Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 81: Limitations Under The Same-Frequency Defense, Steal!

After Bai Feng scored the goal, the audience burst into fierce shouts. They were all amazed at Jianguang's cooperation in the offense. It was just like flowing water. There was not even a trace of stagnation when the players moved. It was as if the five players on the court completely shared the same brain. This was completely different from Jianguang's previous playing style. At this time, Ichiro Kobayashi from Changteng Middle School, who had played against Jianguang before, was in the stands. After seeing this ball, a look of painful memories appeared on his face. Then he took a long breath. He said to the people around him who didn't know: "It's this kind of thing. Bai Feng used this kind of cooperation at the beginning, so that we suppressed it in the last quarter and didn't even score a goal." The Changteng substitute player next to him also knew that his predecessor was autistic after being beaten by Bai Feng. As a result, he didn't recover for a long time. This time, the team came to watch Bai Feng play to summarize the "283" game, and it was a decision made after a lot of psychological struggle. Afterwards, Kobayashi Ichiro ignored the players beside him.

He said to himself: "After that game, you always asked me how I felt."

"I can only say two words, powerless."

"In that kind of cooperation, you seem to be defending only one person, but in fact you are playing against five people at the same time.

"I can only say that Jianguang's five players will be completely integrated with Bai Feng!"


In the court, when Jianguang scored a goal easily through team cooperation.

Teikō and the others fell into disbelief.

There is no way, Jianguang's offensive method this time is really beyond their previous cognition.

If it is said that this ball was just scored by Bai Feng in a singles, then they would not be like this.

Because Bai Feng has already shown his strength, they have been mentally prepared for this.

But just now, the other four third-rate players of Jianguang also showed something they didn't expect.

The extreme running position with Bai Feng as the core is like they can read each other's thoughts.

It's really incredible.

This is something new they have never seen on the basketball court before.

The score at this time is 74:52.

When Bai After Feng completed the aerial relay to his teammates, he led them back to their own half.

He didn't care about Murasakibara's angry face after being tricked.

Bai Feng could clearly feel that his physical strength was beginning to decline more severely.

He could only immerse himself in the game at this time, and had no time to use trash talk to influence his opponent's thoughts.

When Murasakibara was still immersed in the shame of being blocked by a small fish, and had not recovered his calm.

Suddenly, he heard Akashi's cold voice: "Murasakibara, serve quickly!"

Akashi's mood at this time was actually not much better than Murasakibara's, but it was not visible in Akashi's unchanging expression.

But for several teammates who knew him best.

Everyone could clearly feel that Sendong was really angry.

When Akashi got the basketball again, Akashi changed his previous calm style of playing like a robot.

He rushed through the midfield and came to Bai in the blink of an eye. Feng's front.

When the two met again.

The originally noisy voices in the stadium faded.

Because everyone felt a dangerous sense of oppression from Akashi at this moment.

Combined with Akashi's experience in the previous round, they could understand.

After all, the famous Teikō captain, Akashi Seijuro, was blocked by Bai Feng's third-rate teammate.

In this situation, how could the arrogant Wei Si not have emotional fluctuations.

Akashi's cold eyes were also locked on Bai Feng at this time.

If eyes could attack people, Bai Feng might have been cut by him thousands of times at this time.

After a brief gaze, Akashi had made up his mind.

He was going to play this ball alone, after all, his Emperor Eye had gone a step further just now.

The ‘future’ that can be seen now is longer-term.

Akashi thought that at this moment, he could completely ignore Bai Feng’s defense.

He wanted to let Bai Feng know that the so-called irreparable gap in Bai Feng’s physical fitness was nothing but bullshit in Akashi’s eyes!

After everything was decided.

Akashi’s eyes became even colder, and then the ‘Emperor Eye’ flashed a dangerous orange light.

Seeing this, Bai Feng also knew that the opponent was going to attack.

Sure enough, as Akashi’s eyes shrank, Akashi’s footsteps and the basketball in his hand began to move.

Bang! Bang!

It was still the same extremely simple and concise style of play.

Then, Akashi burst out to the right.

Bai Feng, of course, defended it at the first time.

But then, the orange pupils flashed violently.

Suddenly, he saw a longer-term picture than before.

Akashi showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and he was about to change direction to the left.

Akashi: "Your physical advantage no longer exists, Bai Feng!"

At this moment, Bai Feng was amazed by the "Emperor Eye" whose pupil power was enhanced.

He admitted that if he was still in the state before [Same Frequency], he would be more passive.

But now, it was completely different!

Akashi's lightning-fast attack broke through to the left.


Bai Feng's teammates double-teamed him directly from the left.

And the timing of the double-team overlapped with the moment when Akashi broke through.

This made Akashi, who was originally smiling because of the successful breakthrough, freeze his mouth instantly.

Because, firstly, he didn't expect to be double-teamed, and secondly, when he was blocked by the double-team.

He felt a great threat from Bai Feng.

Bai Feng saw that at the moment when Akashi was stiff because of the double-team.

He thrust his 216cm arm like a spear at the basketball in his hand.

Akashi had no time to continue his breakthrough after feeling the danger of being intercepted.

He hurriedly threw the ball, and the direction of his pass was near the bottom corner on the left.

That was exactly where Midorima was standing at the moment.

When the ball was thrown, Akashi breathed a sigh of relief for no reason.

The scene just now was too dangerous, and Akashi never thought that he would be double-teamed at the moment of his breakthrough.

The double-teamer who suddenly appeared was like a ghost, as if he knew the direction of his breakthrough in advance.

If Akashi's body control was not too strong, someone else would definitely have bumped into him.

But before Akashi could completely relax.


The sound of receiving the ball sounded, but it was not Midorima in the bottom corner who received Akashi's pass.

It was Taiga!

Taiga actually appeared directly in the route of Akashi's pass and intercepted the ball in advance.

4.8 ​​"What the hell?"

"What's going on!"

"How did this guy know where the ball would appear?"

"Why did Bai Feng's teammates suddenly change like that?"

"Fuck, are they all acting Bai Feng?" Feng? If they had played like this earlier, the score gap would have been so big?"

"You are focusing on the wrong point. I am an old fan of Bai Fengjun. I can tell you for sure that the changes of Jianguang players at this time are completely controlled by Bai Feng!"

"Fuck, it's outrageous. Jianguang players are just like sharing a brain!"

In the stands, thousands of spectators were shocked by the scene in the stadium at this time.

They didn't expect that Akashi's pass would be intercepted by a third-rate player.

And most importantly, they were all shocked by Jianguang's cooperation.

Is this still the Jianguang Middle School they are familiar with, the one that only Bai Feng can show off?

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