Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 87: Morning Pine High School, Familiar Faces

Chensong High School, campus!

"Look, look."

"That boy is so handsome!"

"Where is he?... Damn, he's too handsome."

"Sisters, who knows who he is? I want to know all his information.

"I haven't seen him in school before. He can't be a freshman.

Bai Feng walked alone in the campus, heading towards the basketball team.

At this time, it was already time for school to end in the afternoon.

He listened to the discussions about him from time to time around him, and Bai Feng had a blank expression.

But, although he couldn't see anything on the surface, Bai Feng was already a little irritated.

Although his appearance has always been very impressive, and with the passive temperament enhancement of [Leadership], he will become the focus wherever he goes.

And for so long, Bai Feng has long been immune to the discussions of outsiders.

But today, on the first day of school, he was still a little annoyed.

Not to mention the discussions of the girls around him, just the love letters he received today are almost filling up the desk.

Bai Feng was a little impressed at this time. This Sakura girl who entered high school was indeed more powerful than in junior high school.

She had simply completed the ultimate evolution.

Bai 01 Feng quickened his pace and walked towards the basketball hall.

Not long after, with his long legs rushing quickly, Bai Feng had already reached his destination.

Chensong Basketball Club!

Bai Feng looked at the gym in front of him, and he suddenly felt a little fresh.

After all, after being used to the old basketball hall in Jianguang, looking at this magnificent gym in front of him.

It really makes people feel comfortable.

Bai Feng did not stay at the door of the gym for long and walked in directly.



As soon as Bai Feng entered, he was attracted by the sound of the ball in the gym.

He found that many players had already appeared in the gym at this time.

Bai Feng thought there were not many people just now, but he didn't hear any sound outside.

The sound insulation of this gym is also good.

The moment Bai Feng entered, his arrival had attracted the attention of the people in the stadium.

After all, Bai Feng's presence is still too strong, with a height of more than two meters.

No matter where he goes, he is the most eye-catching.

"Look, that's Bai Feng."

"It's him, I've seen his photos in the media."

"So tall!"

"As expected of a star player in the junior high school world, he feels extraordinary!"

At this time, there were only two players standing on the other side of the field.

They looked at Bai Feng like everyone else.

One of the dark-skinned boys said: "Watanabe, the person you have always been curious about is here."

The boy called Watanabe looked at Bai Feng and smiled: "Yes, just looking at him, I feel that his style is different from that of the other players."

"As expected of a player who can wrestle with the Miracle Era by himself!"

After that, he turned his head and looked at the dark-skinned boy: "Hei Taoka, let's go say hello to him."

"Hello, you must be Bai Feng. "

Bai Feng looked at two players in front of him, both of whom were almost over 190cm tall.

One of them was black and the other was white, which was a sharp contrast.

After looking at them for a moment, Bai Feng replied: "It's me.

After getting Bai Feng's recognition, one of the boys with white skin smiled and said: "I am the captain of the team, Tomoya Watanabe, and the one next to me is the power forward Hei Taoka in the team."

After hearing the other party's self-introduction, Bai Feng also smiled and responded politely: "Senior, hello."

After seeing Bai Feng's politeness, Tomoya Watanabe smiled even brighter: "You're welcome, Bai Feng, just call me Watanabe in the future. The atmosphere in our Chensong team is very relaxed."

As he said, he looked at Hei Taoka next to him and said: "As for this guy, just call him nigger, everyone calls him that."

After saying that, Tomoya Watanabe couldn't help laughing.

"Hey, Watanabe, you guy, at least give me some face in front of the newcomers!"

"Oh, what's the matter? Everyone in the team calls you that anyway."

Bai Feng was speechless. The two seniors seemed a little unreliable.

They looked like calm and reliable seniors just now, but they started joking and playing in front of him, a newcomer, the next second.

Sure enough, they are just high school students even if they are mature.

Bai Feng: "Seniors, do I need any entry procedures?"

After hearing Bai Feng's question, Watanabe looked at him again.

Watanabe: "The coaching team has already prepared your entry procedures. Just wait and train together."

"You can go over there first. They are freshmen like you."

After saying that, Watanabe pointed in a direction.

Bai Feng nodded and greeted the two of them, then went to the first-year position.

He originally wanted to take a ball to train in advance.

However, Bai Feng saw a familiar figure of more than two meters in the direction of the first-year.

The other party also saw Bai Feng at this time and walked towards Bai Feng with a smile.

Bai Feng: "Zhang Heng, you're here so early."

Zhang Heng: "Haha, not bad."

That's right, the man in front of Bai Feng is the one who played in the regional knockout match before.

The ace center of Kanagawa International Middle School, Zhang Heng.

The Chinese brother who slapped two foreigners as soon as he came on the court.

The reason why the other party is here at this time is also related to Bai Feng.

In fact, the two have always been in contact. When Bai Feng decided to come to Chensong High School, he thought about getting this big Chinese.

After all, Bai Feng still recognized Zhang Heng's strength.

So he mentioned it to the other party, but he didn't expect that the other party agreed immediately.

Zhang Heng looked at Bai Feng at this time and said in shock: "Brother, when I first met you, you were only a little over 190cm."

"Now you are almost the same as me. I don't believe what they reported about you in the media."

Bai Feng: "It's okay, keep a low profile."

Zhang Heng: "......!"

Although the two of them have been in contact, they have not met since the game.

So Zhang Heng had only heard about Bai Feng's changes.

When the two chatted, the freshmen beside him looked at Bai Feng with their mouths wide open in surprise.

They didn't expect that the famous Tyrant would choose Morning Pine High School.

At this moment, their emotions were fluctuating fiercely. As players of the same grade as Bai Feng.

They knew Bai Feng's rise all the way very well.

Usually, the people in 603 could only regard Tyrant, Miracle Era, and other players as star players to watch from afar.

At this time, he actually appeared in front of them alive and became a teammate.

How could everyone not be excited!

"That... Mr. Bai Feng, do you still remember me?" Bai Feng suddenly heard a familiar voice behind him.

He looked back and saw that the other person was about 195 cm tall and had muscles all over his body.

After Bai Feng looked at the other person and responded carefully, he finally determined who the person was.

Bai Feng: "Are you... Kobayashi Ichiro from Chang Teng?"

Kobayashi Ichiro: "Haha, it's me, I didn't expect that we would become teammates. This is too coincidental."

When Bai Feng called his name, he laughed out loud.

At this moment, Ichiro Kobayashi felt that it must be his past performance that was recognized by Bai Feng.

But he didn't know that the reason why Bai Feng remembered him was because this guy once threatened to lock him up.

As a result, he was beaten to tears after the game, and the picture of crying was photographed by the media.

Finally, his title of tyrant was completely confirmed.

Bai Feng:

Zhang Heng: "Bai Feng, you are really popular."

"Look at the guy over there, he has been staring at you. After saying that, Zhang Heng pointed in the direction.

Hearing this, Bai Feng looked directly at the direction Zhang Heng pointed.

I saw a player about 1.8 meters tall looking at me with a scrutinizing face.

Bai Feng actually discovered the other party a long time ago, but he just ignored it. At this time, Zhang Heng discovered this guy.

It is conceivable how long the other party has been observing him.

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