The sky was full of smoke, but the sky was full of smoke.

Fang Jilai looked at Qingfeng Dahui, who was already three steps away from him, in confusion.

You flew away with a tentative step?

Although he was confused, Fang Jilai did not hesitate at all.

He quickly made a shooting motion and threw the basketball in an instant.

Qingfeng Dahui looked at the basketball passing through the sky helplessly, because Fang Jilai had already thrown the basketball before Qingfeng Dahui took a step.

Alai's shooting speed is really fast.

Qingfeng Dahui sighed in his heart, every time Fang Jilai shot, Qingfeng Dahui would feel very surprised.

Of course, this also inspired Qingfeng Dahui's fighting spirit. Qingfeng Dahui's favorite thing is to compete with strong people, and he also enjoys it.


The basketball went into the net, and the score was one to zero.


Qingfeng Dahui has the ball.

Qingfeng Dahui got the ball again. This time he didn't hesitate at all. After receiving the ball, he bent his body and immediately broke through from the right.

He wanted to take advantage of this to catch the opponent by surprise.

Fang Jilai did not expect Qingfeng Dahui to break through immediately, but Fang Jilai reacted quickly and immediately chased back.

Feeling Fang Jilai chasing him. Qingfeng Dahui didn't care about anything, and jumped up high with his left foot, trying to dunk the basketball into the basket.

Fang Jilai was also unambiguous, following Qingfeng Dahui closely. After Qingfeng Dahui jumped up, Fang Jilai followed with force and jumped from behind Qingfeng Dahui to prepare for a block.

Qingfeng Dahui felt Fang Jilai jump up to block him, so he quickly retracted his right hand, switched the basketball to his left hand, and then hooked it with his left hand, making a pull-up action.

Originally, he thought that this action could score a goal steadily, but when Qingfeng Dahui slowly fell, he felt that Fang Jilai was still flying in the sky.

What! What kind of air suspension is this! ! !

Qingfeng Dahui landed on his feet and looked back in surprise.

Bang! ! !

What he saw was the scene of Fang Jilai nailing the basketball on the backboard.

Nail the backboard and block it! !

Qingfeng Dahui was surprised. He couldn't believe that Fang Jilai's air suspension was so outrageous. He was still in the sky when he started to fall.

Fang Jilai looked indifferent and held the basketball to prepare to serve.

Qingfeng Dahui adjusted his mood in time, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

It's getting more and more exciting! ! !

Qingfeng Dahui is like this. The stronger the opponent, the more excited he is.

Qingfeng Dahui opened his arms to defend Fang Jilai.

Fang Jilai continued to make a tentative step.

This time Qingfeng Dahui learned his lesson and was not shaken off by Fang Jilai.

Seeing this, Fang Jilai made another fake shot.

Qingfeng Dahui, who knew that Fang Jilai's shot was extremely fast, did not dare to gamble, but he still did not jump, because he was also afraid that Fang Jilai's shot was also a fake move. Although he did not jump, his center of gravity was still slightly raised.

Fang Jilai noticed this subtle movement and quickly exerted force for the second time, and threw the basketball out.

Seeing Fang Jilai exert force for the second time to throw the basketball out, Qingfeng Dahui wanted to jump up to block it, but he was horrified to find that he could not jump up at all.

Qingfeng Dahui stood there in a daze, watching the basketball go into the basket.

The score was 2 to 0.

Qingfeng Dahui turned his head in confusion and asked:

"Why? Why can't I jump up?"

Fang Jilai chuckled:

"Center of gravity, I used a fake shot to lift your center of gravity. Because I haven't finished exerting force yet, I can exert force again to throw the basketball, but you can't."

Qingfeng Dahui nodded, picked up the basketball and prepared to attack.

As soon as Qingfeng Dahui held the ball, Fang Jilai came up to defend. Fang Jilai half-crouched, blocked Qingfeng Dahui's face with his right hand, and raised his left hand slightly to prevent Qingfeng Dahui from suddenly shooting, and also to block Qingfeng Dahui's vision a little.

But this action changed in Qingfeng Dahui's eyes.

Qingfeng Dahui felt that a black mist quickly appeared in Fang Jilai's right hand, and the mist quickly spread to Fang Jilai's entire right hand. After spreading to the entire right hand, the mist attached to Qingfeng Dahui's eyes, making Qingfeng Dahui's peripheral vision instantly dim.

There was nothing in his eyes except darkness.

I... Why can't I see anything?

Qingfeng Dahui, who suddenly felt that he could not see, was a little panicked.

Seeing that Qingfeng Dahui did not move, Fang Jilai guessed that Qingfeng Dahui had imagined something strange again. He showed no mercy and quickly moved his right hand.

Cut off Qingfeng Dahui's basketball.

Fang Jilai's right hand moved away, and Qingfeng Dahui's vision returned to normal. He noticed that the basketball was cut off, and quickly picked up the basketball and got it back.

Fang Jilai did not get the ball, so Fang Jilai hurriedly defended and blocked Qingfeng Dahui's sight with his right hand.

As his right hand blocked Qingfeng Dahui's sight, Qingfeng Dahui's eyes began to see nothing again, and only saw darkness.

Qingfeng Dahui shook his head, and when his head shook out of the range blocked by Fang Jilai's right hand, Qingfeng Dahui would recover his vision.

However, this recovery was very short, because Fang Jilai kept adjusting his right hand, so that it blocked Qingfeng Dahui's vision.

Qingfeng Dahui, who noticed this, no longer hesitated, and quickly broke through to the right with his excellent sense of balance.

At the moment of starting, Qingfeng Dahui's vision returned to normal, and Qingfeng Dahui laughed excitedly, secretly sighing that he had broken through Fang Jilai's skills.

But the next second, Qingfeng Dahui's eyes went dark again.

The sudden darkness made Qingfeng Dahui lose his sense of balance, and he fell to the ground all of a sudden.

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts."

Qingfeng Dahui covered his buttocks and wailed.

Fang Jilai hurried forward to check, and was relieved when he found that Qingfeng Dahui was not injured.

He asked speechlessly:

"What's wrong with you? You can fall on the ground."

Qingfeng Dahui was very unconvinced.

"What do you mean I fell on the ground? It's obviously because of you. Your skill that makes people disappear from vision is too outrageous."

"My eyes suddenly went black when I broke through. Who can't fall down?"

Qingfeng Dahui complained aggrievedly.

Fang Jilai showed a confused expression on his face. What the hell made his eyes go black?

"What did you say? What skill?"

Qingfeng Dahui expressed his feelings just now in a complaining way.

Fang Jilai's mouth twitched slightly after hearing it.

When will blindfolding help you see? Ah Da's imagination is getting more and more outrageous.

Normally, the attacker who is blindfolded can still see things, and it is impossible to defend with blindfold when breaking through.

But Qingfeng Daihui imagined it, and imagined it as a skill that makes people disappear from vision.

When the vision is blocked, the vision disappears, and when it is not blocked, the vision is restored.

Come on, Fang Jilai imagined another defensive skill.

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