applauded again!

"You played well!"

"Come on, Bai Feng!"

"I'm counting on you. Keep going after you enter the nationals!"

"I'll always keep an eye on you. Come on!"

"Honey, look here~"


Bai Feng was not arrogant. He smiled and raised his right hand to respond to the fans who supported him!

At this moment, Bai Feng felt satisfied. Today he fulfilled his promise and won the support of the fans.

He felt that his life was more fulfilling.

In his previous life, Bai Feng had heard such a saying, 'Life is nothing more than living a few moments.'

Although Bai Feng did not agree with this saying, if he had to choose a few moments,

At this time, he would definitely be elected!

Bai Feng took off his jersey and threw it to the audience, amid the scramble of many fans.

He turned and walked into the passage, gradually disappearing.

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